d6 Result


Someone important to you died. They might have been a romantic partner, a family member, or a close personal friend. The loss hollows you out, pushing you to the point of breaking. Who was this person? Were you involved in the death? How does this loss propel your story?


You lost the friendship, trust, and respect of someone important to you. This development diminishes you and might make you ask questions about your behavior. Who was this person to you and what did you do to ruin the relationship?


Your business or professional reputation in your community has suffered a setback of such magnitude that it is no longer possible for you to conduct business there. What happened? Did you make a bad investment? Or perhaps some natural disaster brought ruin down on your head.


You have been disgraced. You did something that the community cannot forgive. Maybe you had been keeping a secret for a long time and the truth came out. Possibly you harmed someone, directly or not, and that harm led to a tragic outcome. Decide what happened and what you must do, if anything, to repair your reputation.


Someone you cared about has vanished. You have not yet found any leads, and your efforts to find this person have turned up nothing. Who is this person? Do you have suspicions?


You have lost something important to you. You might have misplaced it, or it could have been stolen. The item has no monetary value, nor does its absence diminish your capabilities, but it was important all the same and you feel its absence keenly. Maybe it was something your father had made for you, a love letter or lock of hair from your paramour, or something you created. How did you lose this item? Is it something you can recover?