Noble Entourage in Narbondellyn (OotA Subtable) (d4)

If the adventurers encounter a noble in Narbondellyn, roll on this table to determine who the noble is travelling with.

d4 Result


A Roll d2 on [1-3:noble;4:noble accompanied by a succubus or incubus in drow form and] accompanied by eight drow warriors


A Roll d2 on [1-3:noble;4:noble accompanied by a succubus or incubus in drow form and] accompanied by eight drow warriors. The noble is being carried on a palanquin by 6 Roll d3 on [1-2:shield dwarf;3-4:moon elf;5-6:human] commonerss.

Out of the Abyss Chapter 15: The City of Spiders