Discordian Double Agent generator


All Hail Discordia.

This is a complete FKR game.

You are a Discordian Double Agent. Create your background(s) Here is some inspiration:
Roll on "Discordian Double Agent Background 1" Roll on "Discordian Double Agent Background 2" Roll on "Discordian Double Agent Background 3"
Roll on "Discordian Double Agent Background 1" Roll on "Discordian Double Agent Background 2" Roll on "Discordian Double Agent Background 3"
Roll on "Discordian Double Agent Background 1" Roll on "Discordian Double Agent Background 2" Roll on "Discordian Double Agent Background 3"
Roll on "Discordian Double Agent Background 1" Roll on "Discordian Double Agent Background 2" Roll on "Discordian Double Agent Background 3"
Roll on "Discordian Double Agent Background 1" Roll on "Discordian Double Agent Background 2" Roll on "Discordian Double Agent Background 3"

You are a secret member of:
Roll on "Conspiracy Membership"

Save the World
Everything is true. Everything is, therefore, false. Fight the Curse of Grayface. Undermine hardened assumptions. Free the world.
"Just because two things oppose each other does not mean one is false. Theology is nothing more than a debate over whom we should blame for reality." (John Wick)

Catma is the refusal to believe in anything.
Dogma is blind belief.
Start with 3 Catma points and 3 Dogma points.
Spend Catma to double the dice you roll (and pick the best two), but you have to use one of your backgrounds to explain HOW you do it.
Spend Dogma to create effects in accordance with your Conspiracy.
At the end of each session, add 1 Dogma point to your initial Dogma score. Then, roll 1d6+Dogma vs. 1d6+Catma. If Catma loses, you lose 1 Catma point.

Roll dice only when you take risks
Roll 2d6 vs. the referee's 2d6. Add +1 for each advantage you have. Higher roll determines what happens.