Raiders Encounters in the Underdark (OotA Subtable) (d6)

If the adventurers encounter raiders as they travel through the Underdark, roll on this table to determine what they encounter.

d6 Encounter


Roll 1d6 human bandit(s) and 1 human bandit captain. The leader is carrying Roll on "Raider Leader Possessions (OotA Subtable)"


Roll 2d4 goblins and 1 goblin boss. The leader is carrying Roll on "Raider Leader Possessions (OotA Subtable)"


Roll 1d6 orc(s) and 1 orc Eye of Gruumsh. The leader is carrying Roll on "Raider Leader Possessions (OotA Subtable)"

Out of the Abyss Chapter 2: Into Darkness