Symbols found on objects (1d14)

or on walls, or clothes, or whatever you want a symbol to be found on

This is meant to be genre agnostic.
I don't have any basis for saying that Ouroboros, the serpent eating its own tail, is "common to many cultures" except that it seems like such a good symbol that I can completely imagine elves or dwarves or aliens or what have you inventing it independently of whoever invented it first.
"Pagett, M.P." is a reference to the poem "The Enlightenments of Pagett, M.P." If you look it up, be sure that you get the poem and not the story which has the same name.
All other symbols come out of my own head and refer to nothing.

1d14 Result


The words "God in His goodness" written over and over.


The symbol, common to many cultures, of a serpent eating its tail.


The Dannagre cross or 'caltrop cross', something like an inverted Y.


A stylized drawing of a pike grasping a smaller fatter fish by the middle.


Waves, drawn all over.


Something that might or might not be the Nine-Limbed Daughter of War - its legs are scratched off, but the position of the arms is familiar.


The famed skull and crossbones, but the bones are unidentifiable antler-like things and appear to interconnect.


The initials "BT AR" in Army stencil font.


From a distance, it's a twisting mass. Up close it looks more like small curved shapes laid over larger curved shapes. If you figure it out and then look at it again from a distance, the optical illusion persists.


The inscription "Pagett, M.P." cut or scratched into the surface.


A simple line drawing of a head impaled on a stake. The stake is not vertical, but projects from the horizon line at an angle of about 70 degrees.


A crucifix, defaced by someone who thought it'd be funny to make it look like a mermaid.


A drawing of the Mail Service insignia, but with the letters and symbols partially obscured by plants.


A deer's head spitting forth flame.