Labyrinth Encounters - Chambers (5-10) (d12)

d12 Result


The room is empty, but the floor is littered with the debris of a massive limestone statue. A successful DC 13 Investigation Check determines that the statue depicts Resolve: {1? a hawk-headed man|2? a cat-headed woman|3? a jackal-headed man|4? a cow-headed woman|5? a bull-headed man|6? a crocodile-headed man|7? an ibis-headed man|8? a cobra-headed man}. Two or more characters can also spend 10 minutes to piece together the statue.


An Easy Difficulty puzzle that the characters must solve to exit the chamber.


A battle clearly took place in this room, as the floor is littered with bones and rusted weapons. The bones reanimate into Roll 2d4+2 Skeletons.


A desecrated altar to Resolve: {1? Anu|2? Ese| 3? Oru| 4? Ousa| 5? Sek|6? Neb}.  The words "Liar," "Impostor," and "False" are written across the altar in dried blood and black paint.


A Moderate Difficulty puzzle that the characters must solve to exit the chamber.


Roll 1d3+1 Stone Cursed arranged around a dry well at the center of the room.


A library of scrolls and codices from the time of the Land of Reeds and Lotuses. All the texts in the library pertain to Resolve: {1? the achievements of the Old Kings|2? The Forgotten Gods|3-4? Music from the Land of Reeds and Lotuses|5-6? Agricultural and commercial records from the Land of Reeds and Lotuses}. In addition, on a successful DC 17 Investigation Check, a character finds a random Resolve: {1-2? cantrip|3-4? 1st level|5? 2nd level|6? 3rd level} spell scroll.


A Hard Difficulty puzzle that rewards the characters with a magic item from Table F.


The chamber is an armory of rusted weapons an armor. If the characters touch anything in this chamber, Roll 1d3 suits of armor animate as Animated Armor, and Roll 1d4+1 weapons animate as Flying Swords. One of the items in this room seems unaffected by time; the item is  Resolve: {20%? a _+1 Weapon_|60%? Roll 1d6+4 _+1 Arrows_|20%? a _+1 Shield_}.