NAT 1 Magic Table (1d40)

1d40 Result


SURGE - Roll on this table at the start of each of your turns for the next minute, ignore this result for the next minute.


Go big or go home - The spell you are casting is cast as an AOE centered on yourself with a radius of 20ft.


Darts - You say a wrong word or flick your wrist the wrong way and cast magic missile at 5th level. You target 7 of the closest creatures and will be hit by 1 dart each. If the spell slot you are using is higher than 3rd level then an extra dart is added and another creature can be selected.


Confusion - You mix up spells and cast another spell of the same level at the target. (The DM may not heal enemies with this.)


Weak - The next time you deal damage all the dice involved in the attack will be 1


Tongue Tied - You bite and sprain your tongue while casting an cannot cast spells that require vocal components next turn.


Big Mouth - You can only cast spells that have the Vocal component for 3 rounds as you shout for those three turns


Smoke Bomb! - You cast Fog Cloud centered on the target/target area for 1 + 1d6 rounds


Peekaboo - You cast Invisibility on every creature within 30ft of you except yourself


Iridescent - You cast the Light spell on yourself and enemies have advantage on attacks against you until your next turn.


Short Term Memory loss - For 1 minute you forget how to cast the spell you just cast


Distracted - You loss concentration on any spell you are concentrating on, if you are not concentrating on a spell then you cannot concentrate on a spell for 2 rounds


Fly! - A random creature within 60ft will float 30ft in the air at the end of their turn, remain suspended for 1 round, and then float down at the end of their next turn. If there are no creatures then you will ne subject to these affects


Gigantimax - You become one size category larger for 3 rounds


Switch - You and the target/furthest target switch places


Center of attention - Until the start of your next turn all enemies must target you with an attack, if they can reach you by dashing then they will spend all their movement and dash to you. Otherwise they act as normal


Fat - Caster gains 100 pounds and movement is halved for 1 minute, you also cannot airborne for 1 minute.


Arthritis - Your hands hurt and you cannot cast spells with the somatic component next turn


Butter Fingers - You drop your spell focus, if it is a tattoo then the tattoo peels from your skin, if it is attached to a shield/item then you drop the item. You must use your action to pick up the spell focus as you fingers are slippery


Ricochet! - Your spell deflects off your target and affects someone else, if the spell is an AOE then it just fails


BEAR! - You summon an Owl bear that remains until it dies. It is immediately hostile and will attack discriminately, it will appear next to your target or in the center of your failed AOE spell


Sand man's sand - You cast sleep on yourself and are asleep for 1d3 turns until you take damage or are woken up


Cursed - You curse your target for one minute and if they die in that time then they come back as a ghost and will try to kill you


Big hands - Your hands become freakishly large and spell with the somatic component have a 50% chance of failing for 1d6 rounds


SNAKE! - You summon a Giant Constrictor Snake that remains until it dies. It is immediately hostile and will attack discriminately, it will appear next to your target or in the center of your failed AOE spell


Dagger Storm - You summon rain clouds over the immediate area and everyone must roll a DEX save at the start of their turn against your spell save DC for take 2d4 piercing damage. The storm lasts for 1d6 + 1 rounds


Merp - You summon a repugnant creature that sits on your shoulder and causes you distress. All spell attacks are made with dis-advantage until you kill/get rid of the creature, it stays for 1 minute then disappears


Meltdown - You have bitten off more than you can chew and have put too much magic into your spell. On the same turn you roll this please make an ability check using your spellcasting ability score against your own spell DC. If you succeed then you avert this critical failure, if you fail then everyone within 100ft will take 10 damage that cannot be negated unless they have resistance to all magic damage.


Mom's Spaghetti - Your knees are weak, palms sweaty, there's vomit on your armor already, take a level of exhaustion that lasts for 1 + 1d6 rounds of combat.


Wave of Fire - A 60ft cone of fire sprays in the direction you are aiming or at your target creature. Creatures in the blast must make a DEX save against your spell DC or take 6d4 fire damage.


Blink - You somehow enter the Astral plane for 1 round when you return to the place you were previously on you occupy the same space or space closest to where you were previously.


Mix Up - for the next 2 rounds of combat you will use a random ability as your spell casting ability, it is unknown to you what that ability is and the DM must roll a d5 to determine what the ability will be.


System Shock - The spell you attempted to cast has not only failed but affected how you experience pain. all damage for 1 + 1d3 turns will deal 1.5 more damage.


Tunnel Vision - You see one enemy as the most dangerous or most annoying. If your spell has a target of one creature then for 1 + 1d4 turns you must attack that creature. If your spell does not target a single creature then you must attack the closest enemy.


Devastation - If your spell deals damage then roll damage, if it affects creatures in an area then all creatures in the AOE take the damage regardless of resistances or immunities. The damage is multiplied by your spell casting ability modifier. But you can not cast leveled spell for a number of rounds equal to your spell casting ability modifier, your movement speed is halved, and your AC drops by 1.


Betrayal -  You accidentally buff the closest enemy, for 1d3 turns they add an extra 1d6 to their attacks. The extra damage is the same type as your failed spell, if the spell does not deal damage then the extra damage deals force damage.


Mind Link - You and a random enemy within 30ft now share a mental connection, for the next 1 + 1d3 turns you and this creature know each others thoughts. If there are no enemies within range then you connect with something else . . .


Overwhelmed - Your mind is flooded with the consequences of not living up to the expectations of those you love and respect, for 1d6 turns all your attacks are made with a -2 to hit and all saves you force on a creature are lowered by 2.


Blood - You begin to hallucinate and blood is everywhere, it is on your hands, in your hair, in your eyes, and you panic. For 1 turn you are incapacitated.


Laughing Fit - You accidentally cast Tasha's Hideous Laughter on yourself and are under it's effects for 2 turns.