Advanced Augmentations (d100)

d100 Result


Rite of Pure Thought:
The Tech-Priest has had a large portion of his organic brain replaced with a cogitator-like device, purging emotion and irrationality and enhancing their intellect.


The Tech-Priest is tethered to several specially designed servitors which constantly filter impurities from their vital fluids.


Rite of Duplessence:
The Tech-Priest has had the brain of another Tech-Priest implanted into their body, theoretically doubling their intellect and literally doubling their personalities.


Rite of Multiplessence:
As with the Rite of Duplessence, but has had Resolve: {2|3|4|5|6} additional brains implanted.


Clone Dynasty:
The Tech-Priest maintains a legacy of specially grown clones. When a body fails, the priest's brain or consciousness is transferred into a fresh clone.


Rite of Setesh:
The Tech-Priest's ruined body is entombed in an arcane mobile sarcophagus which artificially preserves their life long after they should have perished.


Scholaris Polypus:
The Tech-Priest bristles with dozens of varied mechadendrites, above and beyond even what is usual for one of their kind.


Cerebrum in Vitro:
The Tech-Priest's brain has been removed and emplaced in a resilient mobile container, perhaps supported by a suspensor or on mechanical limbs.


Cerebrum in Vivo:
The Tech-Priest's brain has been removed and emplaced for the forseeable future into some sort of installation. The brain is implanted into Resolve: {a Manufactorum|a Research Laboratory|an Archaoetech Vault|a Librarium|a Cogitator Complex|an Orbital Installation|a Land Leviathan|a Sea Leviathan|an Air Leviathan|a System Ship|a Small Starship|a Medium Starship|a Large Starship|a Colossal Starship|a Habitation Block|a Palatial Estate|{an Eclssiarchy Temple|a Cult Mechanicus Temple}|a Prison Complex|a Medical Facility|a Resource Extraction Facility|{a Communications Hub|an Austropathic Chior Facility}|a Military Fortress|an Administrative complex|{a Space Hulk|Xenos Ruins|A Facility housing a rare spatial anomoly}}.


The Rite of Potentia Magna:
The Tech-Priest has been turned into something akin to a living potentia coil, harnessing vast internal electrical energies which can be leveraged to power devices, or simply smite anyone foolish enough to get in the way.


Personal Teleportation Unit:
The Tech-Priest is host to an emergency teleportation unit capable of short localized 'hops' through the warp. Resolve: {|an advanced cogitator can detect any attack against the Tech Priest within milliseconds and teleport them out of danger automatically.}


Maglev Ascension:
Such is the Tech-Priest's mastery over the power of magnetic repulsion that they are capable of limited flight. Metal objects dance at their whim.


Alternative power sources:
The Tech-Priest can sustain themselves and their implants using an unusual or esoteric power sources, be it solar, nuclear, psychic, or something even more unusual.


Unusual Locomotion:
The Tech-Priest has forsaken their organic legs and opted for Resolve: {wheels|treads|suspensors|being carried by mechanical cherubim}.


Weapon implants:
The Tech-Priest has implanted weapon systems above and beyond the customary las mechadendrite or forearm blade, whether for the purpose of smiting the Omnissiah's enemies or simply out of paranoia.


Gigas Mechanica:
The Tech-Priest has augmented their body to be particularly large, making them giants even when compared to Ogryn and Astartes.


In Utero Mechanica:
The Tech-Priest has a particularly robust life support system. When completely sealed, this system allows indefinite operation in hostile environments ranging from hard vacuum to molten lava.


The Rite of Corpora Multiplex:
The Tech-Priest has several mechanical or cloned bodies under parallel control. The priest's consciousness resides in one body and controls the others through wireless transmissions, allowing them to potentially be in several places at once.


The Rite of Corpora Redacta:
The Tech-Priest can detach some or all of their body parts at will, controlling them remotely. While this is more commonly done with limbs and sensory devices, one should never underestimate the utility of an independently mobile stomach.


The Rite of Corpora Modularis:
The Tech-Priest's body is modular, allowing new devices to be easily and seamlessly integrated into their form and swapped at will. The success of a new installation depends largely on its sophistication and point of origin.


Cortex Bibliotecha:
The Tech-Priest has a prodigious amount of additional storage space, allowing them to store and access the equivalent contents of multiple datastacks. Of course, such systems can be temperamental.


Sanguinem Vitae:
So advanced is the Tech-Priest's augmented blood that it can regenerate any and all damage in a matter of minutes, rather than hours.


The Tech-Priest has an advanced suite of esoteric artificial senses allowing them to perceive one or more variety of information well outside the human norm, including but not limited to psychic fields, data transmissions, unusual radiations, etc.


Corpus Gloriosa:
The Tech-Priest's body is a thing of aesthetic perfection, whether constructed with the devotion of a renowned artisan or gene-sculpted into a vision of corporeal perfection. Very useful for dealing with those outside the Cult Mechanicus, who set more store in appearances.


Integral Forcefield:
The Tech-Priest has an internal forcefield to protect them from attempts on their life.


The Rite of the Chimaera:
The Tech-Priest's augmented body forsakes almost all conventions of form, with a number and placement of limbs, senses and even heads which is unusual even among the Mechanicus.


Ecclesia in Mobilis:
The Tech-Priest is a veritable walking chapel to the Omnissiah, bedecked with loudhailers, incense burners, holy writs and sacred diagrams, and a cortical implant preloaded with millions of religious rites.


Bezerker Implant:
For reasons perhaps best left unknown, the Tech-Priest is host to a Bezerker device which, upon activation, gives over control of their body to a volatile machine spirit programmed only for destruction and mayhem.


Specialist Tools:
The Tech-Priest is equipped with advanced and finely engineered bionics related to a single specific task.


The Rite of Crypta Mentis:
The Tech-Priest is host to a databank filled with the digitally preserved personality and data readings of long-deceased Tech-Priests who can be summoned up at will for their input into the situation at hand. As with all technology of this nature, the process is temperamental and not without risk to the user's sanity.


Brainwave Decoder:
A particularly rare and temperamental device, this marvel of ancient technology allows the Tech-Priest to non-psychical read the minds of others by remotely decoding brainwaves. Its effectiveness is proven, if extremely erratic and taxing to the user's sanity.


Domination Array:
Utilizing pheromones, nanotech viruses, specially modulated soundwaves or any number of other means, the Tech-Priest can exert an unnatural level of control over the weak-willed and feebleminded, making them his willing or unwilling puppets.


The Tech-Priest has a well-protected Resolve: {organic|mechanical} 'backup brain' which stores an imprint of their personality and memories in real time. In the event of their death the imprint can be used to partially or fully reconstruct their minds, though the process is rarely perfect.


The Rite of Mortem Somniare:
Special implants allow the Tech-Priest to enter a state akin to suspended animation, in which their mind, free of the encumbrances of maintaining a body and cybernetics, may operate at many times its usual speed. Such an ability is not used lightly, as a Tech-Priest can easily go insane from subjective years of accelerated solitude.