MCC / Gamma World NPC Creator - Work in Progress

Create Background NPCs for your Post Apocalyptic Games

This is a work in progress

Gamma World 4th Edition is the most complete ruleset at this point. Mutations are missing on everything except Out of the box mutations for 4th edition.

Tech Level
1 = Stone Age
2 = Dungeons and Dragons
3 = Steam Punk / Old West / Boot Hill
4 = World War 2
5 = Cybernetics, Synthetics, and Microcomputers
6 = Rayguns and Spaceships

Human = Pure Strain Human
Mutant Human = A Human who has been mutated
Pure Strain Animals = An intelligent Animal who is immune to mutations.
Mutant Animals (Animants) = Mutant Animals that are not humanoid.
Mutant Animals (Manimals) = Mutant Animals that are humanoid.
Mutant Plant = Mutant Plants, Fungi, and other Non-Animal / Human mutants.

This chart uses input variables
  • Animal_Type
  • Tech_Level
  • Sex
  • Genotype
  • System

{%Genotype = {$Genotype} %}

{%ideal={CHART(id="9657", cols="1")}%}
{%if System == {MCC}%}
{%MCCstrM={CHART(id="7971", filter="as{$str}", filter_cols="1" cols="2")}%}
{%MCCdexM={CHART(id="7971", filter="as{$dex}", filter_cols="1" cols="2")}%}
{%MCCconM={CHART(id="7971", filter="as{$con}", filter_cols="1" cols="2")}%}
{%MCCchrM={CHART(id="7971", filter="as{$chr}", filter_cols="1" cols="2")}%}
{%MCCintM={CHART(id="7971", filter="as{$int}", filter_cols="1" cols="2")}%}
{%MCCwisM={CHART(id="7971", filter="as{$wis}", filter_cols="1" cols="2")}%}
{%MCCMaxTech={CHART(id="7971", filter="as{$int}", filter_cols="1" cols="3")}%}
{%if Sex == {Male}%}
{%if System == {Gamma World 1}%}
{%str = {3d6} %}
{%dex = {3d6} %}
{%con = {3d6} %}
{%con = {3d6} %}
{%int = {3d6} %}
{%wis = {3d6} %}

    {%if Genotype == {Human}%}
        {%chr={min(18,3d6+3)} %}
        {%chr={3d6} %}

    {%hp = {{$con}d6} %}


{%if System == {Gamma World 2}%}
{%str={highest(3, 4d6)}%}
{%dex={highest(3, 4d6)}%}
{%if Sex == {Genderless}%}
{%chr = {min(21,4d6)} %}
{%int = {min(21,4d6)} %}

        {%hp = {{$con}d8} %}

        {%con={highest(3, 4d6)} %}
        {%chr={highest(3, 4d6)} %}
        {%int={highest(3, 4d6)}%}

        {%hp = {{$con}d6} %}

    {%wis={highest(3, 4d6)}%}

{%if Sex == {Male}%}

{%if System == {Gamma World 3}%}
{%str = {highest(3, 4d6)} %}
{%dex = {highest(3, 4d6)} %}
{%chr = {highest(3, 4d6)} %}
{%int = {highest(3, 4d6)} %}
{%if Genotype == {Human}%}
{%temp = {highest(3, 4d6)}%}
{%wis={{$temp}-3} %}
{%wis={highest(3, 4d6)} %}

{% con = {highest(3, 4d6)} %}
{% temp = {{$con}d6} %}
{% hp = {{$con} + {$temp}} %}


{%if System == {Gamma World 4}%}
{%if Genotype == {Human}%}
{%str = {highest(3, 4d6)} %}
{%dex = {highest(3, 4d6)} %}
{%con = {highest(3, 4d6)} %}
{%con = {{$con}+3} %}
{%wis = {highest(3, 4d6)} %}
{%chr = {highest(3, 4d6)} %}
{%chr = {{$chr}+3} %}
{%int = {highest(3, 4d6)} %}
{%int = {{$int}+3} %}
{%sn = {3d6} %}
{%if Genotype == {Mutant Human}%}
{%str = {highest(3, 4d6)} %}
{%dex = {highest(3, 4d6)} %}
{%con = {highest(3, 4d6)} %}
{%con = {max (8, {$con}) } %}
{%wis = {highest(3, 4d6)} %}
{%chr = {highest(3, 4d6)} %}
{%int = {highest(3, 4d6)} %}
{%sn = {3d6} %}
{%if Genotype == {Pure Strain Animals}%}
{%str = {2d4+CHART(id="9179", filter="{$Animal_Type}" cols="2")} %}
{%dex = {2d4+CHART(id="9179", filter="{$Animal_Type}" cols="3")} %}
{%con = {2d4+CHART(id="9179", filter="{$Animal_Type}" cols="4")} %}
{%wis = {3d6} %}
{%chr = {3d6} %}
{%int = {3d6} %}
{%sn = {highest(3, 4d6)} %}
{%if Genotype == {Mutant Animal (Animants)}%}
{%str = {2d4+CHART(id="9179", filter="{$Animal_Type}" cols="2")} %}
{%dex = {2d4+CHART(id="9179", filter="{$Animal_Type}" cols="3")} %}
{%con = {2d4+CHART(id="9179", filter="{$Animal_Type}" cols="4")} %}
{%wis = {3d6} %}
{%chr = {3d6} %}
{%int = {3d6} %}
{%sn = {highest(3, 4d6)} %}
{%if Genotype == {Mutant Animal (Manimals)}%}
{%str = {2d4+CHART(id="9179", filter="{$Animal_Type}" cols="2")} %}
{%dex = {2d4+CHART(id="9179", filter="{$Animal_Type}" cols="3")} %}
{%con = {2d4+CHART(id="9179", filter="{$Animal_Type}" cols="4")} %}
{%wis = {3d6} %}
{%chr = {3d6} %}
{%int = {3d6} %}
{%sn = {highest(3, 4d6)} %}

    {%if Genotype == {Mutant Plant}%}
  Mutant Plants are under construction
        {%str = {2d4+CHART(id="9179", filter="{$Animal_Type}" cols="2")} %}
  {%dex = {2d4+CHART(id="9179", filter="{$Animal_Type}" cols="3")} %}
  {%con = {2d4+CHART(id="9179", filter="{$Animal_Type}" cols="4")} %}
  {%wis = {3d6} %}
  {%chr = {3d6} %}
  {%int = {3d6} %}
  {%sn = {highest(3, 4d6)} %}


    {%hp = {{$con}d6+{$con}} %}


{%if System == {Gamma World 5}%}
Gamma World 5th Edition - Not completed

{%if System == {Gamma World 6}%}
Gamma World 6th Edition - Not completed
{%if System == {Gamma World 7}%}

Gamma World 7th Edition - Not completed


{% FirstName = "Bob" %}
{%if Sex == "Male"%}
{% FirstName = {CHART(8450)} %}
{%if Sex == "Female"%}
{% FirstName = {CHART(8451)} %}
{%if Sex == "Genderless"%}
{% FirstName = {CHART(8452)} %}

Introduction: Hi, my name is {$FirstName}; I am {%if Genotype == {Mutant Human}%}a mutated human{%end%}{%if Genotype == {Mutant Plant}%}a mutated plant {%end%}{%if Genotype == {Human}%}an unmutated human{%end%}{%if Genotype == {Mutant Animal (Animants)}%}a mutanted {$Animal_Type}{%end%}{%if Genotype == {Mutant Animal (Manimals)}%}a humanoid {$Animal_Type}{%end%}{%if Genotype == {Pure Strain Animals}%}an uplifted {$Animal_Type}{%end%}. One thing you should know about me is that Roll on "Traits" Roll on "Ideals" (cols="2", filter="{$ideal}", filter_cols="1"). I want LOWER(Roll on "What Drives Me").

Background Information: {%if Sex == {Male}%}He is{%end%}{%if Sex == {Female}%}She is{%end%}{%if Sex == {Genderless}%}They are{%end%} Roll on "Height" {$Sex} {%if Genotype == {Mutant Plant}%}Mutant Plant{%end%}{%if Genotype == {Human}%}Pure Strain Human{%end%}{%if Genotype == {Mutant Animal (Animants)}%}Mutant {$Animal_Type}{%end%}{%if Genotype == {Mutant Animal (Manimals)}%}Humanoid {$Animal_Type}{%end%}{%if Genotype == {Pure Strain Animals}%}Intelligent {$Animal_Type}{%end%} with a Roll on "Build" build, Roll on "Human Eyes" eyes, and Roll on "Hair" Roll on "Human hair" hair. {%if Sex == {Male}%}His{%end%}{%if Sex == {Female}%}Her{%end%}{%if Sex == {Genderless}%}Their{%end%} face Roll on "Facial features" and {%if Sex == {Male}%}he{%end%}{%if Sex == {Female}%}she{%end%}{%if Sex == {Genderless}%}they {%end%} speak{%if Sex == {Male}%}s{%end%}{%if Sex == {Female}%}s{%end%}{%if Sex == {Genderless}%}{%end%} with a Roll on "Speech" voice. {%if Sex == {Male}%}He {%end%}{%if Sex == {Female}%}She {%end%}{%if Sex == {Genderless}%}They {%end%}has a reputation that {%if Sex == {Male}%}he{%end%}{%if Sex == {Female}%}she{%end%}{%if Sex == {Genderless}%}they{%end%} LOWER(Roll on "Characteristics") and for being LOWER(Roll on "Personality").

System: {$System}

Gender: {$Sex}
My Personal Moral Code: ({$ideal})
Suggested Alignment: Roll on "Ideals" (cols="3", filter="{$ideal}", filter_cols="1")
Armor: Roll on "Armor" (cols="{$Tech_Level}", filter_cols="1")
Weapon: Roll on "Weapons" (cols="{$Tech_Level}", filter_cols="1")
Inventory: Roll on "Primary Gear with Quality" 2d3 times (unique results only)
Miscellaneous Possessions: Roll on "Misc gear with Quality" 2d4 times (unique results only)

Roll on "Stat Block" (cols="2", filter="{$System}", filter_cols="1")