New Organisation Actions (d4)

d4 Result


supplant a current faction - gaining territory, converts and defectors and reducing the previous faction's numbers. Who does the new order supplant?


appeal to a very specific audience. Who is it that this faction attracts? A certain race, such as Resolve: {humans|elves|dwarves|halflings|tieflings|dragonborn}? A certain social class? Or even a certain character class, such as a Resolve: {fighter|rogue|wizard|sorcerer|druid|barbarian|ranger|paladin|cleric}?


utilise the unique qualities of their leader, valued by his/her followers. Elaborate on what the qualities are, and what actions this leader has taken to retain the followers' support.


suffer from the opposition from a rival group. Choose an existing faction, and elaborate why they oppose the new group. Also decide who leads the new faction, and what they plan to do so as to stop their rival.