journey1 (d8)

d8 Result Negative


to preserve(wits) some supplies or items

strong: you manages to successfully preserve. +1 supply
soft: you manages to preserve at the cost of -1 momentum. Bonus: +1 supply
miss: you failed to preserve. -1 momentum

that your body is weakened(iron). You either can try to push on or make camp

strong: you continue to push on. +2momentum , -1spirit
soft: you can continue to push on for -2momentum , -1spirit
miss: pay the price and make camp asap, you are exhausted -1iron until you rest


to investigate(wits) a certain stuff that might favor you

strong: you found a safe camping spot! (no foe will bother you in this camp)
soft: you found a safe camping spot! for -2 momentum
miss: you waster your time finding nothing. -2 momentum

that the path you took might be riskier than you thought

Penalty -1dc for next roll


to inspect(wits) some thing that might favor you.

strong: +2 momentum, +2dc for next 1 action
soft: -1 momentum, +2dc for next 1 action,
miss: -2 momentum

that the path you took might be riskier than you thought

Penalty -2dc for next roll


to investigate(Tracking) an animal track!

strong: you found an deer track!
soft: you found an deer to hunt for -1 momentum
miss: you got yourself running into a bear or wolf pack!

Strong: you hunted a deer successfully! +2 supplies
Weak: you hunted a deer successfully for -1 momentum
Miss: you lost the deer... -1 momentum

that the path you took might be riskier than you thought

Penalty -3dc for next roll


to Inspect(Wits) an dead humans! Either you can inspect or ignore it.


strong: you found hidden supply! +1 supply
soft: you found nothing.
miss: pay the price!

that there's a raiding party nearby. Either you can face head-on or try to avoid(shadow/wits) them. They haven't seen you yet

strong: you successfully avoids them.
soft: you successfully avoids them but you are far away from your destination -2 momentum
miss: pay the price & face the raiding party


to help(Healing) a wounded person!


strong: you successfully helped a wounded person!
soft: you tried but failed. -1spirit
miss: pay the price!

Ignore: -2 spirit!

that you need to drop some junk weights and escape(edge) or face the danger

strong: you manages to escape with minumum loss, -1 supply
soft: you manages to escape with reasonable loss, -d3 supply
miss: pay the price & loss -d3 supply


to Inspect(Wits) an dead humans! Either you can inspect or ignore it.


strong: you found hidden supply! +1 supply
soft: you found nothing.
miss: pay the price!

that you weren't focused on the task!

penalty: -3 dc for next 1 roll


to Inspect(Wits) an object or location that might favor you.


strong: you found a information that will help you on your journey. +d6 journey success
soft: you found a information for -1 momentum. +d3 journey success
miss: pay the price! and -2 momentums

that you weren't focused on the task!

penalty: -2 dc for next 1 roll