d6 Result


You gained fame in your community. Most people recognize you by sight, know your name, and can recount some of your most daring exploits. Have you cultivated your reputation, or has it grown without you having to do anything? How do you feel about being famous, even to just a few people?


You saved someone’s life. You might have rescued a child from a monster, repelled an attack by a killer, or pulled someone out of danger. Who did you help? Why did you help this person? What were some of the immediate results from this act?


You helped solve a crime, put an end to a threat, or saved the community from some danger. What was this and how did you become involved? Do you have any mementos from your efforts, such as a scar or a “key to the city”?


You spent your time helping the poor, the needy, and the suffering. You might have worked to heal the sick, provide shelter to orphans, or feed the hungry. What inspired your charitable contributions? Did you meet anyone interesting along the way?


You passed your time carousing. Maybe you became a regular in a tavern or gambled in a gaming parlor. You might have rubbed elbows with high society, attended plays and concerts, or enjoyed other diversions.


You spent your time working in your profession. Not much happened that’s worth recalling, but you enjoyed regular meals, a roof over your head, and a few extra coins in your pocket.