Special Event (Unfortune) (d20)

d20 Result


  1. They come across a land mark with colorfully wrapped boxes. (There could be anything inside, even something harmful...) (Unfortunate Event / Treasure)


  1. One of the players has money fall out of their pockets and a creature with a competent form of intelligence runs by to swipe it up. (Unfortunate Event)


  1. Parpu appears (Only if in the Rito Hills region) (Unfortunate Event)


  1. The party gets hit with terrible weather (Decide depending on the danger and region.) (Unfortunate Event)


  1. The party is struck by a random blast of wild magic! (Unfortunate Event)


  1. The party steps into a trap... (Roll for type, the size amount, and the danger) (Unfortunate Event)


  1. The party finds a massacre. (What was slaughtered should be chosen at random) (Unfortunate Event)


  1. The party finds a strange portal that will warp them to a random location in Hyrule if entered. (Unfortunate Event)


  1. The party runs into a thick fog, they must roll to not stray from the party and get lost. (Unfortunate Event)


  1. The party watches a person get killed by hostile creatures or people (Unfortunate Event)


  1. A random player trips and must pass an acrobatics or take 1d4 damage! (Unfortunate Event)


  1. The party is hit with an illusionary spell. The is no source of explanation. (Unfortunate Event)


  1. Its a robbery! (Unfortunate Event / Local Interaction)


  1. They step into a bee nest that was barely breaching the surface. Ouch! (Unfortunate Event)


  1. A crippled man will be seen limping across the road. If they decide to help him, he will perk up and reveal his act of trickery and steal something off of them. (Unfortunate Event)


  1. The players discover an uncharted hamlet surrounded by trees. The trees were believed to be harmless, until they started growing faces and the Deku started to appear. An Evil Druid Deku and his Deku minions want the land the hamlet was built upon (Unfortunate Event)


  1. The party discovers a chest sticking out of the loose dirt on their travels. Inside the chest is a vial filled with what could be summarized as the mother of all poisons. Beneath the vial are research papers, journal entries, and a book which lists the ingredients and procedures needed to make this poison. It’s a poison so toxic that if the players fail the saving throw, it will instantly kill them. If they pass, they roll a 1d4 and that’s how many Hit Points they have left. (Unfortunate event)


  1. An NPC approaches the party during their travels and begs them to take them to the nearest city to be cured of a curse. This NPC has been cursed with severely bad luck. Danger and misfortune is constantly looming over their shoulder, and the party will have to deal with that if they agree to help the NPC. He will reward them handsomely depending on the distance. (Unfortunate Event)


  1. The party encounters the Legendary Thunderstorm. (Unfortunate Event)


  1. A pack of 3 Cuccos sit in the path of travel.