PA - Merc Background (d8)

d8 Result



You’ve survived just by being one of the strongest fuckers around. Big, hunky, and musclebound, you’ve plenty of might and no hesitation about using it, whether for right or no. You might have worked as a pit fighter for the entertainment of crowds, served as a warlord’s guard, or simply took what you wanted from people weaker than you just because you could.

Brute Background: Roll on "BRUTE BACKGROUNDS"

Languages: English (Roll on "Know Read and Write Language")



You’ve travelled far and wide across the Wasteland, but even after all this time, you’ve still not seen it all. You find it hard to stay in one place for long. The road always calls you back. So, you don’t put down roots and you sure as hell haven’t made any last arrangements. Of course, this could change if you meet the right people, but so far that hasn’t happened.

Drifter Background: Roll on "DRIFTER BACKGROUNDS"

Languages: English (Roll on "Know Read and Write Language"), Roll on "Languages" , Roll on "Languages"



There’s something about you that other people like. You might have a trusting face, a quick wit, or a magnetic personality. Who the fuck knows?! The main thing is that you’re good at making friends and getting people to believe you, and sometimes even trust you. You can use your talent for good or you can be a real piece of shit and exploit the dumbasses too thick to see you for the charlatan narcissist you really are.

Face Background: Roll on "FACE BACKGROUNDS"

Languages: English (Roll on "Know Read and Write Language"), Roll on "Languages"Roll on "Languages"



People might have given up their allegiances and beliefs when the world went to shit, but you still cling hard to what you think is important. You might be a religious fanatic, a patriot, or just committed to a cause you believe is greater than yourself. Whatever it is, it helps you get up every day, drives you, and gives you purpose to get shit done.

Fanatic Background: Roll on "FANATIC BACKGROUNDS"

Languages: English (Roll on "Know Read and Write Language")


People form gangs all the time, usually held together by the leadership of a charismatic and exceptionally tough fucker. Gangs might be vicious assholes who prey on the weak or noble sorts who follow some particular code of honor like protecting the weak or some shit like that—but usually it’s the former.
Whatever the case, you found yourself in a gang and stayed with them for a while before you struck out on your own; because of this, you might have some bad blood with your old companions, in which case you’ll be spending a lot of time looking over your shoulder. Or, your gang could have fallen apart after having its ass kicked by mutants, the V Reich, or another, stronger gang. Whatever it is, you might be done with the past, but the past ain’t done with you, friendo.

Ganger Background: Roll on "GANGER BACKGROUNDS"

Languages: English (Roll on "Know Read and Write Language")


You’re something of an anomaly. Most of the smart folks wound up in one of the Megalopoli, but not you. Somehow you got stuck in the Wasteland along with everyone else, and with a head full of knowledge, useful or useless depending on where you are at the time. Your smarts mean you can figure out problems, remember useful details, and generally be the most brilliant asshole around.

Genius Background: Roll on "GENIUS BACKGROUNDS"

Languages: English (Roll on "Know Read and Write Language"), Roll on "Languages" , Roll on "Languages"



The Wasteland might seem empty and shitty—because for the most part, it is—but for those who know where to look, it holds all kinds of treasures. You’ve made a life for yourself finding usuable shit, from guns and bullets to food and meds in order to keep you and those you care about from turning into mutant wastoids. You have a knack for finding useful stuff in places others would overlook.

Scavenger Background: Roll on "SCAVENGER BACKGROUNDS"

Languages: English (Roll on "Know Read and Write Language")



It ain’t easy living in the Wasteland, but somehow you always manage. You’ve found ways to deal with the hardships in this terrible world, managing to find clean water and edible food, all while avoiding the worst of the shit the Wasteland could throw at you. You can draw on your experiences to help you and your companions stay alive.

Survivor Background: Roll on "SURVIVOR BACKGROUNDS"

Languages: English (Roll on "Know Read and Write Language")