D20-16 (d4)

d4 Result


Whole Truth: Olduce Merrygood was once an informant for the Order of the Last Bastion Knights when he lived in Safeharbor. He came to Tomar’s Crossing to escape them and now that they’re back he’s doing everything he can to avoid them.


 Partial Truth: Olduce Merrygood was once an informant for the Order of the Last Bastion Knights when he lived in Safeharbor.


Truth and Lie Mixed: Olduce Merrygood was once an informant for the Order of the Last Bastion Knights when he lived in Safeharbor. He is now working with the knights again since they arrived in Tomar’s Crossing after the melt.


Lie: Olduce Merrygood makes moonshine that turns people into wererats.