Things you find in a Sewer (d10)

d10 Result


Roll 2d6 Resolve: {rats|spiders|insects} surge past you heading in the same direction you are, Resolve: {they are fleeing a larger predator approaching|recent sewer works have disturbed them|they are hunting for food}.


You meet a team of Roll d4 Resolve: {peasants|townsfolk|militia} who are exploring the sewer by Resolve: {flickering|steady} torch-light, Resolve: {they are looking for a lost child|they are patrolling the sewers after a recent monster attack|they are looking for a valuable item lost down here}.


A large bundle of rags and detritus lies against a far wall, if examined Resolve: {a rabid dog emerges and attacks|hungry rats attack them|they find {a broken child's toy}|they find some shards of broken coloured glass|blood-stained clothing|they find a dead rat|they find some rat droppings|they find an empty waterskin|they find a dog turd}.


A large bundle of rags and detritus lies against a far wall, if examined they find Roll 2d6GP.


Bobbing up and down in the water is a dirty looking Resolve: {clear|red|green|veridian|emerald|blue|olive} coloured glass bottle, inside it is Resolve: {nothing of interest|a roughly sketched map of the nearby sewer tunnels|what appear to be two teeth|foul smelling sewer water|a slightly-stale beer|a powerful spirit|a message from an unknown person desperately asking for help}.


A large, congealed mass of Resolve: {fat|effluence|unnamed substances} and Resolve: {plant matter|animal matter|other foulness} drifts Resolve: {slowly by|lazily by|by at a leisurely pace}.


You are attacked by a Resolve: {giant sewer-gator|sewer-dwelling pig|dark-dwelling morlock|rabid hound} Resolve: {whose territory you have wondered into|that is out looking for food|that has been stalking the player-characters for some time|that was pursuing someone else and has bumped into you by chance}.


You are attacked by Roll 1d6 Resolve: {giant sewer-gators|sewer-dwelling pigs|dark-dwelling morlocks|rabid hounds|giant insects|giant rats} Resolve: {whose territory you have wondered into|that is out looking for food|that has been stalking the player-characters for some time|that was pursuing someone else and has bumped into you by chance}.


You find the Resolve: {gnawed|bleached|crumbling|stained} Resolve: {bones|corpse|body} of a Resolve: {long dead adventurer|missing militaman|towns-person}, there is Resolve: {nothing of interest|a rusty weapon|a waterskin and a day of half-moudly provisions|a minor magical item} on the body.


You find the Resolve: {gnawed|bleached|crumbling|stained} Resolve: {bones|corpse|body} of a Resolve: {long dead adventurer|missing militaman|towns-person}, there are Roll 2d6GP on the body.