Focus (d10)

d10 Result


Balanced - The House spreads its power fairly evenly, controlling respectable amounts of territory, resources and underlings.


Numbers - The House commands the loyalty of a high number of followers for its size.


Territory - This House has a controls a larger-than-average section of the Hive - perhaps even covering multiple Hives, if it's big enough.


Influence - It's not what you know, it's who you know. This House knows how to make friends, and can command a good deal of influence throughout the Hive.


Wealth - This House has a lot of money for its size, and isn't afraid to spend it.


Resources - The House controls a lot of resources, which it uses as leverage on others and to run its own operations.


Equipment - The warriors of this House carry the best gear, with one of them being a match for three other gang thugs.


Reputation - It's better to be feared than to be loved, and this House has a notorious reputation that gives their enemies pause.


Health - Through access to resources, eugenics programs or survival of the fittest, members of this House are at their physical peak.


Roll on "Focus"

Roll on "Focus"