Orleans DnD World Gossip (d20)

d20 Result


Truly nothing newsworthy this week.


A mob of angry dockworkers disguised themselves as orcs and threw a ship's entire cargo of coffee overboard into the bay in protest of new taxes.


The governor's daughter was seen carousing with a flamboyant bard at a bawdy tavern in the Warehouse District. The bard is notorious for criticizing both the governor's rulership and his poor taste in clothes.


The dwarven envoy from Runaheim fell ill from food poisoning at the governor's gala. The head chef at the palace was promptly sacked for the embarrasment.


An extra, unexpected shipment of Eumerian spice arrived in port this week. The dwarves are eagerly counting their coinpurses in preparation.


A conflagration broke out in the Ashen District last night when one of the tanneries caught fire. The inferno was caught and extinguished by the quick work of a new wizard in town who specializes in water spells.


Lord Hefnir threw a massive garden party at his estate to raise support for his plan to build a grand theater. The Thieves' Guild took advantage of the occasion, with nearly every noble in attendance getting robbed during the event.


Following news from the hippogriffs of Samsara, the influx of Akkarian refugees has subsided and many have returned home on ships bound to the east.


Farmers have been complaining about losing livestock to unknown and unseen predators in recent days. Local rangers for hire have been contracted to find and resolve whatever is out there preying on the cows and sheep.


A mysterious ship of Arcanian design sailed into the bay and, under some unseen power, docked itself with no sailors or passengers apparently aboard. The arcane college has been asked to investigate the inexplicable ship.


Due to the sudden declaration of war between Theoria and Eumeria, an unlucky Eumerian tradeship docked in Carusso was siezed and most of the crew captured. The rest of the crew and a Eumerian noble are still missing.


The emperor of Theoria, Jurthien II, reportedly took a whirlwind tour of his empire by way of the Imperial Dragon, Elmantir. Funny, no one saw him fly over Carusso.


It was recently theorized that a well-known statue in the University District is really a hero turned to stone. The arcane college is making arrangements to cast stone-to-flesh on it and discover the truth.


Construction for a new cathedral in the city has revealed a previously unknown and unrecorded tomb. A cadre of mercenaries and scholars has been hired to explore its depths.


A duel supposedly occurred in the Merchants District between an elven swordsman and a dwarven foebreaker. The incident was precipitated by the dwarf's insulting remarks, and concluded by the elf's surgical precision with a blade.


The small city of Holles (south of Carusso) is rumored to be struggling with a vampire problem.


A caravan of foreign merchants passing through the city made a fortune selling their unusual jewelry and trinkets to the nobility. So popular were their adornments that it's become a fashion faux pas to be seen without one.


At a recent, well-attended wedding, the jealous rival of the groom arrived on horseback to crash the event and steal the bride away. His efforts failed when the horse bucked him into the groom's family.


Eyebrows have begun to raise at a small band of half-orc merchants peddling gold dragon scales in the city.


Xeandrus, the red dragon wyrm of the Darhein Mountains, was recently spotted by rangers. The last time he was seen--half a century ago--was the last time he woke to raid Carusso…