Aristocratic Professions (d20)

d20 Result


Carouser. A lesser scion of a noble house, you spent your days frittering away your inheritance in gambling halls and taverns. You have a deck of cards or a set of dice.


Dilettante. You were a patron to artists, poets, and musicians; you gave funds to anyone who impressed you. You have a work of art created by one of those under your patronage that could be worth as much as 1 gp.


Influencer. Your opinions determined which trends and fads swept through the upper classes. You were renowned for your impeccable taste and often envied for your life of luxury. You have a set of superior clothing.


Landholder. You owned an extensive plot of land and likely had a noble title to go with your holdings. You have a sword.


Merchant. You belonged to the class of the newly rich, having made your money in commerce rather than through inheritance. Your wealth opened doors for you, but you never found acceptance among the elite. You have a cart and a pack animal to draw it. Add one non-secret language of your choice to the languages you know.