Random NPC Complaint - Peasant - Health and Feelings (1d22)

Description (more info)

NPC complaints about what they're feeling.

1d22 Result


Resolve: {they|a loved-one|a friend|someone-else|a spiritual leader|a hero|a neighbor|a family member|a rival|an enemy|a villain} Resolve: {suffered|feel/s} a terrible pain Resolve: {in their upper|in their lower|in their middle |all over their} Resolve: {back|spine}Resolve: {, and a {terrible pain|weakness|ache} in the knees{, too|}|}Resolve: {, and fingers{, they've gone numb|, ache so badly|, worked to the bone|, oh those aching fingers|}|}


Resolve: {they|a loved-one|a friend|someone-else|a spiritual leader|a hero|a neighbor|a family member|a rival|an enemy|a villain} Resolve: {suffered|feel/s} a terrible pain in the kneesResolve: {, and all down the back{, too|}|}Resolve: {, and fingers{, they've gone numb|, ache so badly|, worked to the bone|, oh those aching fingers|}|}


Resolve: {hurting teeth|rotting teeth|cavities|sore gums|swollen jaw|bleeding gums|cracked teeth|{poor|failing} {vision|hearing}|no sense of smell} is/are a Resolve: {complaint|problem|affliction} Resolve: {they|a loved-one|a friend|someone-else|a spiritual leader|a hero|a neighbor|a family member|a rival|an enemy|a villain} Resolve: {{suffer/s|are afflicted with} {, {the heavens|the gods} {spare us|save us}|}|has/have been spared from {, thank the {gods|heavens|almighty}|the {gods|heavens|almighty} be praised|}}


Resolve: {they|a loved-one|a friend|someone-else|a spiritual leader|a hero|a neighbor|a family member|a rival|an enemy|a villain} is/are Resolve: {so tired|exhausted|worked{ nigh| almost|} to death}Resolve: {, they complain|, they moan|, they reveal|, they secretly admit|, they sarcastically exclaim}


Resolve: {worried that|secretly glad that|afraid that|apathetic about the fact that|drunkenly complaining that|drunkenly excited that} Resolve: {they|a loved-one|a friend|someone-else|a spiritual leader|a hero|a neighbor|a family member|a rival|an enemy|a villain} Resolve: {has palsy|has ague|has cystic acne|has large boils|has uncomfortable swelling|has rheumatism|is developing a squint|is getting hard of hearing|is going blind|is developing cataracts|is {completely |somewhat |suddenly |}losing their hearing|is {completely |somewhat |suddenly |}losing their sense of smell|is {completely |somewhat |suddenly |}unable to {walk|stand|speak}}


Resolve: {on {cold|hot|rainy|stormy|winter|summer|foggy|humid|windy} {days|nights} |}Resolve: {their|a loved-one's|a friend's|someone-else's|a spiritual leader's|a hero's|a neighbor's|a family member's|a rival's|an enemy's|a villain's} Resolve: {teeth|joints|knees|jaw|head|shoulder|heart|guts} Resolve: {ache/s|pain/s them so|is/are excruciatingly painful}Resolve: {, they complain|, they moan|, they reveal|, they secretly admit|, they sarcastically exclaim}


Resolve: {at night |right now |they {worry|hope that} |}Resolve: {their|a loved-one's|a friend's|someone-else's|a spiritual leader's|a hero's|a neighbor's|a family member's|a rival's|an enemy's|a villain's} Resolve: {house|bed|clothing|animals} is/are Resolve: {infested with lice|afflicted by biting vermin|infested with fleas|covered in {spiders|centipedes|silver-fish|roaches}}Resolve: {, drastic measures might have to be taken|}Resolve: {, they complain|, they moan|, they reveal|, they secretly admit|, they sarcastically exclaim|, they announce|}


Resolve: {they|a loved-one|a friend|someone-else|a spiritual leader|a hero|a neighbor|a family member|a rival|an enemy|a villain} is/are developing Resolve: {a terrible squint|cataracts}Resolve: {, they complain|, they moan|, they reveal|, they secretly admit|, they sarcastically exclaim|, they announce|}


fleas bite Resolve: {them|a loved-one|a friend|someone-else|a spiritual leader|a hero|a neighbor|a family member|a rival|an enemy|a villain} terriblyResolve: { at night| all the time|}Resolve: {, they complain|, they moan|, they reveal|, they secretly admit|, they sarcastically exclaim|, they announce}


Resolve: {mice|rats|centipedes|spiders|snakes|lizards|vermin|roaches|evil-spirits} Resolve: {infest|crawl inside|crawl over|mate inside} Resolve: {their|a loved-one's|a friend's|someone-else's|a spiritual leader's|a hero's|a neighbor's|a family member's|a rival's|an enemy's|a villain's} Resolve: {home|bed|kitchen|chamberpot|mattress|wardrobe|cupboard} Resolve: {terribly|disgustingly|non-stop}Resolve: { at night| all the time|}Resolve: {, it keeps them awake all night|{ they make such a {racket|foul smell}|}}Resolve: {, they complain|, they moan|, they reveal|, they secretly admit|, they sarcastically exclaim|, they announce}


all of Resolve: {their|a loved-one's|a friend's|someone-else's|a spiritual leader's|a hero's|a neighbor's|a family member's|a rival's|an enemy's|a villain's} hair is Resolve: {turning white|falling out}Resolve: {, they complain|, they moan|, they reveal|, they secretly admit|, they sarcastically exclaim|, they announce|, they fear}


Resolve: {they complain|they moan|they reveal|they secretly admit|they sarcastically exclaim|they announce} Resolve: {their|a loved-one's|a friend's|someone-else's|a spiritual leader's|a hero's|a neighbor's|a family member's|a rival's|an enemy's|a villain's} Resolve: {nose|sores|gums|eyes|ears|wounds} Resolve: {won't stop bleeding|have become infected}


Resolve: {they|a loved-one|a friend|someone-else|a spiritual leader|a hero|a neighbor|a family member|a rival|an enemy|a villain} Resolve: {suffered|feel/s} Resolve: {a terrible pain|} from Resolve: {horrible corns|in-grown toenails}Resolve: {, and a {terrible pain|weakness|ache} in the knees{, too|}|}Resolve: {, and fingers{, they've gone numb|, ache so badly|, worked to the bone|, oh those aching fingers|}|}Resolve: {, and their back was thrown out too|and their back aches {all the time now|}}


Resolve: {worried that|secretly glad that|afraid that|apathetic about the fact that|drunkenly complaining that|drunkenly excited that} Resolve: {they have|{a loved-one|a friend|someone-else|a spiritual leader|a hero|a neighbor|a family member|a rival|an enemy|a villain} has} other ailmentsResolve: {, you know|, by the way||}, Roll on "Random NPC Complaint - Ailments" 1d3 times


Random NPC Complaint - Ailments (d12)

d12 Result


a Resolve: {persistent|{dry|mucous filled|wet|bloody}|persistent, {dry|mucous filled|wet|bloody}|}Resolve: { hacking|} cough


Resolve: {{one|two|three|four|all|some|many} of their teeth|thier tooth} Resolve: {fell out|was knocked out|cracked|rotted away|was/were stolen}Resolve: { the other day| yesterday| a while ago| last week| last month| last year| a few years ago| long ago}


they have Resolve: {{huge |}warts and {painful, angry|}boils|cystic acne|a hideous{, flaking|, itchy|, burning|, bleeding,|} rash}


their stomach churnsResolve: {, no matter what they eat|, whenever they're hungry|}


their joints acheResolve: { {when| whenever} {it rains|it snows|it is foggy|the wind blows}| all the time|}


Resolve: {awful|non-stop|terrible|} Resolve: {shooting |}Resolve: {,burning |}painsResolve: { all down| all over|}Resolve: { their {left side|right side|head|legs|back}}


Resolve: {one of their legs|thier right leg|their left leg} Resolve: {is broken|is lame|is {shorter|longer} than the other}


Resolve: {one of their|some of their|all of their} Resolve: {fingers|hands} Resolve: {has never worked right|will never work right again|was injured|were amputated|is infected}


they have thisResolve: { oozing| bleeding| pus-filled| angry looking| nasty looking|} scar


they suppose things Resolve: {could be|couldn't be} worse...