d6 Result


You found a map, a strange book, an object of uncertain function, purpose, or the like. You are certain this discovery will figure into some future event, but you are not yet sure how.


You met someone who has become quite close to you. This person could be a boon companion, a friend with whom you know you can share your secrets, or a romantic partner. They could also be your child, either by birth or adoption.


You acquire some property in your community. It might be an empty lot, a small house, a boat, or something more substantial, as the Sage decides.


You learn something important that will have bearing on a future quest. This knowledge might be how to bypass a trap, a secret entrance to a dungeon you would explore, or a password you can speak to slip past the guards. The Sage tells you what knowledgeyou gain from this result.


You were rewarded for some deed in a public ceremony, gaining a title, status, and influence in your community. What did you do to earn this acclaim?


An important and powerful person or organization makes contact and seeks to establish a relationship. A dangerous wizard, a traveling knight, a representative of the druids or seekers, or a coven of witches: any of these and more could have sought you out. They might become powerful friends, but it’s more likely that they want something from you.