d20 Result


Earned Favor: Someone appreciates your actions. You might have saved a life or offered critical advice at the right time. A debt is owed that you can call on. How you can call on this favor and how often you can be determined below. A favor can supply equipment, transportation, access, money, or even military support. Roll 1d20 for frequency and influence.


Informant: Differentiated from favor, this is a connection that supplies information or their skill when called upon. This is probably someone you helped or a friend in a position of access. An informant has one dominant skill, rolled with a +8 bonus—this check has advantage. You can call on an informant once a week. The informant will never put oneself at risk and won’t have access to anything outside of what’s around.


Wealth: What a stroke of luck, you’ve come into some money. Don’t spend it all at once.


Combat Training: You gain admittance in a self-defense Class or find a martial-arts / weapons teacher. You spend an extended time specializing in a craft apart from your usual training. Each time you gain this windfall, you learn an additional tier.

Tier 1: You gain 1d4 weapon proficiencies.
Tier 2: You gain a +2 bonus to initiative.
Tier 3: Your speed increases by +5 feet.
Tier 4: You gain 1 feat.


Education Grant: People believe you’re smart and throw money your way in order to develop your skills further. Each time you gain an education grant, you gain proficiency in one skill or tool of your choice as well as one additional language.


Recognition: You have been bestowed a well-deserved award, perhaps a gilded trophy. Maybe a medal. This doesn’t assume a contest. If in the military, you receive medals; you don’t win them. If in academia, you receive acknowledgement for a peer-reviewed paper which has advanced your field. You have advantage on Charisma (Persuasion) checks with other people in in the same field that know of your achievements.


Positive Side Effect: Well, that was unexpected. You have been subjected to a medical experiment, a yet untested treatment to a condition you suffer from, or something latent hidden for many years has finally manifested itself. Roll on the Genetic Benefit Table.


Reputation / Rank: If in the military, you achieve a promotion. If on contract, you are able to raise your prices based on reputation alone. You are given more authority, influence over underlings or employees. This may have reaching aftereffects in the game. You have advantage on Charisma (Intimidation) checks with other people under you command or influence.


Recovery: You recover from one effect from the Tragedy table you are suffering from (chosen by you or the GM).


Personal Treasure: You discovered, was bequeathed, or were given something of value, something you treasure more than most other things, something you neither should sell or even want to (not that you would get anything, as selling it would only net you 1/10 its original value. Select one item worth $5,000 or less as your item


Earned Favor Frequency (d20)

d20 Result


The debtor is limited to what she can accomplish by herself.


You can call of them for a single favor a level, or one big favor that will resolve the obligation.


You can call on them, big or small, but you are limited to six favors total.


You can call on them, big or small, but are limited to two favors per level.

Earned Favor Influence (d20)

d20 Result


The debt is owed by a single person who can or will only supply oneself.


The debtor can bring in a small group, like a gang, retinue, or a few employees.


The debtor will bring in dozens of people if necessary, calling on the right people for the right job.


The debtor has power and influence across hundreds, and can call on favors as well.


The debtor will move heaven and earth to appease you and may be able to do so. You want an army?

Earned Favor Identity (d20)

d20 Result


A relative nobody but who obviously has connections you don’t know about.


The military or police commander.


A lord, small-town mayor, or the president of small company.


The patriarch or matriarch of a major crime family.


The president of a corporation. In medieval times, a duke or baron.


Royalty or the president of a multinational corporation.


This person runs a country.

Informant Identity and Skills (d20)

d20 Result


Professor. Intelligence (History)


Scientist. Intelligence (Nature / Sciences)


Doctor. Wisdom (Medicine)


Hacker. Intelligence (Computer Use)


Engineer. Intelligence (Engineering)


Priest. Intelligence (Religion)


Entertainer. Charisma (Performance)


Charlatan. Charisma (Deception)


Private Investigator. Intelligence (Investigation)


Survivalist. Wisdom (Survival)

Wealth Earnings (d20)

d20 Result


It wasn’t much, a tax refund probably. You gain $Resolve: {3d6x10}.


You received a bonus, a commission, or a bank error in your favor. You gain $Resolve: {6d6x10}.


You’ve had a good night gambling, or finished a long-term project. Maybe you won a contest. You gain $Resolve: {1d4x1000}.


This is nothing short of a lottery win, inheritance, or a bank heist. However, the money is put aside for a rainy day. You gain the following bonuses when achieving the listed level

1st level - $500;

5th level – $2,500;

10th level - $10,000;

15th level – $55,000.

Untitled - Wed 26 Dec 07:08:03 (d6)

d6 Result


Ultramodern 5