Spike Drill Mishap (3d6)

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Spike Drill Mishaps are covered on page 111 in the Stars Without Number Revised (Free) Edition pdf.

3d6 Mishap


Catastrophic dimensional energy incursion. Ship emerges around a star within 1d6 hexes of the target destination with drive and all systems destroyed.


Shear surge overwhelms internal systems. Ship emerges around star nearest to drill origin. 50% chance for each system to be disabled until repaired. If the spike drive is disabled, treat as if a 3 were rolled.


Power spike. One system disabled until repaired, ship stuck in transit for full base time before being able to make another Pilot check. If the spike drive fails, treat as if a 3 were rolled.


Ship off course. Spend base time in transit, then make another Pilot check.


Ship off course, but detected early. Make another Pilot check.


Drill successful, but takes twice base time.


Drill successful and on time, by blind luck.

Stars Without Number by Kevin Crawford