Starforged Truths: War (1d3)

1d3 Result Quests


Here in the Forge, resources are too precious to support organized fighting forces. Instead, settlements are protected by their inhabitants, and factions rely on ragtag bands of poorly equipped conscripts to defend their holdings. It is all we have, and we hope it is enough.

Once a year, raiders return to claim a large portion of the harvest from a remote settlement. This year, the harvest was meager and the settlers cannot bear the cost. With the raiders due to arrive in a matter of days, what will you do to protect the people of the outpost?


Our defenses are limited. When we have no other option, we must call the Legion. This organization of mercenaries can deploy soldiers and fighting forces to stand in our defense. But this service always comes at a dire cost, and the Legion holds no loyalties except to the highest bidder.

A detachment of the Legion was sent to put down a rebellion on a mining settlement. Instead of following their orders, the soldiers now stand with the miners. What forced this sudden reversal? With the ruling faction and the full force of the Legion itself arrayed against them, what will you do to prevent a slaughter?


The largest factions wield fleets of ships and can deploy planetside troops. While not equal to the forces which waged war before the exodus, these armies can bring significant firepower to bear. For some, the defenses are a comfort. For others, a threat. A smaller faction or settlement could never hope to stand against them.

A faction is using a large fleet to keep supplies from reaching a remote outpost. What are they protecting? Why are you sworn to break this blockade?