Starforged Truths: Iron (1d3)

1d3 Result Quest


When our exodus ships arrived in the Forge, they were dismantled for raw materials. Many of our outposts were built from the iron bones of those dead vessels. Fragments of the ships were also given to survivors as a remembrance, and were passed from one generation to the next. Today, we swear vows upon the iron shards to honor the sacrifice of our forebears, the essence of the places left behind, and the souls of the great ships that carried us here.

The iron shard you carry is a small piece of the outer hull of an exodus ship. It has a navigational chart inscribed on its surface. This map only reveals itself when exposed to the light of a specific star. Who passed this relic to you? Where is the map purported to lead, and why are you sworn to follow it? Who seeks to claim the map for themselves?


Spacers carry swords to honor the ancient seafaring traditions of our people, and for use in ritualized duels. Aboard a ship, where stray gunfire can destroy fragile equipment or pierce a hull, the brutal practicality of a sword makes it a useful weapon. A few also favor the silent efficiency of a blade for infiltration or espionage. When we swear a vow upon a sword, we are binding our commitment to the iron. If we forsake a vow, that iron must be abandoned. To be bladeless is to be disgraced.

You vow to forge a new sword from the iron of an important object or artifact. What is it, and why is it meaningful to you? Who protects it?


In the early days of our people, an iron vow was a promise to ancient gods. Today, we honor iron as a fundamental element of the universe. It is in the stars. It is in the mantle and core of the worlds we make our home. We craft it into the simplest of tools and mightiest of starships. It is even in our blood. We carry iron totems and swear vows upon them to honor our legacy and show a commitment to things larger than ourselves.

An heirloom iron token of special significance has been stolen. What power or authority is bound to this relic? Who has taken it?