D20-12 (d4)

d4 Result


Whole Truth: Before he was a councilmember, Colinus Birthwitch went hunting with Councilmember Reson Fergone. Colinus came back from the trip without Reson and said they were set upon by greenskins and that the councilmember was killed. In an odd twist of fate, Colinus now occupies Reson’s seat on the Village Council.


 Partial Truth: Before he was a councilmember, Colinus Birthwitch went hunting with Councilmember Reson Fergone often, but then she died on one of their trips.


Truth and Lie Mixed: Before he was a councilmember, Colinus Birthwitch went hunting with Councilmember Reson Fergone often, until she wandered off and never returned on one of their trips.


 Lie: Councilmember Colinus Birthwitch does not actually go hunting. He has a small fortune his father left him and he pays others to kill animals for him because he likes to look like he’s tougher than he is.