Tavern Encounters (d12)

A simple encounter chart to spice up going for a drink in your favorite generic fantasy tavern.

Description (more info)

A simple encounter chart to spice up going for a drink in your favorite generic fantasy tavern.

d12 Who does something? What do they do? Why do they do it?


A patron entering the bar

buys everyone a drink

because it's their birthday


The barkeeper

insults the players

because they Roll d2 on [like; don't like] the player characters' faces.


A drunk patron

starts a tavern brawl

because they just expierienced something Roll d2 on [good;bad]


A sober patron

starts telling a tale

because Roll d4 on [a friend; a rival; a guildmember; a merchant] Roll d2 on [owes;gave] them money.


A barmaid

suddenly starts singing

because they had a Roll d2 on [bad;good] day


A bard on the stage

asks the players for their adventures

because they had the feeling the players were watching them.


A female patron

challenges one of the players to a duel

because they just Roll d2 on [won;lost] at gambling.


A male patron

starts snoring loudly

with no reason at all.


A cloaked patron

tries to sneak out

to divert from the fact they were trying to pickpocket someone


An elderly patron

flips a table and starts running towards the exit

because they Roll d2 on [liked;didn't like] their Roll d2 on [drink;food]


A beggar that enters the tavern

demands more booze

because they had Roll d2 on [too much;not enough] to drink


A Roll d2 on [guardsman; guardswoman]

vomits in a corner

because they Roll d3 on [just lost; just won; just made] a bet with Roll d4 on [a friend; a guardsman; a guildmember; the bartender]