Random NPC Complaint - Peasant - Animals (d10)

Description (more info)

NPC complaints about the animals

d10 Result


Resolve: {confidently, |apprehensively, |with gravitas, |drunkenly, |aggressively, }Resolve: {they complain|they reveal|they confide|they concede|they state|they announce}, there's something Resolve: {wrong|unnatural|frightening|blasphemous} with the Resolve: {pigs|cattle|chickens|geese|ducks|food animals|animals} Resolve: {they|a loved-one|a friend|someone-else|a spiritual leader|a hero|a neighbor|a family member|a rival|an enemy|a villain} Resolve: {sold in the market|brought from that trader|bought in the market|sold to that trader|saw}Resolve: { the other day| yesterday| sometime last week| last season| when they were out of town| the last time|}, Roll on "What's Wrong with the Animals - Food?"Resolve: {, it seems like this {should bother|bothers|alarms} them more than they let on.|, it seems like this doesn't {bother|alarm|scare} them as much as it should|}.


Resolve: {confidently, |apprehensively, |with gravitas, |drunkenly, |aggressively, }Resolve: {they complain|they reveal|they confide|they concede|they state|they announce}, the fish in the Resolve: {river |fish market} Resolve: {are smaller than usual|stink more than usual|look disgusting|taste disgusting|are way too expensive|are nothing but slime and filth}.


Resolve: {confidently, |apprehensively, |with gravitas, |drunkenly, |aggressively, }Resolve: {they complain|they reveal|they confide|they concede|they state|they announce}, Resolve: {their|a loved-one's|a friend's|someone-else's|a spiritual leader's|a hero's|a neighbor's|a family member's|a rival's|an enemy's|a villain's} Resolve: {chicken|duck|goose} Resolve: {won't lay eggs!|eggs {keep getting stolen!|are {rumored to be|} filled with {foul black ichor!|tadpoles!|writhing snakes!|silver pieces{ from a long-lost empire|}!|foul {smelling|tasting} gunk!|raw sewage!|maggots!|writhing worms!}}}


the Resolve: {hootings of an owl|cawing of crows|howling of wolves|beating of drums|sounds of warfare|{angry |incessant |aggressive | loud|}buzzing of insects|unexplained noises|crowing of roosters|screams of {long-|recently-|not-yet-|soon-to-be-|}dead {children|soldiers|criminals|horses|pigs}|vengeful spirits|roaring {beasts|cannons}} Resolve: {keep {me|a loved-one|a friend|someone-else|a spiritual leader|a hero|a neighbor|a family member|a rival|an enemy|a villain} up at night|haunt {my|a loved-one's|a friend's|someone-else's|a spiritual leader's|a hero's|a neighbor's|a family member's|a rival's|an enemy's|a villain's} {dreams|sleep}}Resolve: {, they {confidently |apprehensively | drunkenly |aggressively |secretly | quietly|} {state|comment|reveal|confide}.|}


they Resolve: {confidently |apprehensively | drunkenly |aggressively |secretly | quietly|} Resolve: {state|comment|reveal|confide}, Resolve: {my|a loved-one's|a friend's|someone-else's|a spiritual leader's|a hero's|a neighbor's|a family member's|a rival's|an enemy's|a villain's} Resolve: {lazy|sickly} cockerel crows only at the moon, and not the sunrise!


Resolve: {they|a loved-one|a friend|someone-else|a spiritual leader|a hero|a neighbor|a family member|a rival|an enemy|a villain} Resolve: {can't afford|are too poor to for} a Resolve: {horse|cow|pig|chicken|another mouth to feed}Resolve: {, they {confidently |apprehensively | drunkenly |aggressively |secretly | quietly|} {state|comment|reveal|confide}.|}


Resolve: {they|a loved-one|a friend|someone-else|a spiritual leader|a hero|a neighbor|a family member|a rival|an enemy|a villain} Resolve: {saw|heard of|heard tell of} a Resolve: {horse|cow|pig|chicken|snake|sheep|goat} Resolve: {with two heads|covered in blasphemous markings|covered in spines|covered in bony plates|with eyes that burned like {fire|ice}|breathing fire|with more than one set of eyes|with teeth for eyes|with tentacles for legs|with fangs}Resolve: { the other day|}Resolve: {, they {confidently |apprehensively | drunkenly |aggressively |secretly | quietly|} {state|comment|reveal|confide}.|}


Resolve: {they|a loved-one|a friend|someone-else|a spiritual leader|a hero|a neighbor|a family member|a rival|an enemy|a villain} Resolve: {saw|heard|heard tell} Resolve: {wolves|lions|frightening beasts} were prowling around nearbyResolve: {, they {confidently |apprehensively | drunkenly |aggressively |secretly | quietly|} {state|comment|reveal|confide|report}.|}


Resolve: {a loved-one|a friend|someone-else|a spiritual leader|a hero|a neighbor|a family member|a rival|an enemy|a villain} Resolve: {saw|heard that|heard tell that|complain/s that} Resolve: {crows|ravens|vultures} Resolve: {are|were} Resolve: {flying|circling} overhead every dayResolve: { over the tallest {tree|hill|building}| over the {old|scary} statue| over the abandoned building| over that place no-one ever goes| in the water of the {well|lake|pond}, but when they looked up, nothing was there|}Resolve: {, that's {definitely|really|} a {bad |terrible |foreboding |}omen|}Resolve: {, they {confidently |apprehensively | drunkenly |aggressively |secretly | quietly|} {state|comment|reveal|confide|report}.|}


Resolve: {a loved-one's|a friend's|someone-else's|a spiritual leader's|a hero's|a neighbor's|a family member's|a rival's|an enemy's|a villain's} Resolve: {eye|eyelid|lips|mouth} keeps getting bitten by Resolve: {flies|vermin}Resolve: {, they {confidently |apprehensively | drunkenly |aggressively |secretly | quietly| ominously|} {state|comment|reveal|confide|report}.|}.


What's Wrong with the Animals - Food? (d12)

d12 Result


born with Resolve: {two heads|two bodies|an extra head sticking out of their stomach}


Resolve: {they're too skinny|they're smaller than usual}


Resolve: {they're bony|they're thin, knobbly things}


Resolve: {they've got missing body parts|thier limbs keep falling off|they have started laying misshapen eggs}


Resolve: {they've got sores all over|their teeth are all falling out!}


Resolve: {they behave strangely|they're too lethargic to be healthy}


they're too expensive


Resolve: {they've got too many limbs!|they're too strangely aggressive!}


they taste Resolve: {bad|foul}


they're Resolve: {diseased|half-starved}


Resolve: {their meat is rotten before they're slaughtered!|they all died of disease before they could be slaughtered!}


they've developed Resolve: {strange|strange|strange|sickening|blasphemous|unholy} Resolve: {mutations|growths}