Bounty Hunter


D4 Who are they hunting?
This is pretty self-explanatory, but I would recommend you let the party know who's being hunted and why - just not who by or when they'll strike.

{%data_block who_are_they_hunting%}
A member of the party.
A close ally of the party.
Someone temporarily critical to the party's goals.
An enemy of the party. They'll fight anyone who tries to kill them instead.

D6 What is their demeanour?
This comes up most when the bounty hunter is monologuing to seemingly defeated prey, but can also say something about how they fight. Mostly it's just for flavour.

{%data_block demeanour%}
All business, no nonsense.
Extreme aggression, easily provoked.
Boring and plain.
Cheerful, bordering on saccharine.
Melancholic and fatalist.
Showy and narcissistic.

D8 What's their modus operandi?
Again, pretty self-explanatory. They're broad descriptions, however, so you have plenty of room to determine exactly what kind of explosive, vehicle, etc they're using.

{%data_block modus_operandi%}
Explosives and heavy weapons
Long range weapons, sniping
Automated drones
Stealth and melee weapons
Hired help
Heavy armour and close range weapons
Combat vehicles
All-rounder weapons and gear

D10 What specialist gear do they own?
It can be daunting to combine two seemingly incompatible methods and specialist gears, but think on how they could work together. A sniper in power armour, for example, could wield much larger weapons, or stand straight out in the open without fear of easy retaliation.

{%data_block specialist_gear%}
A jetpack, reliable but easily damaged
Ancient weaponry that ignores armour
A heavily upgraded, combat-specialized starship
Power armour and energy shields
Combat drugs
High tech tracking and scanning devices
A cloaking field
A bioengineered combat/tracking pet
Nanotech weapons, easily concealed
Multiple cybernetic augmentations

D10 What do they look like?
Another flavour roll, but think about how their appearance combines with their tactics and gimmick - for example, someone wearing corporate-branded punk gear tells a story.

{%data_block appearance%}
Nondescript, easily blending into crowds
Military surplus everything, trying a little too hard
Elegant and elaborate clothes and gear, like a fashionista
Practical equipment, worn by years of use
Punk fashion with tons of accessories
One colour all over, lots of fabric and plastic
Robes and masks, mystical in nature.
Revealing clothes, covered in tattoos and cosmetic implants
Stylish clothes, suits and ties, dark and sleek
Brand new everything, most of it never used before

D12 What species are they?
In some cases, species is little more than another flavour roll, but a clever bounty hunter (IE all of them) will know how to use their biology to their advantage. Vatborn, Mentats, and Spacers are all "panhumans", human but somewhat different from the baseline.

{%data_block species%}
Human, +2 to their lowest stat.
Vatborn, +2 STR.
Mentat, +2 CHA.
Spacer, +2 DEX.
Lizard, +1 DEX and immune to heat.
Feline, always acts before enemies/traps.
Hound, preternatural sense of smell.
Mantis, D8 unarmed damage.
Rabbit, outrun anyone, even some vehicles.
Yeti, +1 STR and immune to cold.
Assassin Robot, closely resembles an organic.
Combat Robot, +1 Armour at all times.

D20 What's their gimmick?
Every self-respecting bounty hunter has something that sets them apart from the crowd, either as a marketing technique or a quirk picked after years of stressful work.

{%data_block gimmick%}
They warn all their targets in advance.
There's two of them: twins, friends, lovers, clones, etc.
They're actually several people working in turns. Kill one and another comes back.
They take great care to avoid any collateral damage.
They try to make each kill slow and painful.
They have branded corporate gear and try to show it off.
They're exceptionally young or old, but no less effective for it.
They offer to fake the party's deaths in return for a bribe.
They carry incendiary grenades and are a pyromaniac.
They have limited psychic ability. One power, always the CHA drawback.
They are followed by a documentary crew.
Their will places a large bounty on whoever kills them, larger than any existing ones.
They are being hunted by another bounty hunter themselves.
They dual wield their weapons. It looks cool but provides no benefit.
They use only sidearms, daggers, and other "light" weapons and gear.
They revel in causing unnecessary collateral damage.
They are exceptionally skilled: +2 HP and +1 damage.
They are particularly inept: -2 HP and -1 damage.
They throw sonic devices which emit loud, piercing screeches they are immune to.
They talk to their quarry constantly throughout the fight.

This bounty hunter is hunting {{ who_are_they_hunting |> roll_chart_view |> lower }} Their demeanour is {{ demeanour |> roll_chart_view |> lower }}

They primarily {{ roll_chart_view source:modus_operandi }}, with the assistance of their {{ specialist_gear |> roll_chart_view |> lower }}.

They are a {{ roll_chart_view source:species }} dressed in {{ roll_chart_view source:appearance }}. Their gimmick is that they {{ gimmick |> roll_chart_view |> lower }}