Derangements (d100)

d100 Result


A little paranoia is healthy in the 41st millennium, but the Tech-Priest sees enemies and plots all around them, even where none could conceivably exist.


Multiple Personalities:
The Tech-Priest's mind has fragmented into several distinct personalities. This is a mental derangement distinct from any additional personalities the priest may actually possess due to brain implantation.


Data Addiction:
The Tech-Priest's thirst for knowledge has fallen into an abusive pattern, to the point where they suffer withdrawal if not exposed to fresh stimulus.


The Tech-Priest hoards books and data beyond what would be considered normal even for a high ranking member of Mechanicus, their irrational fascination with recorded data driving them to perform outlandish acts to acquire new ones.


The Tech-Priest's ego is out of control, and they have delusions of grandeur even above their lofty position.


The Tech-Priest is needlessly cruel to other living beings, positively relishing a chance to inflict suffering on those they deem under their power.


At some point in their quest to purge the weaknesses of the flesh the Tech-Priest began to enjoy pain and discomfort, possibly going so far as to intentionally implant themselves with devices designed to inflict torment.


Mortem Delusion:
The Tech-Priest suffers from the persistent delusion that they are dead, and only remain in the material universe by some miracle of technology or warpcraft. They may even go so far as to believe that they are a discorporated phantom or spirit, or that they are literally decaying away to nothing.


Flesh Loathing:
The Tech-Priest has a particular revulsion for the unmodified organic flesh of those outside the Priesthood of Mars, barely concealing a pathological level of disgust and hatred when forced to deal with those outside the Mechanicus, or even lower ranked Tech-Priests who have not yet purged the weakness of flesh.


While it is an acknowledged truth that everything was better in the past, the Tech-Priest is unable to escape from their own past glories, behaving as though they were still encountering situations and people from decades or even centuries prior.


Compulsive Hoarding:
The Tech-Priest collects and holds onto vast quantities of various odds and ends. While many are genuinely useful or interesting, they soon become lost in growing mountains of detritus which becomes near impossible to catalogue.


Carnal Longings:
The Tech-Priest has somehow failed to purge or control all the longings of the flesh. While they may now be incapable of acting on their urges physically, they may still pursue bizarre romantic attachments doomed to failure.


Object Delusion:
The Tech-Priest has lost touch with humanity to the point they are unable to perceive living beings as anything other than objects obeying complex mathematical rules, rather than independent entities with desires and wills of their own.


Voices of the Machine:
The Tech-Priest suffers a delusion that machine spirits are literally communicating with them, independent of any datalink or status readout. Such hallucinations even have personalities and may even 'have ideas' which would not have occurred to the Tech-Priest.


The Tech-Priest has a compulsion to enumerate everything they come into contact with. Naturally with augmented intelligence and senses this is not a problem in many cases, but certain situations are so compelling that the Tech-Priest has no choice but to lose themselves in a reverie of calculations.


The Tech-Priest has formed a strange attachment to some non-Tech-Priests and take them with them wherever they go, lavishing them with unusual levels of care and attention. Whether the subjects are willing or not is a matter of perspective.


Manic Episodes:
The Tech-Priest undergoes periods of manic activity, which may be triggered or random, and may last anywhere from a few hours to weeks at a stretch.


Worthless Obsession:
While obsessive behaviour is common and even beneficial in a Priest of Mars, this Tech-Priest is known to obsess over something trivial, or even irrational, devoting inordinate time and resources into worthless projects which are doomed to inevitable failure.


Dream Delusion:
The Tech-Priest believes that reality is to a greater or lesser extent simply a dream or simulation, and that consequently nothing is particularly important and that their actions do not have tangible consequences.


Corpus Delusion:
Some part of the Tech-Priest's mind has rejected their augmented body and they believe themselves to be an unmodified (or only slightly modified) human, regardless of how outlandish their situation may have become.


Omnissiah Complex:
The Tech-Priest believes that they receive direct communications from the Omnissiah. They may need to keep this secret or risk being punished for heresy.


The Tech-Priest is unusually bellicose, and positively enjoys being in the midst of a heated conflict.


Wandering Mind:
The Tech-Priest's attention flits back and forth across multiple subjects and projects, making dealing with them particularly frustrating.


The Tech-Priest finds themselves repelled by their inhumanity, but are either unable to unwilling to do anything about it, instead simply castigating themselves and putting on bizarre affectations to try to disguise their altered nature.


Meme Delusion:
The Tech-Priest has difficulty distinguishing reality from fantasy, and theory from practise. They may believe an abstract concept to be physically real, while something physically tangible may be dismissed as a mere conjecture.