Travel Encounters: Beneficial Terrain (d10)

Prompts with DnD mechanics suggestions for convenient source of natural resources along the road

d10 Result Mechanics


*Vantage Point*

You gain an outlook of the area and can look for further opportunities or a shortcut to save time, rations or gain a tactical advantage.


PCs choose to either:

-Spot  Encounters: Roll Survival.
2-27: 1 Encounter
18-25: 2 Encounters
25+: 3 Encounters
These Encounters are initiated with advantageous disposition for the PCs.
If dangerous, then there's an easy chance to surprise or avoid it.


-Find an Optimal Path: Roll Survival.
2-20: Double speed for 1/2 day,
             2/3 rations needed today,
             or advantage on Stealth or Perception today.
20+: Double speed for full day,
            1/2 rations needed today,
           or Advantage on Stealth and Perception for today.


*Food Garden*

A cluster of fruit, nuts, honey, mushrooms or succulent insects ripe for the picking.


1d4+2 Rations of food gathered.


*Herb Garden*

A large patch of useful herbs waiting to be taken by the naturalist adventurer.


1d4+2 Portions of ingredients for simple tinctures of healing, restoration, resting, perception...
(Appropriate Tools needed for processing)


*Pure Water*

Purest freshwater sputtering from the earth, refreshing body and soul.


PCs may spend 1HitDie spilling into Temporary HP, no time lost.


*Convenient Campsite*

The natural structure here allows for exceptionally safe camping.

{%trap = {15%?It's a trap!|85%?}%} {$trap}


{%if trap == "It's a trap!"%} Only intelligent creatures use the site as ambush. Survival Check with challenging DC reveals tracks / sings of trap, depending on the creatures.

If combat is avoided / managed well:{%end%}+1 free HitDie, spills into Temporary HP, but only 50% of travel distance covered today.