Since You've Been Gone

Some Very Strange Things Occurred


by Jesse Galena and Thomas George


Since you've been gone, some very strange things occurred.

{# A funny thing happened to the NPC after the party left: #}
{%data_block clause_1%}
they died, then things got weird.
time stopped progressing at a normal pace, but only for them.
a lost and timid soul entered their body.
they fell in love with a local chef who said they’d return their affection if they ate the same thing for a year. The NPC couldn't do this.

{# Reacting to that, they decided they need to make a serious change to their life. So they #}
{%data_block clause_2%}
followed their dream to become a Resolve: {surgeon|stand-up comedian|candy store owner|competitive fishing champion}.
made it their life’s goal to become a new deity in the pantheon.
made good on a promise they made to themselves when they were a kid: own farm made specifically for rare, exotic, and dangerous animals.
sought a mage who could make them grow a second head (solely for administrative purposes).
got lost in your eyes.
went a bit too wild one night and were detained for public indecency.

{# Which had the unexpected consequence of #}
{%data_block clause_3%}
drawing the attention of other deities who were not happy about their choices.
having Roll 1d4 limbs eaten by a creature, though half that number have been magically regenerated.
discovering the effects of gravity lessened on people and creatures they were mad at, though it would affect them again when they stopped being angry.
an unholy amount of lawsuits against them (most being false).
growing another head, solely for mathematics.
meeting an arch devil, having their soul pardoned, but only on the stipulation that they can be summoned at any time for cooking advice.
glowing. Absolutely beaming. Sometimes literally. Sometimes metaphorically.
being compelled to eat any sweet dish within eyesight.

{# Things escalated quickly when out of nowhere #}
{%data_block clause_4%}
they became the chosen one in an ancient prophecy (still unclear if this is true or not, but many believe it).
a previously undiscovered volcano erupted, threatening to destroy what they love most.
they started appearing as an active participant in other people's dreams.
a few of the most powerful political figures in the region started coming to them for advice.
a deity fell head over heels for them, showering them with attention and gifts.
another head sprouted that takes the role of answering yes or no questions, and it always tells the truth if it knows it.
if their torso is ever revealed, it shows the real mastermind: a smaller, much cuter, version of themselves piloting the larger, less cute version of them.
someone discovered that their fingers are literally the tastiest thing in existence.
a ghost visited them. Only they can see it and it often commiserates with them.
the thoughts of creatures within 10 feet of them are expressed as thought bubbles.

{# For unspecified reasons, #}
{%data_block clause_5%}
every animal larger than them who can smell them took a liking to them.
every animal smaller than them who hears them speak follows them home and makes a nest near their house.
a gnoll informed them the gnoll's recently deceased grandmother left the NPC everything in her will, and the rest of the family isn't happy about it.
they lost all sense of time, space, and physical agency. They are now a spectral being.
they shed their mortal shell and merged with a being from beyond the veil.
they can only breathe in water now.
they lost their sense of touch.
they can only answer questions by using a randomized result and carry dice around to facilitate this compulsion.
a new cranium buds who has the goal of taking over a few local countries.
they have lost the ability to understand everyday language, but any code or cypher makes perfect sense.
while it makes sense in their head, when they speak, their words sound backward.
they can walk through walls and turn invisible, but only at specific moments.

{# Expected or not, this all resulted in #}
{%data_block clause_6%}
them becoming the God of Tuesdays, granting them immense power for 24 hours once a week. And all this power is Resolve: {something they fear|getting to their head|drawing a lot of unwanted attention|becoming unstable}.
a mage cursing them, turning them into a talking cat who is bad at convincing people they weren't always a cat.
repeating the same day over and over again, but this time the party has arrived... and is now part of the time loop.
someone stealing all of their bones and selling them to wealthy and interested buyers.
them becoming one of the final boss fights for the campaign.
their head(s) bursting at dawn, and regrowing within the hour. It is painless, though.
discovering an ancient advanced civilization that blames the NPCs great-great-x30 grandparents for destroying their civilization.
them becoming a harbinger of every disease they encounter. While they do not suffer from the diseases, they are contagious.
much of their lives leading them to this moment: they know all of the important information the party needs for their quest; or at least knows where to go to get said info.
the realm's most famous theatre troupe putting on a play about their life. However, some of the details are going to cause serious problems when certain people see it.
every Wednesday after lunch, a tire rolls down the street and hits them. If they skip lunch, it appears after their next meal.
the problem that when they speak of an object in the same room as them, it turns to stone.
the realization that birds aren't real, and they must spread this fact.
a prophecy that their lost child has supernatural powers and is the heir to the throne.
a vision of a meteor crashing at their exact location one week from now.
the offspring of everyone they touch being allergic to water.
dinosaurs going extinct. (If they are already extinct, they rise as undead from their resting place).
everybody forgetting them.
each time they sneeze, they turn into a different humanoid.
they have their own personal rain cloud that keeps them, their clothes, and whatever they are holding soaked.

A funny thing happened to the NPC after the party left: {{clause_1}}

Reacting to that, they decided they need to make a serious change to their life. So they {{clause_2}} Which had the unexpected consequence of {{clause_3}}

Things escalated quickly when out of nowhere {{clause_4}} For unspecified reasons, {{clause_5}}

Expected or not, this all resulted in {{clause_6}}