World Ending Diseases (d10)

from Mothership - The Hive-mind discord channel

d10 Result


Give Up Syndrome - Memetic hazard spread through computer virus. Victims begin to devote increasing time jacking off to anime porn, up until and partially through societal collapse. Originally developed as a spam advertisement with a far-too-adaptive algorithm.


Nomenstruater -- an infectious spiroquette bacteria that bores into the ovaries eggs like deckscrews into boards. The PMS during these periods has sent many societies to an early collapse. Schedule Y quarantine is required within 12 hours of 1st report. Favored threat of mafia to pull the plug on uncooperative governments.


Ransack. A prion that attacks the reward centers of the brain, causing a compulsion for consumption and greed combined with cutting impulse control to near-zero. This inevitably leads to large-scale rioting as victims try to steal anything they have even a passing desire for; the blood shed during these altercations is the prime transmission vector. On space stations and young colonies, Ransack is a rapid and brutal killer, leaving them messily depopulated. On larger worlds, Ransacked settlements can be quarantined, and outbreaks often give a convenient excuse for planetary governments to crack down on protests and public events in the event that they will turn ultraviolent at the hands of the disease.


Morbus Boletus: A fungal infection that passed through spores floating in the air. The victims begin to eat everything in sight including non edible items and members of their own species. The infectious are reported to eat until they burst, at which time they release more spores into the atmosphere. The bodies are reported to also grow giant mushrooms, that also spread spores. Planets that fall prey to this horrible disease are often covered in mushroom forests with an inhospitable atmospheric conditions within a year or two of an outbreak.


Pompeii Virus - Bio-engineered virus which causes violent vomiting and defecation followed by developing a rapid variant of Fibrodysplasia in the end stages of the disease (ca. 2 weeks). The vomit and fecal matter serve as extremely effective vectors of transmission, causing the same symptoms to occur in 85% of those who come into contact with the infected bodily fluids. After about two weeks, nothing but a deformed skeletal shell remains of the victims of this terrifying virus, which is where the name originates from. Contorted and with visible signs of agony forever painted on their faces, these once living statues strike fear into all hearts.


The Rack - Air-born virus that triggers the growth hormone for bones in adult humans. All the victims bones grow by 5% per day.
Day 0-10 - Dormant but infectious
Day 11 - Starts with an increased appetite and aching limbs.
Day 12 - Extremely painful as muscles and ligaments begin to go taut.
Day 13 - Muscle and ligaments begin to tear, patient can no longer move.
Day 14 - Major muscles detached from bones, skin begins to tear
Day 15 - Death from internal bleeding


Ghost X aka "The Blue Dream"
A semi-intelligent adaptive computer virus that has evolved to run on human brains. It always begins within a population as an electronic transmission, effecting machines and creating it's own network of stolen memory and capability. At this stage it's smart enough to be mostly undetectable except for minor slowing of devices. Once it has enough computing power it begins taking over minds through audio and visual hypnotic commands and cortex overwrites seemingly borrowed from an alien bio computing tradition.
While the result is the same as a military extinction virus, Ghost X appears to be an amateurish hack - it creates zombies (both cybernetic and human) but these victims - while having all but their basic functions destroyed endlessly write "GhostXRulerzX3.14.789.733TXH4x0RX" either on screen or as graffitti.
Before zombie state many victims (along with making noises that can pass the virus) claim that everything is blue. A deep blue is most often described.


Slimmers. Originally an engineered parasite marketed as a biotic weight-loss solution. Has evolved and adapted rapidly to spread throughout a population. At least you'll die beautiful...


Devolv. A virus that forces the expression of junk DNA and massive cell turnover. Mostly just causes massive cancers, but victims occasionally develop twisted animalistic features in the process. Spreads through fluid transfer.


Omega. A sexually transmitted disease that increases sexual libido in the infected while sterilizing males who come in contact with it. Damage is irreversible and can lead to the sterilization of entire planets and eventual extinction.