Random NPC Complaint - Peasant - Weather (d8)

NPC complaints about the weather

d8 Result


it's Resolve: {been|currently|} Resolve: {far|way|much|} too Resolve: {cold|chilly|hot|warm} Resolve: {outside|in these parts|}


the weather has been Resolve: {unseasonable|{far too perfect for|at odds with} {their|a loved-one's|a friend's|someone-else's|a spiritual leader's|a hero's|a neighbor's|a family member's|a rival's|an enemy's|a villain's} {future plans|current plans|current mood|past {sins|misdeeds}|future plans}|{far too {good|pleasant|poor|abysmal|poor} for the {likes|tastes} of {them|a loved-one|a friend|someone-else|a spiritual leader|a hero|a neighbor|a family member|a rival|an enemy|a villain}}}


Resolve: {It's been too {wet|rainy|damp}.|It's been {raining|drizzling} {off and on|non-stop|} {for days|for weeks|forever}{, it seems like.|, they reckon.|, they'd wager.|}|They should build a boat, what with all this {rain|wet weather}{ {around here|} {everyone has|some have} been {having|complaining about|loving}.|}}


Resolve: {the God/s|witches|wizards|fate|the government} Resolve: {can|can't} Resolve: {control the weather|control/s everything}Resolve: {, you know.|, they reckon.|, they claim.|, they'd wager.|, they admit {sarcastically|without hesitation|secretly}.|}


Resolve: {wishes it was {getting|}|hopes it {gets|doesn't get}|plans on it{ not|} {getting|being}|predicts it {will|won't|might} {get|be}} Resolve: {cold|colder|warm|warmer|hot|hotter|mild|milder|stormy|stormier|rainy|rainier|sunny|sunnier|windy|windier|chilly|chillier|foggy|foggier|better|worse|too damp}


Resolve: {complains that|feels that|admits that|thinks that} the wind is Resolve: {blowing|gusting|raging} Resolve: {strongly|dangerously|strangely|unsettlingly|} from the Resolve: {right|wrong|worst|best} directionResolve: {, too..|, as well..|}


Resolve: {current events are|it's|the weather {has been|is}} Resolve: {way|far} too Resolve: {variable|unpredictable|unsatisfactory}Resolve: { right now| currently|}Resolve: {, you know.|, they reckon.|, they claim.|, they'd wager.|, they admit {sarcastically|without hesitation|secretly}.|}


the weather is too Resolve: {dry|hot}Resolve: {, when it isn't raining|}Resolve: {, and sometimes it's just too dry altogether|}Resolve: {{, unseasonable|, unnaturally|}{, they admit|, they claim|, they'd wager|, they whisper|}|}Resolve: {, far too variable|, far too unpredictable|}Resolve: {, growing worse every year|}Resolve: {, controlled by {Wizards|Witches|Evil Forces|Blasphemous Curses}, they're certain|}.