Criminal Professions (d20)

d20 Result


Bandit. You waylaid and robbed travelers to earn enough coin to survive. You have a bow and arrows.


Burglar. You made ends meet by breaking into buildings and pilfering their contents. You have a set of lock picks.


Charlatan. You know how to trick people out of their coins. You have a dagger, a deck of cards, and a case holding 10 tiny bottles filled with alcohol in different colors.


Constable. You patrolled your community to uphold the law and protect the citizens from lawbreakers. You have a club and a badge of office


Detective. You investigated crimes committed in your community. You could have been a member of law enforcement or a private investigator. You have a magnifying glass.


Forger. You earned a living by making fake copies of offi- cial documents. You have a writing kit.


Grave Robber. You stole valuables from the dead and sold them to buy food and shelter. You might also have stolen corpses for interested buyers. You have a shovel (treat as an improvised weapon).


Jailer. You watched over prisoners sentenced to spend time in your dungeon. You have a club and a lantern.


Mugger. You threatened or roughed up people and then took their money. You have a blackjack (treat as a club)


Rake. You fleeced people of their valuables, then squandered your earnings on gambling and carousing. You have either a deck of cards or a set of dice.