Life Events for Secrets of the Weird Wizard (d6)



d6 Result


Someone important to you died. They might have been a romantic partner, a family member, or a close personal friend. The loss hollows you out, pushing you to the point of breaking. Who was this person? Were you involved in the death? How does this loss propel your story?


You lost the friendship, trust, and respect of someone important to you. This development diminishes you and might make you ask questions about your behavior. Who was this person to you and what did you do to ruin the relationship?


Your business or professional reputation in your community has suffered a setback of such magnitude that it is no longer possible for you to conduct business there. What happened? Did you make a bad investment? Or perhaps some natural disaster brought ruin down on your head.


You have been disgraced. You did something that the community cannot forgive. Maybe you had been keeping a secret for a long time and the truth came out. Possibly you harmed someone, directly or not, and that harm led to a tragic outcome. Decide what happened and what you must do, if anything, to repair your reputation.


Someone you cared about has vanished. You have not yet found any leads, and your efforts to find this person have turned up nothing. Who is this person? Do you have suspicions?


You have lost something important to you. You might have misplaced it, or it could have been stolen. The item has no monetary value, nor does its absence diminish your capabilities, but it was important all the same and you feel its absence keenly. Maybe it was something your father had made for you, a love letter or lock of hair from your paramour, or something you created. How did you lose this item? Is it something you can recover?


d6 Result


You fell ill and spent your time in convalescence. A pox might have left scars on your body, or you suffered some other malady that left you with a racking cough, rheumy eyes, and sallow skin.


You fell into debt and it hangs over you. Your debts might have come from gambling, a business downturn, or blackmail.


You were arrested and spent time in prison. You might have been innocent and secured your release after proving you had nothing to do with the crime. Or maybe you did commit the crime and someone helped you escape.


Your reputation has suffered of late. Perhaps you insulted someone of importance or you made a fool of yourself in front of a crowd. In any event, people in your community have lost respect for you, and it will take some doing to get back into their good graces.


You have been betrayed by someone you trust. A lover might have found someone else, a friend revealed one of your secrets, or a family member squandered your inheritance.


You were the victim of a crime. You were mugged in an alley, your home was burgled, or maybe you were beaten and left for dead. You bear the scars from this encounter.


d6 Result


You made a friend, gained a lover, or discovered an unknown relative. Who is this person? How did you meet? What helped you form the bond?


You made art. You painted a painting, wrote a poem, composed a song, or created something else of beauty for its own sake.


You traveled to some place and returned. You relaxed, collected yourself, and now feel invigorated.


You explored your spirituality. You might have joined a religion or spent time developing your faith with likeminded believers. Do you follow a god? Which one and why? If you already followed a particular deity, how did you serve your faith?


You educated yourself on a subject. You might have learned about the geography of the lands within 100 miles, studied religion or philosophy, or spent time learning a craft. Which field did you study? What did you hope to learn?


You changed something about your appearance. You might have gotten a tattoo or one or more piercings, changed your hair, lost or gained weight.


d6 Result


You gained fame in your community. Most people recognize you by sight, know your name, and can recount some of your most daring exploits. Have you cultivated your reputation, or has it grown without you having to do anything? How do you feel about being famous, even to just a few people?


You saved someone’s life. You might have rescued a child from a monster, repelled an attack by a killer, or pulled someone out of danger. Who did you help? Why did you help this person? What were some of the immediate results from this act?


You helped solve a crime, put an end to a threat, or saved the community from some danger. What was this and how did you become involved? Do you have any mementos from your efforts, such as a scar or a “key to the city”?


You spent your time helping the poor, the needy, and the suffering. You might have worked to heal the sick, provide shelter to orphans, or feed the hungry. What inspired your charitable contributions? Did you meet anyone interesting along the way?


You passed your time carousing. Maybe you became a regular in a tavern or gambled in a gaming parlor. You might have rubbed elbows with high society, attended plays and concerts, or enjoyed other diversions.


You spent your time working in your profession. Not much happened that’s worth recalling, but you enjoyed regular meals, a roof over your head, and a few extra coins in your pocket.


d6 Result


You found a map, a strange book, an object of uncertain function, purpose, or the like. You are certain this discovery will figure into some future event, but you are not yet sure how.


You met someone who has become quite close to you. This person could be a boon companion, a friend with whom you know you can share your secrets, or a romantic partner. They could also be your child, either by birth or adoption.


You acquire some property in your community. It might be an empty lot, a small house, a boat, or something more substantial, as the Sage decides.


You learn something important that will have bearing on a future quest. This knowledge might be how to bypass a trap, a secret entrance to a dungeon you would explore, or a password you can speak to slip past the guards. The Sage tells you what knowledgeyou gain from this result.


You were rewarded for some deed in a public ceremony, gaining a title, status, and influence in your community. What did you do to earn this acclaim?


An important and powerful person or organization makes contact and seeks to establish a relationship. A dangerous wizard, a traveling knight, a representative of the druids or seekers, or a coven of witches: any of these and more could have sought you out. They might become powerful friends, but it’s more likely that they want something from you.


d6 Result


You come into money, having won it in a game of chance, inherited it from a long-lost relative, or found it on a side quest. You have 1d20 gp left when your next quest begins.


A peasant comes to you and, on bended knee, swears to serve you. The peasant becomes your companion and is under your control until you release them from your service.


You acquire an incantation containing a spell of a tier one below your current tier (if you are a novice, the spell is a novice spell). Alternatively, you gain one rare or more common consumable of your choice.


A wealthy local offers to fund your next quest. You receive provisions, clothing, horses, and 5 gp to spend on arms and armor.


A potent spellcaster offers to transport you and your companions to some far-flung destination. You can use this favor once, teleporting to a well-known space of your choosing within 100 miles.


A priest of a local faith blesses you and your companions. Each of you gains a blessing that retains potency until the end of your next quest. You can expend the blessing when you make an attribute roll or a luck roll to make the roll with 1 boon.