Travel Encounters: Weird Place

Prompts for places touched by the supernatural.

Description (more info)

This Table focuses on strange places that offer a magical mostly narrative encounter for players.
Cursed Sites, Planar Seepings and Magic Anomalies.
Based on DnD cosmology but fairly appropriate for any medieval fantasy.


Weird Place

You discover a {%type = {Cursed Site|Planar Seeping|Magic Anomaly}%}{$type}.

{%if type == "Cursed Site"%}
Resolve: {An **ancient battlefield**, too much blood was drawn here|The very earth was **defiled by** the presence of **an evil being**|It is **haunted** by the restless}.

You might be confronted with hostile creatures or suffer a minor curse.
The site can be purged, granting a benefit(XP, blessing,...) and/or removing it's curse.{%end%}
{%if type == "Planar Seeping"%}
Resolve: {50%?An Elemental Plane|25%?The Feywild|5%?The Shadowfell|10%?The Ethereal|10%?The Astral Plane} is leaking into this place.
Some creatures of the plane might have passed over.
The foreign powers might cause benefits and/or impairments corresponding to the nature of the plane.

(For Upper and Lower Plain influences consider Shrines and Cursed Sites){%end%}
{%if type == "Magic Anomaly"%}
The area has Resolve: {high gravity|low gravity|more light|less light|slower time|faster time|sudden relocation|unnatural elemental phenomena|a vitalizing effect|a draining effect|warping illusions|anti magic effects|magic amplification effects|magic inverting effects|sense altering effects}.
Exposure may "infect" subjects with the effect.

The arcane adept may harness the effect to even grater extent or study it to develop spells based on the effect.
Dispelling the anomaly, thus repairing the Weave may earn the approval of certain Deities/Cosmic Forces.
Exploiting it without doing so may have opposite consequences.
