Candy Table (d10)

d10 Result



Description - An individually wrapped hard candy, the wrapper looks as if its made of scales, and evaporates into flame once unwrapped.

Comes in 5 colors(roll a d5). Red (Fire, Strawberry Flavor) Black (Acid, Licorice Flavor) Blue (Lightning, Blueberry Flavor) Green (Poison, Lime Flavor) and White (Cold, Coconut Flavor).

Once swallowed, make a constitution saving throw. DC 13.

 On a success, the creature may use an action to breath dragon breathe corresponding to the color dragondrop they ate. Each dragondrop deals 4d8 damage of the corresponding type, or half on a success. Each drop allows only one dragon breathe.

Black, Blue- 30ft line (Dex save, 14)

Red, White, Green- 15ft cone (con save, 14)

On a failure, the drop bursts inside of the creatures stomach, causing it to take 2d8 of the respective type of damage.


Friendship Hearts

Description- Pink heart shaped candies, comes in packs of two for sharing. The message reads as the highest compliment the person holding it would receive.

Con Save DC 12

Success- Grants the effects of “Friends” for ten minutes. Following the effects, both creatures’ skin flushes pink for 1d4 hours.

Failure- Grants the effects of "Enemies (disadvantage on charisma checks, at the end this creature knows it was magically influenced to hate you)" for ten minutes. Both creatures detest being near each other for 1d4 hours.



Description- Frosted white chocolate “dragon scales.” Wrapper states, “Please consult your doctor for arcane disfunction lasting longer than four days.”

Con Save DC 12

Success - Grants the benefits of a short rest. You can speak draconic, and can sense nearby dragons for 1d4 hours.

Failure - You grow scales all over your body that last for 1d4 days, you develop a strong attraction towards dragons/anything draconic.


Underdark Drizzles

Description- Dark chocolate doubled dipped in fudge and rice crisp. Rich and crunch in taste.

Con Save DC 12

Success - Grants spider climb lasting 1d4 hours, can shoot a web(also lasts for the d4 hours) that makes an enemy grappled if they fail a Dex Save against a DC of (8+dex mod+prof mod), and can make a Strength Save on their turn to be freed.

Failure - Roll 1d4 to determine what you transform into. 1 - Spider 2 - Giant Spider 3 - Phase Spider 4 - Giant Wolf Spider. These effects last for 1d20 minutes.



Description- White chocolate coated crickets, worms, and various insects. Not very appetizing, but it fills you will unsettling enthusiasm.

Con Save DC 11

Success - Grants jump, the ability to speak Grung, and the ability to command small insects. These effects last for 1d8 hours

Failure -  Disgorging d1000 spiders and taking 1d6 psychic damage as a result. all creatures within line of sight must make a wisdom save against being frightened. the frightened lasts for 1d30+15 minutes



Description- Hard salt water candy. Hurts the consumer’s teeth to chew. The wrapper states "Dhur Co. Is not responsible for any lost teeth or jaw pain. Enjoy!"

Con Save DC 13

Success - Grants the effects of Stoneskin, and increases AC by 2. These effects last for 1d8 hours

Failure - Roll a 1d4 to determine which limb gets turned into stone for 1d4 hours. 1 - right arm 2 - left arm 3 - right leg 4 - left leg


Giradwarfi's Chocolate

Description- Luxurious dwarven chocolates crafted over molten rock, forged in truffles. Claimed as the world’s finest chocolate for generations.

Con Save DC 12

Success - The consumer becomes more adventurous, and open minded. Gain 2d10 temporary hit points, and has advantage on checks against being charmed. These effects last until a long rest.

Failure - The consumer’s inhibitions lower, and becomes more loose on serious situations. Disadvantage against charm effects, the consumer’s alignment turns fluid. These effects last until a long rest.


Fey Pops

Description - A lollypop which you cannot seem to actually tell what it looks like, as it seems to be changing between shapes and colors constantly. There is a faint purple mist surrounding it.

Con Save DC 12

Success - Fey spirits bless you. You gain +2 to a random ability score(1d6), as well as growing faerie wings that grant you a flight speed of 15 ft, and also roll a fey gift. (Error: range condition.( The wings and ability score last until a long rest, and the fey gifts last for 1d4 days.

Failure - The effects of this candy have an adverse effect on your nature. Your race changes to a random one, 1d57(MAKE SURE TO MAKE THIS AS A COPIED CHARACTER), you also roll a fey gift (Error: range condition.( The race lasts until a long rest, and the fey gifts last for 1d4 days.



Description - A small sphere of (presumably) saltwater taffy, that seems like it moves as if waves are trapped inside of it.

Con Save DC 12

Success - You gain the effects of the spell "Water Breathing", and can swim freely underwater with your movement. Your hair also turns a seasick green, and waves as if it is underwater. Drinking water heals you 2d4+2 hit points per drink. These effects last until your next long rest.

Failure - Your legs turn into a mermaid tail, preventing you free movement on land, and you must drink water every hour, or you begin to suffocate. Effects last 1d4 hours.


Nightshade Licorice

Description - Yuck, everyone hates licorice, especially black licorice. The licorice seems to absorb all light around it, causing it to be incredibly dark.

Con Save DC 13

Success - Upon consumption, a shadow clone of yourself appears that seems to mimic your movements 6 seconds behind what your are doing. Whatever it does, will not affect you or your allies if you choose. You also gain 240ft of darkvision. Lasts 1d8+1 hours,

Failure - Upon consumption, a shadow clone of yourself appears that immediately attacks you, stopping at nothing to dispatch you. This clone can shapeshift, causing it to look exactly like you, or extend its reach to do anything it might choose. Lasts 1d4 hours or until it dies.