Particulars 3 (d20)

d20 Result NPC Role in Enclave Source of Influence


Loudly bigoted against another enclave

The finest and most respected farmer in the enclave

Has blackmail evidence on the enclave's leader


Resolve: {Near-sighted|Hard of hearing}

The enclave's best hunter

Amazing knack for finding food


Scars over a missing Resolve: {hand|eye|foot}

Cruelly oppressed house servant for the elite

Has done favors for everyone in the enclave


Traces of a Resolve: {amoeba-like|chitinous|furred|fungal|plant-like|finned|metallic|scaled|tentacular} mutation stigmata on body

Enclave's caretaker for the sick and crippled

Remarkable powers of seduction


Resolve: {Mute|Possessing a speech debility}

Favorite concubine to an imporant leader

Believed specially blessed by God


Elaborate Resolve: {tattoos|piercings}

A scout roving the nearby lands for signs of trouble

Hereditary authority rests in their bloodline


Limb crippled from old Resolve: {wound|accident}

Tech maintaining arcane and balky relics

Owns a powerful relic used for the good of the enclave


Extensive scarring over some visible skin

Clergy of the enclave's dominant faith

Performed a mighty deed of arms that saved the enclave


Fastidiously clean and neat

Beggar, if the enclave is big enough for such

Married into a powerful local family


Uses a particular phrase over and over

Sage versed in Old Terran lore

Respected for presciently wise advice and good judgement


Always accompanied by another NPC

Harried official of the enclave's government

Years of friendship with important enclave figures


Always predicting the worst possible outcome

Scrapsmith forging necessities from spare parts

Best trader in the enclave, has many foreign friends


Icy scorn for a particular Resolve: {gender|ethnicity}

Stranger who wandered in recently from afar

Accidentally crippled by enclave leader; guilt brings influence


Talks loudly and slowly to outsiders

Missionary of another faith - openly or otherwise

Found a cache of precious tech and shares it with enclave


Answers questions with another question

Wandering Resolve: {historian|sage}

In their youth, was a great adventurer - by local standards


Resolve: {Bald|Fanciful hair style}

Resolve: {Judge|Magistrate} of the enclave

Respected for rigorously upright spiritual life


Always toying with their weapons

Owner of the biggest Resolve: {farm|house} in the enclave

Children or siblings married into half the enclave's families


Quotes religious scriptures constantly

Resolve: {Head|Eldest heir} of a large and powerful family

Secret psychic powers


Indiscriminate flatterer

Former wanderer made mentally ill by experiments

Hidden ties with an outside Resolve: {raider|cult} group


No sense of humor whatsoever

Heir of the enclave's ruler

Irresistably charming and well-loved by enclave