is employed as a Job/Faction (1d81)

1d81 Result


is unemployed.

Consider changing religion to Atheist, Hylax (LG, Diplomacy, first contact, friendship, peace), Desna (CG, Dreams, luck, stars, travelers), Weydan (CG, Discovery, equality, exploration, freedom), Abadar (LN, Civilisation, commerce, law, wealth), Talavet (LN, Community, self-reliance, tradition) or Zon-Kuthon (LE, Darkness, envy, loss, pain)


is 'employed' as a scavenger. Consider changing religion to Hylax (LG, Diplomacy, first contact, friendship, peace), Desna (CG, Dreams, luck, stars, travelers), Weydan (CG, Discovery, equality, exploration, freedom), Talavet (LN, Community, self-reliance, tradition) or Zon-Kuthon (LE, Darkness, envy, loss, pain)


is employed as a scout Resolve: {25%?with their own one-person vehicle|25%?aboard a starship, but deployed on the ground|50%?}

Consider changing religion to Hylax (LG, Diplomacy, first contact, friendship, peace), Desna (CG, Dreams, luck, stars, travelers), Weydan (CG, Discovery, equality, exploration, freedom), Ibra (N, Celestial bodies, the cosmos, mysteries of the universe) or Lao Shu Po (NE, Assassins, rats, spies, thieves)


is employed as a minerResolve: {, specialising in gas giants and extracting gases|, specialising in planetary ores|, specialising in asteroid mining|}.

Consider changing religion to Abadar (LN, Civilisation, commerce, law, wealth)


is employed as a Resolve: {general store|pawnshop|restaurant|cafe|bookshop|hardware|armour (not clothing) shop|clothing store|sports shop|mystical goods store|tavern|inn|pub|security store|magical items store|beam weapon store|slugthrower weapon store|plasma weapon store|stunner weapon store|rail weapon store|starship weapons store|melee and brawl weapons store|wearable gear store|games store|communications store|(mundane) repair shop|magical item repair shop|art supplies shop} Resolve: {90%?clerk|owner

Consider changing religion to Talavet (LN, Community, self-reliance, tradition)} Resolve: {80%?If the current location has a language associated with it, add that language|}.

Consider changing religion to Abadar (LN, Civilisation, commerce, law, wealth)


is employed as a professional bounty hunter, with the rank of Resolve: {70%?apprentice|25%?journeyman|5%?master}.Resolve: {Add a language: Orcish|Add a language: Gobbilin|Add a language: Druw'th}


is employed as a courier.

Consider changing religion to Desna (CG, Dreams, Luck, Travellers, Stars) or Abadar (LN, Civilisation, Commerce, Law, Wealth)


is employed as a travelling salesperson.

Consider changing religion to Desna (CG, Dreams, Luck, Travellers, Stars) or Abadar (LN, Civilisation, Commerce, Law, Wealth)


is employed as a Roll on "Rank Faction"


is employed as a Resolve: {mechanic|engineer|avionics engineer} Resolve: {25%?aboard a starship.

Consider changing religion to Desna (CG, Dreams, luck, stars, travellers)|}

Consider changing religion to Triune (N, Artificial intelligence, computers, the Drift), Yaraesa (NG, Knowledge, mental perfection, scholarship, science) or Weydan (CG, Discovery, equality, exploration, freedom)


is employed as a household repair-mage (repairs semi-magical items) Resolve: {25%?aboard a starship.

Consider changing religion to Desna (CG, Dreams, luck, stars, travellers) or Besmara (CN, Piracy, space monsters, strife)|}

Consider changing religion to Triune (N, Artificial intelligence, computers, the Drift), Yaraesa (NG, Knowledge, mental perfection, scholarship, science), Weydan (CG, Discovery, equality, exploration, freedom), Talavet (LN, Community, self-reliance, tradition) or Eloritu (N, History, Magic, secrets)


is employed as a Resolve: {plumber|electrician} Resolve: {25%?aboard a starship.

Consider changing religion to Desna (CG, Dreams, luck, stars, travellers)|}

Consider changing religion to Triune (N, Artificial intelligence, computers, the Drift) or Yaraesa (NG, Knowledge, mental perfection, scholarship, science)


is employed as a labourer Resolve: {25%?aboard a starship.

Consider changing religion to Desna (CG, Dreams, luck, stars, travellers)|}

Consider changing religion to Hylax (LG, Diplomacy, first contact, friendship, peace), Abadar (LN, Civilisation, commerce, law, wealth), Damoritosh (LE, Conquest, duty, war) or Urgathoa (NE, Disease, gluttony, undeath)


is employed as a robotics officer aboard a starship.

Consider changing religion to Triune (N, Artificial intelligence, computers, the Drift), Yaraesa (NG, Knowledge, mental perfection, scholarship, science), Hylax (LG, Diplomacy, first contact, friendship, peace), Talavet (LN, Community, self-reliance, tradition), Oras (CN, Adaption, evolution, natural selection)


is employed as a scientist - specifically, a Resolve: {xenologist (extraterrestrial life)|agronomist (soil and crops)|astronomer (stars, planets and galaxies)|botanist (plants)|cytologist (cells)|virologist (viruses)|geneticist (how traits are inherited)|epidemiologist (diseases)|ethologist (animal behaviour)|geologist (solid, liquid and gaseous matter and their processes that make up terrestrial bodies like planets)|geographer (surface of planets)|marine biologist (water-dwelling plants and animals)|meteorologist (weather and climate)|microbiologist (microscopic plants and animals)|paleontologist (fossils)|physicist (matter, energy, and the relationships between the two|seismologist (earthquakes)|agrochemist (chemistry and biochemistry, processing of raw products into foods and beverages)|atmospheric chemist (chemistry of atmospheres)|biophysical chemist (physics and physical chemistry in biological systems)|clinical chemist (analysis of bodily fluids for diagnosis and then therapy)|computational chemist (using computers to solve chemical problems)|electrochemist (the chemical relationships of electricity)|mageochemist (the chemical relationships of magic)|'green' chemist (design of products and processes to minimise or eliminate the use and generation of hazardous substances|inorganic chemist (synthesis and behaviour of inorganic and organometallic compounds|medicinal chemist|pharmaceutical chemist|nuclear chemist (radioactivity, nuclear processes and nuclear properties)|organic chemist (structure, properties and reactions of organic compounds that contain carbon)|organometallic chemist (chemical compounds containing at least 1 bond between a carbon atom and a metal)|stereochemist (structure of molecules and their manipulation)|structural chemist (mapping out the layout of molecules)|thermochemist (the effects of heat associated with chemical reactions and/or physical transformations|biogeochemist (chemical, geological and biological processes and reactions in the natural environment)|climatologist|dendroarchaeology (study of vegetation remains, old buildings, furniture, art using the technique of dendrochronology - tree ring dating|xylology (wooded plants)|edaphology (influence of soil on living things - especially plants. Includes sentient life's use of land for plant growth)|gemologist (natural and artificial gemstones)|geographer (lands, features, inhabitants and phenomena of various planets)|geomicrobiologist (effects of microbes on geological and geochemical processes, and vice versa)|geomorphologist (origin and evolution of topographic/bathymetric features on the surface of planets|geophysicist (the physical processes and properties that a planet has on the space around it|glaciologist (ice and natural phenomena that involve ice)|hydrogeologist (distribution and movement of groundwater)|hydrologist (movement, distribution and quality of water on planets)|hydrometeorologist (transfer of water and energy between the surface and lower atmostphere of a planet)|limnologist (inland aquatic ecosystems, including aspects of the biological, chemical, physical and geological characteristics and functions of inland waters|mineralologist (chemistry, crystal structure and physical properties of minerals and mineralised artefacts. Includes processes of mineral origin and formation, classification of minerals, their geographical distribution, as well as their utilization)|oceanographologist (physical and biological aspects of oceans)|paleoclimatologist (changes in the climate over vast amounts of time)} Resolve: {25%?stationed aboard a starship|}.

Consider changing religion to Yaraesa (NG, Knowledge, mental perfection, scholarship, science), Ibra (N, Celestial bodies, the cosmos, mysteries of the universe) or Oras (CN, Adaption, evolution, natural selection)


is employed as a science officer aboard a starship.

Consider changing religion to Yaraesa (NG, Knowledge, mental perfection, scholarship, science), Ibra (N, Celestial bodies, the cosmos, mysteries of the universe) or Oras (CN, Adaption, evolution, natural selection)


is employed as a Resolve: {doctor|counsellor|field medic} Resolve: {25%?aboard a starship.

Consider changing religion to Hylax (LG, Diplomacy, first contact, friendship, peace) or Desna (CG) Dreams, luck, stars, travellers.|}

Consider changing religion to Sarenrae (NG, Healing, redemption, the sun), Yaraesa (NG, Knowledge, mental perfection, scholarship, science).


is employed as a medical officer aboard a starship.

Consider changing religion to Hylax (LG, Diplomacy, first contact, friendship, peace) or Desna (CG, Dreams, luck, stars, travellers), Sarenrae (NG, Healing, redemption, the sun) or Yaraesa (NG, Knowledge, mental perfection, scholarship, science).


is employed as local security.

Consider changing religion to Iomedae (LG, Honourable battle, humanity, justice, valour) or Damoritosh (LE, Conquest, duty, war)


is employed as a local government intelligence operative.

Consider changing religion to Iomedae (LG, Honourable battle, humanity, justice, valour), Damoritosh (LE, Conquest, duty, war), Yaraesa (NG, Knowledge, mental perfection, scholarship, science), Weydan (CG, Discovery, equality, exploration, freedom), Lao Shu Po (NE, Assassins, rats, spies, thieves)


is employed as a mercenary Resolve: {Add a language: Akitonian|Add a language: Druw'th|Add a language: Gobbilin|Add a language: Orcish|Add a language: Veskit|}

Consider changing religion to Iomedae (LG, Honourable battle, humanity, justice, valour) or Damoritosh (LE, Conquest, duty, war)


is employed as a Resolve: {chef|cook} Resolve: {25%?aboard a starship. Consider changing religion to Desna (CG, Dreams, luck, stars, travellers)|}

Consider changing religion to Yaraesa (NG, Knowledge, mental perfection, scholarship, science), Talavet (LN, Community, self-reliance, tradition) or Eloritu (N, History, Magic, secrets).


is employed as Resolve: {an administrative officer|a ground support officer aboard a starship}

Consider changing religion to Yaraesa (NG, Knowledge, mental perfection, scholarship, science), Abadar (LN, Civilisation, commerce, law, wealth) or Talavet (LN, Community, self-reliance, tradition).


is employed as a Resolve: {gunnery|weapons|tactical} officer aboard a starship.

Consider changing religion to Iomedae (LG, Honourable battle, humanity, justice, valour), Damoritosh (LE, Conquest, duty, war) or Desna (CG, Dreams, luck, stars, travelers)


is employed as Resolve: {an|the chief} armourer Resolve: {75%?aboard a starship.

Consider changing religion to Desna (CG, Dreams, luck, stars, travelers), Besmara (CN, Piracy, space monsters, strife)|}

Consider changing religion to Hylax (LG, Diplomacy, first contact, friendship, peace), Iomedae (LG, Honourable battle, humanity, justice, valour), Yaraesa (NG, Knowledge, mental perfection, scholarship, science), Damoritosh (LE, Conquest, duty, war) or Lao Shu Po (NE, Assassins, rats, spies, thieves)


is employed as a sensor operator Resolve: {aboard a starship.

Consider changing religion to Desna (CG, Dreams, luck, stars travellers)|}

Consider changing religion to Hylax (LG, Diplomacy, first contact, friendship, peace).


is employed as a communications officer Resolve: {75%?aboard a starship.

Consider changing religion to Desna (CG, Dreams, luck, stars, travellers) or Besmara (CN, Piracy, space monsters, strife)|}

Consider changing religion to Hylax (LG, Diplomacy, first contact, friendship, peace), Weydan (CG, Discovery, equality, exploration, freedom) or Talavet (LN, Community, self-reliance, tradition)


is employed as a translator Resolve: {60%?aboard a starship.

Consider changing religion to Desna (CG, Dreams, luck, stars, travellers) or Besmara (CN, Piracy, space monsters, strife)|}

Consider changing religion to Hylax (LG, Diplomacy, first contact, friendship, peace), Weydan (CG, Discovery, equality, exploration, freedom), Talavet (LN, Community, self-reliance, tradition), or Yaraesa (NG, Knowledge, mental perfection, scholarship, science)


is employed as an artist. They prefer to use Resolve: {dance as their medium|paint as their medium|pencil & paper as their medium|digital equipment as their medium.

Consider changing religion to [Triune]( (N, Artificial intelligence, computers, the [Drift](|Magic as their medium.

Consider changing religion to Eloritu (N, History, [Magic](, secrets)}

Consider changing religion to Yaraesa (NG, Knowledge, mental perfection, scholarship, science), Desna (CG, Dreams, luck, stars, travelers), Weydan (CG, Discovery, equality, exploration, freedom), Abadar (LN, Civilisation, commerce, law, wealth), Talavet (LN, Community, self-reliance, tradition), Eloritu (N, History, Magic, secrets), Ibra (N, Celestial bodies, the cosmos, mysteries of the universe),


is employed as a Resolve: {journalist.

Consider changing religion to Yaraesa (NG, Knowledge, mental perfection, scholarship, science).|reporter.

Consider changing religion to Lao Shu Po (NE, Assassins, rats, spies, thieves.} They specialise in their chosen field of Resolve: {computer science.

Consider changing religion to [Triune]( (N, Artificial intelligence, computers, the [Drift](|medicine.

Consider changing religion to Sarenrae (NG, Healing, redemption, the sun)|botany.

Consider changing religion to The Cycle, The Green Faith, Yaraesa (NG, Knowledge, mental perfection, scholarship, science)}

Consider changing religion to Hylax (LG, Diplomacy, first contact, friendship, peace), Yaraesa (NG, Knowledge, mental perfection, scholarship, science), Desna (CG, Dreams, luck, stars, travelers), Weydan (CG, Discovery, equality, exploration, freedom), Abadar (LN, Civilisation, commerce, law, wealth), Talavet (LN, Community, self-reliance, tradition), Urgathoa (NE, Disease, gluttony, undeath) or Nyarlathotep (CE, Conspiracies, dangerous secrets, forbidden magic)


is employed as a singer


is employed as a dancer


is employed as a thief Resolve: {by a local gang|}


is employed as an enforcer for a local gang


is employed as the helmsman/woman aboard a starship


is employed as a pirate Resolve: {gunner|captain of a small ship|}


is employed as an field researcher Resolve: {15%?aboard a starship|}


is employed as a surveyor


is employed as an explorer


is employed as a mage, and got their magic Resolve: {by studying a lot (wizard)|making a pact with a deity (warlock, in this case the source is Roll on "ReligionsDeities")|natural talent (sorcerer)}


is employed as a con artist Resolve: {30%?within a local gang|}


is employed as a janitor Resolve: {25%?aboard a starship|}


is employed as a xenolinguist Resolve: {25%?aboard a starship|} (studies alien languages)


is employed as a xenobotanist Resolve: {25%?aboard a starship|} (studies alien plants)


is employed as a xenopathologist Resolve: {25%?aboard a starship|} (studies alien diseases)


is employed as a Resolve: {xenoanthropologist|xenosociologist} Resolve: {25%?aboard a starship|} (studies alien cultures)


is employed as an Resolve: {xeno|}historian Resolve: {25%?aboard a starship|}


is employed as a hacker Resolve: {5%?by a local gang|}


is employed as a bartender Resolve: {25%?aboard a starship|}


is employed as a barista Resolve: {25%?aboard a starship|}


is employed as a agricultural technician Resolve: {5%?aboard a starship|}


is employed as an alchemist Resolve: {10%?aboard a starship|}


is employed as an archeologist Resolve: {9%?aboard a starship|}


is employed as a small-time arms dealer Resolve: {for a local gang|}


is employed as an astrophysicist Resolve: {25%?aboard a starship|}


is employed as an biochemist Resolve: {15%?aboard a starship|}


is employed as a chaplain Resolve: {25%?aboard a starship|} of Resolve: {80%?Roll on "ReligionsDeities"|20%?Roll on "Philosophies"}


is employed as a local teacher


is employed as a journalist Resolve: {15%?aboard a starship|}


is employed as an librarian Resolve: {1%?aboard a starship|}


is employed as a merchant Resolve: {25%?aboard a starship|}


is 'employed' as a crazy being that people take pity upon


is employed as an priest Resolve: {25%?aboard a starship|} of (choose an appropriate deity/religion)


is employed as a wilderness ranger


is employed as a scribe Resolve: {5%?aboard a starship|}


is employed as a interplanetary communications officer


is employed as an slaver Resolve: {aboard a starship|}


is employed as a smuggler Resolve: {with their own starship|}Resolve: {, working for a gang of pirates in the local vicinity|, with ties to the Free Captains|}


is employed as a spy for local law enforcement


is employed as a mage for local law enforcement. They got their powers Resolve: {by studying many books (wizard)|naturally (sorcerer)|by making a pact with a powerful entity (warlock), and assign an appropriate deity}


is employed as a traffic control officer by the local government


is employed as a hydroponicist Resolve: {75%?aboard a starship|} (grows plants in nutrient solutions)


is employed in the recycling industry


is employed as a fireman


is employed as a professional athlete


is employed as a game hunter (to keep pest populations under control)


is employed as a local guide


is employed as a Resolve: {cybernetics|holographics} technician Resolve: {25%?aboard a starship|}


is employed as an electrician Resolve: {25%?aboard a starship|}


is employed as a museum Resolve: {guide|gift shop clerk|manager|security guard}


is employed as a private investigator