VtM V5 - Vampire Generator (v2) with Thin-Blood Selection

Complex vampires for complex nights

This is an edit of lladonzombie's vtm5 v1.23 generator.

It allows you select Thin-Blood as an option - and has rebuilt the character description section including skin tone, fashion, gender and added ancestry.


Added Roman names as optional first name for all genders.
Added Cyberpunk name as an option for non-binary genders.

- I've made edits to include an equal chance of all genders including non-binary gender
- Non-binary names will now also roll the Cyberpunk Name generator as an option.

- Tone description now a more general term "complexion".
- A new list of words has been created for this project.
- I've deleted any mention of food and spice as feature descriptors.

- Added more scenes and fashion styles.
- More crossover between men and women, but with some still unique to gender.
- Character now roles 2 fashion preferences, adding depth.

New Descriptor: Ancestry
Description uses contemporary ethnicity data.
Source: https://www.abs.gov.au/statistics/classifications/australian-standard-classification-cultural-and-ethnic-groups-ascceg/latest-release#data-downloads

Misc Edits
- Age descriptors have be rephrased.
- More descriptions for eyes and hair.

Previous Credits below:

Icons made by Freepik from Flaticon
Hair Descriptors - credit: https://kathysteinemann.com/Musings/hair/
A lot of the inspiration for the formatting of the Description Generation came from the wonderful Springhole Vampire Generator

This chart uses input variables
  • _clan
  • _gen


{%_skillpoints = {{15}+{1d8}}%}
{%_num = {3}%}
{%_predatorType = {CHART("VtM V5 - Predator Types")}%}
{%_bloodPotency = {0}%}
{%_bloodPotencyOutput = {"0/0"}%}

{%if _gen == {Random}%}
{%_gen = {CHART("VtM V5 - Generation")}%}

{%_tempClan = {$_clan}%}

{%if _clan == {Random}%}
{%_tempClan = {CHART("VtM V5 - Clans")}%}

{%if _gen == {14th}%}
{%_clan = "Thin-Blood"%}

{%if _gen == {15th}%}
{%_clan = "Thin-Blood"%}

{%_disciplineTwo = {}%}
{%_dTwoNum = {1|{$_aTwoDot}%?2|{$_aThreeDot}%?3|{$_aFourDot}%?4|{$_aFiveDot}%?5}%}
{%_disciplineThree = {}%}

{%_dThreeNum = {{_discPoints.three}}%}
{%_dPredNum = {{_discPoints.pred}}%}
{%_dNum = {2|{$_percentAgeTotal}%?3}%}


{%_personality = {CHART("Personality Traits (vampire)")}%}
{%_age = {0}%}

{%if _gen == {8th}%}

{%_aTwoDot = {28}%}
{%_aThreeDot = {18}%}
{%_aFourDot = {10}%}
{%_buildTwo = {, {$_disciplineTwo} ({$_dTwoNum})}%}

{%if _disciplinePred == {$_disciplineOne}%}
{%_disciplinePred = {}%}
{%_dOneNum = {{$_dOneNum}+1}%}
{%if _percentAge < {10}%}
{%_percentAge = {10}%}
{%_bTwo = {round({$_percentAge}/2)}%}
{%_bThree = {round({$_percentAge}/4)}%}
{%_bFour = {round({$_percentAge}/8)}%}
{%_bFive = {round({$_percentAge}/10)}%}
{%_bloodPotency = {2|{$_bTwo}%?3|{$_bThree}%?4|{$_bFour}%?5|{$_bFive}%?6}%}
{%_bloodPotencyOutput = {$_bloodPotency}%}

{%if _dOneNum > {5}%}

{%if _gen == {9th}%}
{%_aTwoDot = {27}%}
{%_aThreeDot = {17}%}
{%_aFourDot = {9}%}
{%_aFiveDot = {5}%}

{%if _clan != {Thin-Blood}%}
{%_age = {{$_ageNum} years ago}%}
{%_percentAge = {round(({$_ageNum}/520)*100)}%}
{%if _percentAge < {10}%}
{%_percentAge = {10}%}
{%_bTwo = {round({$_percentAge}/2)}%}
{%_bThree = {round({$_percentAge}/4)}%}
{%_bFour = {round({$_percentAge}/10)}%}
{%_bloodPotency = {2|{$_bTwo}%?3|{$_bThree}%?4|{$_bFour}%?5}%}
{%_bloodPotencyOutput = {$_bloodPotency}%}


{%if _gen == {10th}%}
{%_aTwoDot = {26}%}
{%_aThreeDot = {16}%}
{%_aFourDot = {8}%}
{%_aFiveDot = {4}%}

{%_ageNum = {(1700+1d320-2020)*-1}%}
{%_age = {{$_ageNum} years ago}%}
{%_percentAge = {round(({$_ageNum}/320)*100)}%}
{%if _percentAge < {10}%}
{%_percentAge = {10}%}
{%_bTwo = {round({$_percentAge}/2)}%}
{%_bThree = {round({$_percentAge}/4)}%}
{%_bFour = {round({$_percentAge}/10)}%}
{%_bloodPotency = {1|{$_bTwo}%?2|{$_bThree}%?3|{$_bFour}%?4}%}
{%_bloodPotencyOutput = {$_bloodPotency}%}


{%if _gen == {11th}%}
{%_aTwoDot = {25}%}
{%_aThreeDot = {15}%}
{%_aFourDot = {7}%}
{%_aFiveDot = {3}%}

{%_ageNum = {(1800+1d220-2020)*-1}%}
{%_age = {{$_ageNum} years ago}%}
{%_percentAge = {round(({$_ageNum}/220)*100)}%}
{%if _percentAge < {10}%}
{%_percentAge = {10}%}
{%_bTwo = {round({$_percentAge}/2)}%}
{%_bThree = {round({$_percentAge}/4)}%}
{%_bFour = {round({$_percentAge}/10)}%}
{%_bloodPotency = {1|{$_bTwo}%?2|{$_bThree}%?3|{$_bFour}%?4}%}
{%_bloodPotencyOutput = {$_bloodPotency}%}


{%if _gen == {12th}%}
{%_aTwoDot = {24}%}
{%_aThreeDot = {14}%}
{%_aFourDot = {6}%}
{%_aFiveDot = {2}%}

{%_ageNum = {(1900+1d120-2020)*-1}%}
{%_age = {{$_ageNum} years ago}%}
{%_percentAge = {round(({$_ageNum}/120)*100)}%}
{%if _percentAge < {10}%}
{%_percentAge = {10}%}
{%_bTwo = {round({$_percentAge}/2)}%}
{%_bThree = {round({$_percentAge}/4)}%}
{%_bloodPotency = {1|{$_bTwo}%?2|{$_bThree}%?3}%}
{%_bloodPotencyOutput = {$_bloodPotency}%}


{%if _gen == {13th}%}
{%_aTwoDot = {23}%}
{%_aThreeDot = {13}%}
{%_aFourDot = {5}%}
{%_aFiveDot = {1}%}

{%_ageNum = {(1950+1d70-2020)*-1}%}
{%_age = {{$_ageNum} years ago}%}
{%_percentAge = {round(({$_ageNum}/70)*100)}%}
{%if _percentAge < {10}%}
{%_percentAge = {10}%}
{%_bTwo = {round({$_percentAge}/2)}%}
{%_bThree = {round({$_percentAge}/4)}%}
{%_bloodPotency = {1|{$_bTwo}%?2|{$_bThree}%?3}%}
{%_bloodPotencyOutput = {$_bloodPotency}%}


{%if _gen == {14th}%}
{%_aTwoDot = {22}%}
{%_aThreeDot = {12}%}
{%_aFourDot = {3}%}
{%_aFiveDot = {0}%}

{%_age = {50%?{a few|many} months ago|{1d5} years ago}%}
{%_bloodPotency = {0}%}

{%_ageNum = {1}%}

{%if _gen == {15th}%}
{%_aTwoDot = {21}%}
{%_aThreeDot = {11}%}
{%_aFourDot = {2}%}
{%_aFiveDot = {0}%}

{%_age = {60%?{a few|many} months ago|{1d3} years ago}%}
{%_bloodPotency = {0}%}

{%_ageNum = {1}%}

{%if _gen == {16th}%}
{%_aTwoDot = {20}%}
{%_aThreeDot = {10}%}
{%_aFourDot = {1}%}
{%_aFiveDot = {0}%}

{%_age = {70%?{a few|many} months ago|{1d2} years ago}%}
{%_bloodPotency = {0}%}

{%_ageNum = {1}%}

{%_percentAgeTotal = {ceil(({$_ageNum}/720)*100)}%}

{%_gender = {33%?man|33%?woman|34%?non-binary person}%}
{%_aged = {34%?young looking|33%?middle-aged looking|33%?older looking}%}
{%_fashion = {none}%}

{%if _gender == {man}%}
{%_fashion1 = {CHART("Men's Fashion")}%}
{%_fashion = {CHART("Men's Fashion")}%}

{%if _gender == {woman}%}
{%_fashion = {CHART("Women's Fashion")}%}
{%_fashion1 = {CHART("Women's Fashion")}%}

{%if _gender == {non-binary person}%}
{%_fashion = {CHART("Women's Fashion")|CHART("Men's Fashion")}%}
{%_fashion1 = {CHART("Women's Fashion")|CHART("Men's Fashion")}%}

{%_eyes = {{light|dark|intense|soft|fierce|bright|glassy|sharp|cold|piercing|bitter|sweet|gentle} {amber|blue|brown|gray|green|hazel}}%}
{%_hair = {95%?{long|short|medium|} {CHART("Hair Descriptors")} {brown hair|blond hair|black hair|auburn hair|red hair|{purple hair|green hair|blue hair|rainbow hair|black and white hair|ombre black and tan hair|ombre purple and blue hair|pink hair}}|a bald head}%}

{%if _aged == {older}%}
{%_hair = {95%?{long|short|medium|} {CHART("Hair Descriptors")} {graying hair|white hair|{brown hair|blond hair|black hair|auburn hair|red hair|salt and pepper hair}}|a bald head}%}

{%_nos = { }%}
{%if _clan == {Nosferatu}%}
{%_nos = {They are particularly {CHART("Nosferatu Descriptions")} and have {CHART("Nosferatu Features")} and {CHART("Nosferatu Features")}.} %}

{%_skin = {{CHART(65199)} complexion} %}

{%_goalOne = {CHART(5956) }%}
{%_goalTwo = {CHART(5956) }%}

{%_name = { }%}

{%_ethnicity = {CHART("Ethnicity")}%}
{%_ethnicity2 = {CHART("Ethnicity")}%}

{%if _gender == {woman}%}
{%_name = {{CHART("200 Random Feminine Names")|CHART(2739)|CHART(47788)} {CHART("500 Random Surnames")}}%}
{%if _gender == {man}%}
{%_name = {{CHART("200 Random Masculine Names")|CHART(2738)|CHART(394)} {CHART("500 Random Surnames")}}%}
{%if _gender == {non-binary person}%}
{%_name = {{CHART("200 Random Masculine Names")|CHART(8727)|CHART(47788)|CHART(394)|CHART(395)|CHART("200 Random Feminine Names")} {CHART("500 Random Surnames")}}%}

{%_malk = { }%}
{%if _clan == {Malkavian}%}
{%_secondary = {|{have {an overt|a subtle|a} tendency toward being {CHART("WoD - Disorders")} and }}%}
{%_primary = {{strongly|subtly|} exhibit {CHART("WoD - Derangements")}}%}
{%_malk = { They {$_secondary}{$_primary}.}%}

NAME: {$_name}

This {$_personality} {$_clan} Kindred is a {$_aged} {$_gender}, they Resolve: {were turned|became a vampire|died|were embraced} {$_age}. {$_nos} They have {$_hair}, {$_eyes} eyes and a {$_skin}. They have {$_ethnicity} ancestry. Their Resolve: {clothing|style|dress} preference is {$_fashion1} and {$_fashion}.{$_malk} Their Resolve: {goal|priority|ambition|motivation|impulse|cause} is to "{$_goalOne}" and to "{$_goalTwo}".


CLAN: {$_clan}


{%_secretAttDie = {ceil(({$_percentAgeTotal}/100)*10)}%}
{%_aPoints = {20+2d5+{$_secretAttDie}}%}
{% _attributes = create_stat_block max_point:5 min_point:1 skills:"Strength, Dexterity, Stamina, Charisma, Manipulation, Composure, Intelligence, Wits, Resolve" total_points:{$_aPoints} %}

Strength ({{_attributes.Strength}}) Charisma ({{_attributes.Charisma}}) Intelligence ({{_attributes.Intelligence}})
Dexterity ({{_attributes.Dexterity}}) Manipulation ({{_attributes.Manipulation}}) Wits ({{_attributes.Wits}})
Stamina ({{_attributes.Stamina}}) Composure ({{_attributes.Composure}}) Resolve ({{_attributes.Resolve}})

{%_secretSkillDie = {ceil(({$_percentAgeTotal}/100)*30)}%}
{%_sPoints = {1d{$_secretSkillDie}+20+5d6}%}
{% _skills = create_stat_block max_point:5 min_point:0 skills:"Athletics, Animal_Ken, Academics, Brawl, Etiquette, Awareness, Craft, Insight, Finance, Drive, Intimidation, Investigation, Firearms, Leadership, Medicine, Melee, Performance, Occult, Larceny, Persuasion, Politics, Stealth, Streetwise, Science, Survival, Subterfuge, Technology" total_points:{$_sPoints} %}

Athletics ({{_skills.Athletics}}) Animal Ken ({{_skills.Animal_Ken}}) Academics ({{_skills.Academics}})
Brawl ({{_skills.Brawl}}) Etiquette ({{_skills.Etiquette}}) Awareness ({{_skills.Awareness}})
Craft ({{_skills.Craft}}) Insight ({{_skills.Insight}}) Finance ({{_skills.Finance}})
Drive ({{_skills.Drive}}) Intimidation ({{_skills.Intimidation}}) Investigation ({{_skills.Investigation}})
Firearms ({{_skills.Firearms}}) Leadership ({{_skills.Leadership}}) Medicine ({{_skills.Medicine}})
Melee ({{_skills.Melee}}) Performance ({{_skills.Performance}}) Occult ({{_skills.Occult}})
Larceny ({{_skills.Larceny}}) Persuasion ({{_skills.Persuasion}}) Politics ({{_skills.Politics}})
Stealth ({{_skills.Stealth}}) Streetwise ({{_skills.Streetwise}}) Science ({{_skills.Science}})
Survival ({{_skills.Survival}}) Subterfuge ({{_skills.Subterfuge}}) Technology ({{_skills.Technology}})

HEALTH: {{_attributes.Stamina}} + 3 WILLPOWER: {{_attributes.Composure}} + {{_attributes.Resolve}}

{%_disciplineOne = {}%}
{%_dOneNum = {1|{$_aTwoDot}%?2|{$_aThreeDot}%?3|{$_aFourDot}%?4|{$_aFiveDot}%?5}%}

{%_disciplineTwo = {}%}
{%_dTwoNum = {1|{$_aTwoDot}%?2|{$_aThreeDot}%?3|{$_aFourDot}%?4|{$_aFiveDot}%?5}%}

{%_disciplineThree = {}%}
{%_dThreeNum = {1|{$_aTwoDot}%?2|{$_aThreeDot}%?3|{$_aFourDot}%?4|{$_aFiveDot}%?5}%}

{%_disciplinePred = {A}%}
{%_dPredNum = {1}%}

{%_dPoints = {round(({$_percentAgeTotal}/100)*16+3+d2)}%}
{% _discPoints = create_stat_block max_point:5 min_point:1 skills:"one, two, three, pred" total_points:{$_dPoints} %}
{%_dOneNum = {{_discPoints.one}}%}
{%_dTwoNum = {{_discPoints.two}}%}
{%_dThreeNum = {{_discPoints.three}}%}
{%_dPredNum = {{_discPoints.pred}}%}

{%_dNum = {2|{$_percentAgeTotal}%?3}%}

{%if _clan == {Banu Haqim}%}
{%_disciplineOne = {Blood Sorcery|Celerity|Obfuscate|CHART("VtM V5 - Disciplines")}%}
{%_disciplineTwo = {Blood Sorcery|Celerity|Obfuscate|CHART("VtM V5 - Disciplines")}%}
{%_disciplineThree = {Blood Sorcery|Celerity|Obfuscate|CHART("VtM V5 - Disciplines")}%}

{%if _clan == {Brujah}%}
{%_disciplineOne = {Celerity|Potence|Presence|CHART("VtM V5 - Disciplines")}%}
{%_disciplineTwo = {Celerity|Potence|Presence|CHART("VtM V5 - Disciplines")}%}
{%_disciplineThree = {Celerity|Potence|Presence|CHART("VtM V5 - Disciplines")}%}

{%if _clan == {Gangrel}%}
{%_disciplineOne = {Animalism|Fortitude|Protean|CHART("VtM V5 - Disciplines")}%}
{%_disciplineTwo = {Animalism|Fortitude|Protean|CHART("VtM V5 - Disciplines")}%}
{%_disciplineThree = {Animalism|Fortitude|Protean|CHART("VtM V5 - Disciplines")}%}

{%if _clan == {Lasombra}%}
{%_disciplineOne = {Dominate|Oblivion|Potence|CHART("VtM V5 - Disciplines")}%}
{%_disciplineTwo = {Dominate|Oblivion|Potence|CHART("VtM V5 - Disciplines")}%}
{%_disciplineThree = {Dominate|Oblivion|Potence|CHART("VtM V5 - Disciplines")}%}

{%if _clan == {Malkavian}%}
{%_disciplineOne = {Auspex|Obfuscate|Dominate|CHART("VtM V5 - Disciplines")}%}
{%_disciplineTwo = {Auspex|Obfuscate|Dominate|CHART("VtM V5 - Disciplines")}%}
{%_disciplineThree = {Auspex|Obfuscate|Dominate|CHART("VtM V5 - Disciplines")}%}

{%if _clan == {Nosferatu}%}
{%_disciplineOne = {Animalism|Obfuscate|Potence|CHART("VtM V5 - Disciplines")}%}
{%_disciplineTwo = {Animalism|Obfuscate|Potence|CHART("VtM V5 - Disciplines")}%}
{%_disciplineThree = {Animalism|Obfuscate|Potence|CHART("VtM V5 - Disciplines")}%}

{%if _clan == {Ministry}%}
{%_disciplineOne = {Obfuscate|Presence|Protean|CHART("VtM V5 - Disciplines")}%}
{%_disciplineTwo = {Obfuscate|Presence|Protean|CHART("VtM V5 - Disciplines")}%}
{%_disciplineThree = {Obfuscate|Presence|Protean|CHART("VtM V5 - Disciplines")}%}

{%if _clan == {Toreador}%}
{%_disciplineOne = {Auspex|Celerity|Presence|CHART("VtM V5 - Disciplines")}%}
{%_disciplineTwo = {Auspex|Celerity|Presence|CHART("VtM V5 - Disciplines")}%}
{%_disciplineThree = {Auspex|Celerity|Presence|CHART("VtM V5 - Disciplines")}%}

{%if _clan == {Tremere}%}
{%_disciplineOne = {Auspex|Dominate|Blood Sorcery|CHART("VtM V5 - Disciplines")}%}
{%_disciplineTwo = {Auspex|Dominate|Blood Sorcery|CHART("VtM V5 - Disciplines")}%}
{%_disciplineThree = {Auspex|Dominate|Blood Sorcery|CHART("VtM V5 - Disciplines")}%}

{%if _clan == {Ventrue}%}
{%_disciplineOne = {Dominate|Fortitude|Presence|CHART("VtM V5 - Disciplines")}%}
{%_disciplineTwo = {Dominate|Fortitude|Presence|CHART("VtM V5 - Disciplines")}%}
{%_disciplineThree = {Dominate|Fortitude|Presence|CHART("VtM V5 - Disciplines")}%}

{%if _clan == {Caitiff}%}
{%_disciplineOne = {CHART("VtM V5 - Disciplines")}%}
{%_disciplineTwo = {CHART("VtM V5 - Disciplines")}%}
{%_disciplineThree = {CHART("VtM V5 - Disciplines")}%}

{%if _predatorType == {Alleycat (Core pg.175)}%}
{%_disciplinePred = {Celerity|Potence}%}
{%if _predatorType == {Bagger (Core pg.176)}%}
{%_disciplinePred = {Blood Sorcery|Obfuscate}%}
{%if _predatorType == {Blood Leech (Core pg.176)}%}
{%_disciplinePred = {Celerity|Protean}%}
{%if _predatorType == {Cleaver (Core pg.176)}%}
{%_disciplinePred = {Dominate|Animalism}%}
{%if _predatorType == {Consensualist (Core pg.177)}%}
{%_disciplinePred = {Auspex|Fortitude}%}
{%if _predatorType == {Farmer (Core pg.177)}%}
{%_disciplinePred = {Animalism|Protean}%}
{%if _predatorType == {Osiris (Core pg.177)}%}
{%_disciplinePred = {Blood Sorcery|Presence}%}
{%if _predatorType == {Sandman (Core pg.177)}%}
{%_disciplinePred = {Auspex|Obfuscate}%}
{%if _predatorType == {Scene Queen (Core pg.178)}%}
{%_disciplinePred = {Dominate|Potence}%}
{%if _predatorType == {Siren (Core pg.178)}%}
{%_disciplinePred = {Fortitude|Presence}%}

{%if _dNum == {1}%}
{%_disciplineTwo = {}%}
{%_disciplineThree = {}%}
{%if _dNum == {2}%}
{%_disciplineThree = {}%}

{%if _disciplineThree == {$_disciplineTwo}%}
{%_disciplineThree = {}%}
{%_dTwoNum = {{$_dTwoNum}+1}%}
{%if _disciplineTwo == {$_disciplineOne}%}
{%_disciplineTwo = {}%}
{%_dOneNum = {{$_dOneNum}+1}%}

{%if _disciplinePred == {$_disciplineThree}%}
{%_disciplinePred = {}%}
{%_dThreeNum = {{$_dThreeNum}+1}%}
{%if _disciplinePred == {$_disciplineTwo}%}
{%_disciplinePred = {}%}
{%_dTwoNum = {{$_dTwoNum}+1}%}
{%if _disciplinePred == {$_disciplineOne}%}
{%_disciplinePred = {}%}
{%_dOneNum = {{$_dOneNum}+1}%}

{%if _dOneNum > {5}%}
{%_dOneNum = {5}%}
{%if _dTwoNum > {5}%}
{%_dTwoNum = {5}%}
{%if _dThreeNum > {5}%}
{%_dThreeNum = {5}%}

{%_buildTwo = {, {$_disciplineTwo} ({$_dTwoNum})}%}
{%if _disciplineTwo == {}%}
{%_buildTwo = {}%}

{%_buildThree = {, {$_disciplineThree} ({$_dThreeNum})}%}
{%if _disciplineThree == {}%}
{%_buildThree = {}%}

{%_buildPred = {, {$_disciplinePred} ({$_dPredNum})}%}
{%if _disciplinePred == {}%}
{%_buildPred = {}%}

{%if _clan != {Thin-Blood}%}
DISCIPLINES: {$_disciplineOne} ({$_dOneNum}){$_buildTwo}{$_buildThree}{$_buildPred}

{%if _clan != {Thin-Blood}%}
BLOOD POTENCY: {$_bloodPotencyOutput} (pg.216)

PREDATOR TYPE: {$_predatorType}

{%if _clan == {Thin-Blood}%}
THIN-BLOOD MERITS: Roll on {Roll on "VtM V5 - Thin-Blood Merits"} 1d1 times
THIN-BLOOD FLAWS: Roll on {Roll on "VtM V5 - Thin-Blood Flaws"} 1d1 times