d6 Result


You made a friend, gained a lover, or discovered an unknown relative. Who is this person? How did you meet? What helped you form the bond?


You made art. You painted a painting, wrote a poem, composed a song, or created something else of beauty for its own sake.


You traveled to some place and returned. You relaxed, collected yourself, and now feel invigorated.


You explored your spirituality. You might have joined a religion or spent time developing your faith with likeminded believers. Do you follow a god? Which one and why? If you already followed a particular deity, how did you serve your faith?


You educated yourself on a subject. You might have learned about the geography of the lands within 100 miles, studied religion or philosophy, or spent time learning a craft. Which field did you study? What did you hope to learn?


You changed something about your appearance. You might have gotten a tattoo or one or more piercings, changed your hair, lost or gained weight.