Deluxe Contests & Minigames!

Unique events for your players to partake in.

Description (more info)

Used to generate a variety of unique minigame-like contest for any of your sessions.
Contests return variations in rules, features, and occurrences every time they are re-rolled.

Most of these contests were originally made for the Greed Island Tabletop RPG, which contains a slightly more elaborate version of this generator, and is a large contest of its own that can be applied to any tabletop rpg system as one of its many adventures or an entire campaign of its own. If you like these minigames it's worth checking out.

This chart uses input variables

{%if Contest == {Select}%}

Select the type of contest that will be taking place.


{%if Contest == {Random}%}

Roll on "Random Contest"


{%if Contest == {Mushi Rally}%}

Roll on "Mushi Rally"


{%if Contest == {Creature Colosseum, Combat}%}

Roll on "Creature Colosseum (Combat)"


{%if Contest == {Creature Colosseum, Balloon Challenge}%}

Roll on "Creature Colosseum (Balloon Challenge)"


{%if Contest == {Talent Show}%}

Roll on "Talent Show"


{%if Contest == {Scavenger Hunt}%}

Roll on "Scavenger Hunt"


{%if Contest == {Mini Robo Colosseum, Random}%}

Roll on "Mini Robo Colosseum (Random)"


{%if Contest == {Mini Robo Colosseum, Tournament}%}

Roll on "Mini Robo Colosseum (Tournament)"


{%if Contest == {Mini Robo Colosseum, Free For All}%}

Roll on "Mini Robo Colosseum (Free For All)"


{%if Contest == {Letter Taboo}%}

Roll on "Letter Taboo"


{%if Contest == {Card Booth}%}

Roll on "Card Booth"


{%if Contest == {Greed}%}

Roll on "Greed"



Scavenger Hunt Items (d19)

d19 Result




Flaming Toadstool

Although easy to spot, taking it with you can prove to be difficult due to its flame's intensity. Bringing an extinguished Flaming Toadstool does not count as having aquired it.




Leaf-like Locust

Very difficult to spot. Only those with sharp eyes will manage to find it.




Angel's Pear

The Angel's Pear is found way up high in one of the tallest trees in the world. Flyers, climbers, and impressive jumpers are sure to shine when it comes to the acquisition of this particular item.




Trading Troll's Agreement

A Trading Troll's Agreement, a small peculiar gem they grows on their back, must be earned in a trade. What the troll exchanges this gem for changes from day to day. Today, the troll will trade it for Resolve: {a {red|blue|green|yellow|orange|brown|pink|black|pink} fruit|a {sword|axe|lance|helmet|boomerang|bow|crossbow}|a music instrument|a {long|tiny|pink|red|red|blue|green|yellow|orange|brown|pink|black|poisonous|glowing|inflating|swift} fish}. A Trading Troll's Agreement will not glow (and thus not be valid for the contest) if taken by force rather than having traded for it.




Oktra's Harmless Twin

"Oktra is an extremely poisonous flower that grows alongside its harmless twin. Just touching the wrong flower can prove to be fatal." is written for the competitors to see.

Those with an expertise on all things flora, or perhaps poison itself should be able to tell them apart with ease. Otherwise, the right kind of ability could help, or maybe a test done on an unfortunate creature.

Oktra's poison is somehow able to permeate through anything that makes contact with it rather easily and quickly. Gloves, handkerchiefs, and other such similar things will not be enough to protect the person that accidentally makes contact with the wrong one.




Devil's Rafflesia

This large flower's potent smell is known for being repugnant enough to knock unconscious those unfortunate enough to smell it. The fortitude of any who catch even a single whiff of it is most definitely challenged.




Twitcher's Bane

"This small fruit creates a powerful explosion when it touches the petals of the flower it grows within." is written for the competitors to see.

A small, delicious black fruit that grows at the center of an equally dark flower. The flower's petals completely surround the fruit except for a small opening on the front. One should carefully pluck the fruit with steady hands and proper concentration, otherwise a lethal outcome awaits, not to mention the fruit would be lost.




Clifford's Surprise

"Not too far away, on the side of a cliff, a rocky face lies. Clifford, the locals have dubbed it. It's bored all day, but it gasps in surprise whenever someone jumps off, launching a perfectly round stone right out of its mouth. This stone is what we call Clifford's Surprise." is written for the competitors to see.

The cliff in question sports a drop of about 500ft. long. Only after Clifford has seen someone free fall at full speed for about 490ft., nearly crashing into the ground,  does he become surprised. Creatures do not seem to contribute to its astonishment.

While Clifford is only surprised when individuals are seen jumping off, this does not mean that it cannot be fooled into thinking that one did.




Healthy Magdolia

A plant that begins to die the moment anyone comes remotely near it. Finding a way to bring it with you should prove to be a challenging puzzle.




Bafoon's Juggling Fruit

"Buffoon-like baboons that enjoy competitive juggling. Only after providing them with a true challenge will they bring out their red fruits." is written for the competitors to see.

Indeed a Bafoon's red juggling fruits are only brought out when they feel their opponent is a worthy juggler, but they are not actually brought out per se. Through their teeth, a Bafoon injects red coloring into their normally green fruits to show they acknowledge their opponent's skill. As such, if any Scavenger Hunt competitor try to find where these red fruits grow rather than earn them, they certainly won't be able to find them.

Bafoons could be tricked into thinking their competitor is a proficient juggler with a multitude of techniques, but if they catch you cheating, they will end the competition and never again accept one of your challenges.




Super Docking Beetle

Competitors will not be able to find the large, multicolored Super Docking Beetle within the scavenger hunt's zone, but if they're observant enough, they'll notice some bugs have very similar patterns to it. This is because the Super Docking Beetle is itself composed of smaller colored beetles, and each one of these "parts" are found in different locations within the contest's area.

When placed next to each other, these colored beetles begin to anchor together, forming the Super Docking Beetle when all 6 are present.

The six colored beetles are:

Red Docking Beetle (Head), unusually intelligent for an insect, which makes it good at eluding participants in all sorts of creative ways.

Blue Docking Beetle (Left Arm), which conjures up a small force field in self defense, making it difficult to actually grab it.

Orange Docking Beetle (Right Arm), which sprays an irritant in the form of a gas cloud, one which leaves its victim's blind for approximately 2 hours.

Yellow Docking Beetle (Left Leg), a seriously quick flyer, which makes it necessary for the seeker to have some serious reflexes themselves.

Green Docking Beetle (Right Leg), which hides amongst grass, and does an unusually good job at it.

Black Docking Beetle (Body), slow and large, it likes to sleep under colossal sized rocks.




Forbidden Mineral

"Something unfortunate usually happens to those that carry it around with them." is written for the competitors to see.

And indeed it eventually does. Some time during the scavenger hunt, the participant carrying it is affected by the result of the following table:

Unfortunate Consequences (1d6)

  1. An ability they possess stops functioning at a crucial moment. The ability cannot be used for the rest of the day.

  2. They shrink to the size of a small fruit for the rest of the day.

  3. They become mute, blind, and deaf for the rest of the day.

  4. They become paralyzed from the waist down for the rest of the day.

  5. They become paralyzed from the waist up for the rest of the day.

  6. Their hair begins to mutate into many different unusual, often hazardous things for the rest of the day.




Igiri Mushroom

The Igiri Mushroom grows deep within a cave, projecting a psychic force field which induces an overwhelming sense of doom on anyone within its 500ft. radius, growing only stronger the closer they get; those affected by it feel that certain death is coming for them.

The intensity of the sensation bestowed by the mushroom is unaffected by having knowledge of where it's originating from; it is either too powerful for an individual to continue going deeper into the cave, or it is not.

After having experienced its effects, participants can deduce it is probably being emitted by one of the scavenger hunt's items, even if they don't know it comes from the mushroom itself, seeing as all other items are just as challenging to acquire.

Venturing deeper into the cave despite the feeling produced by it is a matter of will, courage, or mettle.




Ripe Hulkfruit

Dark blue and round, the Hulkfruit are large fruit that grow in rather peculiarly looking trees— seemingly bent as if from the weight of the fruit itself. And indeed they are, because the Hulkfruit becomes heavier and heavier as it ripens, incredibly so, to the point that the tree's powerful grasp on them can hold them no longer. A Ripe Hulkfruit can be found almost swallowed by the ground, no doubt from the impact caused once released from the tree. It cannot be lifted by an average individual, or even one considered to have a decent amount of strength; it takes, perhaps, a hulk of a person, one known for herculean strength.




Green Maestro

This plant is as rare as it is peculiar. Resembling an orchestra's conductor, it holds on it's right arm-like vine a small twig, ready to conduct any musicians present. Any group that approaches it amicably gets handed a naturally grown music sheet out of its leafy coat. Symbols not too hard to interpret (but regardless requiring some sort of relevant roll) reveal a minimum of 5 specific types of musicians must be present for the piece it intends to conduct (those participating in the Scavenger Hunt contest must, naturally, search for musicians specialized in those instruments around game-world, some of them likely requiring favors be done for them in exchange for their participation). And indeed once five are present and ready so, the small conductor signals the commencement of the piece, and off they go. Should all five musicians deliver a solid performance, the Green Maestro begins to glow, performing one last bow to its audience, unrooting itself in the process.

In the case that any participant forcibly takes the Green Maestro, it immediately wilts and becomes invalid for the hunt.




Icarus Nut

This simple seed sleeps inside a nearly indestructible shell; there is generally no other way to break it free than to drop it from a ridiculously high altitude, not necessarily due to its hardness. Whether this consists of taking it to the peak of the highest mountain in your game world (and a difficult peak to reach, perhaps), or whether your game world has no tall enough mountain, requiring some other creative venture, finding out about the requirement is nevertheless the first step, and is most likely information attained through the locals.




Sweet Judgement

"A blue fruit that calls upon a mighty lightning upon being picked. Extremely hazardous." is written for the competitors to see.

Sweet Judgement is a blue fruit with a yellow star that indeed calls forth a powerful lightning strike when picked from the plant it grows from. This bolt of lightning is said to be 100 times stronger than regular lightning, a force that will easily end anyone's life. Sweet Judgement is also ridiculously tough to separate from where it grows; those attempting to find ways to sever its connection remotely will soon find out it requires a great amount of physical force, a simple loose arrow not sufficing.




River-Sculpted Dolphin

River-Sculpted Dolphin is the name of a rare gem that is found at the bottom of an unusually violent river. This gem takes the shape of something that resembles a dolphin only after having been years under the influence of the river's waters. The shape is formed not simply by being in the river, but by being in a particular section of it, one that contains the right kind of rock formation to influence the trajectory of the waters in such a way that it will mold it into the dolphin-like shape. It happens to be so that this particular rock formation is also one of the most dangerous to be around when attempting to somehow dive in and acquire it.




Ghastly Heirloom

A round, foggy gem that would likely to be worth a pretty penny were it not for the fact it is irresistible to all sorts of spooks and specters. Indeed, those that get their hands on this gem will find themselves stalked by phantoms of every kind, finding little peace while it remains in their possession. Naturally, the gem always seems to be found in eerie places...

Letter Taboo's Eliminated Consonants (d21)

d21 Result











































Letter Taboo's Eliminated Vowels (d5)

d5 Result











Random Contest (d9)

Mushi Rally (d1)


Mushi Rally!

Mushi Rally is a gambling contest in which teams of participants bet on racing insects.

A total of 6 insects are prepared to run in a course containing randomized terrain and obstacles.

A group's individuals can each vote for the insect they think will do best in the race.

Points are awarded based on the insect's placing, and each participant's points get added to the group's total score.

The team with the highest score wins the contest.

The amount of points granted by each bug's placing are as follows:

1st: 6

2nd: 4

3rd: 3

4th: 2

5th: 1

6th: 0

7th: 0

The Racers

All 6 racing bugs are distinct from one another, containing their own set of strengths and weaknesses that affect their performance.

Some bug's strengths and weaknesses can be gathered from the way they look, but others are a bit more tricky.

The GM only describes each bug's appearance to the players.

The bugs are as follows:

Big Boy: A large, black stag beetle with powerful looking pincers. Advantage: Breakable obstacles. Disadvantage: Narrow spaces.

Lancelot: This purple bug resembles a lance. It is quite thin and long. Advantage: Narrow spaces. Disadvantage: Climbing-walls.

Hops: A yellow grasshopper with powerful looking legs. Advantage: Climbing walls & breakable obstacles. Disadvantage: Tunnels & narrow spaces.

Stanley: A blue beetle with no particular standout feature. Advantages: None. Weaknesses: None.

Miles: A multicolored millipede, long and leggy. Advantage: Narrow spaces & Climbing-walls. Disadvantage: Breakable obstacles & tunnels.

Bo-bo: One tiny red bug that seems to move by curling up into a ball and rolling around. Advantage: Tunnels. Disadvantage: Climbing-walls.

Silvio Steady: A silver ant that moves steadily at its own pace. Advantage: A long race. Disadvantage: A short race.


Because the participants get to see the course before selecting their bug, they can make educated guests as to which bug they think will perform best in this particular race.

This particular course contains:

{% breakable = {1d4-1} %}{% narrow = {1d4-1} %}{% wall = {1d4-1} %}{% tunnel = {1d4-1} %}

{$breakable} breakable obstacle(s), {$narrow} narrow space(s), {$wall} climbing-wall(s), and {$tunnel} tunnels(s).

The Race

This generator rolls a total of 4d4 dice for each bug, adding 1 additional d4 to that roll for each advantage granted by the course, and subtracting them for each disadvantage.

Each bugs total scores this time are as follow:

Big Boy: Roll 4d4 + {$breakable}d4 - {$narrow}d4

Lancelot: Roll 4d4 + {$narrow}d4 - {$wall}d4

Hops: Roll 4d4 + {$breakable}d4 + {$wall}d4 - {$narrow}d4 - {$tunnel}d4

Stanley: Roll 4d6

MilesRoll 4d4 + {$narrow}d4 + {$wall}d4 - {$breakable}d4 - {$tunnel}d4

Bo-boRoll 4d4 + {$tunnel}d4 - {$wall}d4

Silvio Steady: Roll {$tunnel}d4 + {$wall}d4 + {$breakable}d4 + {$narrow}d4

The GM then narrates the race to completion according to these scores, those with the highest scores finishing the race before those below them.

In case of ties, bugs are awarded the same placing and points.

End Result

This time around, Roll 1d3 other team(s) participated. As the GM, select their choices and calculate their points alongside the PCs' own.

Creature Colosseum (Combat) (d1)


Creature Colosseum! (Combat)

Gladiatorial combat against creatures; personal weapons are not allowed. Competitors must survive until the end of the timer, or until all creatures are defeated.

Participants may choose 1 weapon from the armory to enter the ring with; they aren't in the best condition and could easily break with enough force. The available weapons are: Roll on "All Distinct Weapons (no firearms)" 10 times (unique results only)

Entrants take turns in choosing their weapon.

This time around, combat takes place within a rather large arena that consists of Roll on "Arena Physical Features" that can serve as cover, hiding spots, or high ground, Roll on "Arena Special Feature", and Roll on "Arena Hazards".

The competitors must face a total of Roll 1d10 varied, exotic creature(s), Roll 1d3+2 creatures which are particularly suited to take advantage of the peculiarities within the arena, and Resolve: {a set of elite {reptile|robot|avian|tree}-like hunters that are there to hunt both creatures and the competitors using {highly-advanced weaponry|their numbers to their advantage}|some unusual spheres that follow the competitors around, each one discharging their own unique and unusual effects|some sort of shape-shifting entity that seems to transform into its current prey's perfect enemy|some sort of intelligent, spirit-like entity that can possess both the creatures as well as all miscellaneous features present in the arena|a sort of shape-shifting entity that disguises itself as other competitors}.

Additional weapons are deployed during the event at random, a total of approximately 5, appearing in the following order: Roll on "All Distinct Weapons (no firearms)" 5 times (unique results only).

All left standing (neither unconscious nor taken to the medic) by the end of the timer are granted a reward. Additionally, those that manage to defeat any threats or rescue others from tight situations are granted additional bonus prizes accordingly.

Talent Show (d1)


Talent Show!

Entrants must impress three judges as well as the spectators with their skills. Anything goes, as long as it makes for a good show. Participants must, however, incorporate something related to a randomly chosen theme into their act. This time around the theme is: Resolve: {food|danger|animals|weapons|nature|fire|water|money} !

One of the judges is most easily impressed by raw skill. The other is won over when it is presented in an interesting or creative way. The last one has the GM's own tastes.

Roll 1d5+1 other people are participating in today's show. Only the player with the best overall score earns a reward.

Scavenger Hunt (d1)


Scavenger Hunt!

The contest's host gives each team a list of things that can be acquired from nearby locations. Images accompany each item's name, so that the competitors know roughly what to look for. Some items are accompanied by warnings.

Teams are allowed to steal items from each other.

Resolve: {The first team to bring back every item listed wins.|The team that manages to collect the most items after an hour wins.}

The list of items is as follows:

Roll on "Scavenger Hunt Items" 10 times (unique rows only)

Mini Robo Colosseum (Random) (d2)

Mini Robo Colosseum (Tournament) (d1)


Mini Robo Colosseum! (Tournament)

Entrants are divided into several groups that contain a roughly equal amount of players. They are provided with tools and materials to build a small, combat robot.

This time around, combat is tournament style, robots battling out in 1 on 1 battles.

All players in a team roll 1d4. Any woodworkers, metalworkers, engineers, or any other individuals whose trade is relevant roll an additional d4 each (per person with relevant profession, not per each trade itself). Their results are all summed up, forming the team's Construction Points pool.

Robots have Attributes and Features. Attributes are its base stats, while Features determine what it can do.

Construction Points can be assigned to the following of a robot's attributes:

1.  Durability: Each point assigned to durability adds 1HP.

2.  Offense: Each point assigned to Offense is added as a bonus to a bot's Attack Roll.

3.  Defense: Each point assigned to Defense subtracts any incoming damage, including damage caused by the ring.

4.  Maneuverability: Each point assigned to Maneuverability is added as a bonus to the bot's Maneuver Rolls (for dodging attacks) and its Initiative roll.

Construction Points can also be used to acquire any of the following features:

1.  Ranged [4 points]: Can attack targets up to 2 tiles away, as well as targets using flight.

2.  Armor Piercing [3 points]: The robot's attacks will always ignore 2 points of Defense.

3.  Powerful Knockback [4 points]: The robot's attack pushes their target 1 tile away in the opposite direction.

4.  Improved Movement [4 points]: Allows the robot to move diagonally.

5.  Flight (Special) [4 points]: Flight can only be activated once per battle. After being activated, the robot can only be targeted by other robots currently in flight or by robots with the Ranged feature. A robot remains in flight until the start of its next turn.

6.  Barrier (Special) [4 points]: Barrier can only be activated once per battle. While it remains active, the robot cannot be targeted. Barrier remains up until the start of its next turn.

7.  Magnet (Special) [3 points]: Activating the Magnet pulls the targeted robot towards the user until they're adjacent, if they're not already so. It also prevents the target from being able to move during the next turn.

8.  Teleport (Special) [3 points]: Activating Teleport allows the robot to move to any unoccupied tile. Teleport can be used to escape Magnet.

9.  Self-Repair (Special) [4 points]: When initiated, the robot repairs itself for 1d4 HP.

10. Weight (Special) [3 points]: If used on the ground, it guards against the effects of Powerful Knockback & Magnet for one round. If used during Flight, it immediately brings the robot crashing down onto the ground, damaging all adjacent Robots for 3 Defense-Ignoring damage, while also guarding against the effects of Powerful Knockback & Magnet for one round.

Each team has up to 3 in-game hours to work on their robot. Three (3) other teams have entered the tournament. As the GM, craft the opponent's robots while the players craft their own.

In tournament style competition, robots fight on a 3x3 grid. Robots act in order of highest Initiative to lowest, a 1d4 roll that gets Maneuverability added to its result. On a robot's turn, they may perform 2 actions from the following 3 options: Move, Attack, or Special. The same action can indeed be performed twice.

Move allows the robot to move a total of 1 tile, but only horizontally or vertically.

Attack can be performed on adjacent robots (horizontally, vertically, and diagonally), consisting of opposed 1d4 rolls (Attack vs Maneuver) plus their respective bonuses. If an attack is successful (above the target's Maneuver roll), the difference is applied as damage.

Specials are actions granted by one of the robot's features, specifically those that aren't passively granted.

Today, the combat ring Resolve: {holds no gimmicks|contains spikes in the middle tile, causing 5 damage every time it is stepped on (but not for every turn one remains in it|will cause a randomly selected tile (determined by a 1d8 roll and [this]( image) to light up red at the start of every 3rd round, punishing any robot for 4 damage should they perform any action other than **Move** while on it|spawns a healing spot at a randomly selected tile (determined by a 1d8 roll and [this]( image) at the start of the 3rd round. This healing spot restores the HP of any robot that walks into it by 2, but will also restore their HP by 4 if they happen to remain within it for one full round. Every subsequent 3 rounds that pass cause this healing spot to shift to another randomly chosen tile}. This time around, the tournament is being run as a Resolve: {single elimination bracket|double elimination bracket}.

After every match, teams have enough time to repair their robots back to full HP.

Mini Robo Colosseum (Free For All) (d1)


Mini Robo Colosseum! (Free For All)

Entrants are divided into several groups that contain a roughly equal amount of players. They are provided with tools and materials to build a small, combat robot.

This time around, each team's robots will be fighting each other in free for all combat.

All players in a team roll 1d4. Any woodworkers, metalworkers, engineers, or any other individuals whose trade is relevant roll an additional d4 each (per person with relevant profession, not per each trade itself). Their results are all summed up, forming the team's Construction Points pool.

Robots have Attributes and Features. Attributes are its base stats, while Features determine what it can do.

Construction Points can be assigned to the following of a robot's attributes:

  1. Durability: Each point assigned to durability adds 1HP.

  2. Offense: Each point assigned to Offense is added as a bonus to a bot's Attack Roll.

  3. Defense: Each point assigned to Defense subtracts any incoming damage, including damage caused by the ring.

  4. Maneuverability: Each point assigned to Maneuverability is added as a bonus to the bot's Maneuver Rolls (for dodging attacks).

Construction Points can also be used to acquire any of the following features:

  1. Ranged [4 points]: Can attack targets up to 2 tiles away, as well as targets using flight.

  2. Armor Piercing [3 points]: The robot's attacks will always ignore 2 points of Defense.

  3. Powerful Knockback [4 points]: The robot's attack pushes their target 1 tile away in the opposite direction.

  4. Improved Movement [4 points]: Allows the robot to move diagonally.

  5. Flight (Special) [4 points]: Flight can only be activated once per battle. After being activated, the robot can only be targeted by other robots currently in flight or by robots with the Ranged feature. A robot remains in flight until the start of its next turn.

  6. Barrier (Special) [4 points]: Barrier can only be activated once per battle. While it remains active, the robot cannot be targeted. Barrier remains up until the start of its next turn.

  7. Magnet (Special) [3 points]: Activating the Magnet pulls the targeted robot towards the user until they're adjacent, if they're not already so. It also prevents the target from being able to move during the next turn.

  8. Teleport (Special) [3 points]: Activating Teleport allows the robot to move to any unoccupied tile. Teleport can be used to escape Magnet.

  9. Self-Repair (Special) [4 points]: When initiated, the robot repairs itself for 1d4 HP.

  10. Weight (Special) [3 points]: If used on the ground, it guards against the effects of Powerful Knockback & Magnet for one round. If used during Flight, it immediately brings the robot crashing down onto the ground, damaging all adjacent Robots for 3 Defense-Ignoring damage, while also guarding against the effects of Powerful Knockback & Magnet for one round.

Each team has up to 3 hours to work on their robot. Three (3) other teams have entered the tournament. As the GM, craft the opponent's robots while the players craft their own.

In a free for all bout, all 4 robots fight on a 4x4 grid, one robot stationed in each corner. On a robot's turn, they may perform 2 actions from the following 3 options: Move, Attack, or Special. The same action can indeed be performed twice.

Move allows the robot to move a total of 1 tile, but only horizontally or vertically.

Attack can be performed on adjacent robots (horizontally, vertically, and diagonally), consisting of opposed 1d4 rolls (Attack vs Maneuver) plus their respective bonuses. If an attack is successful (above the target's Maneuver roll), the difference is applied as damage.

Specials are actions granted by one of the robot's features, specifically those that aren't passively granted.

Today, the combat ring Resolve: {holds no gimmicks|is suspended in the air, and any robots that fall off will be considered disqualified from the competition|randomly erects a wall that splits the ring into two for 1 round. At the start of every round, 1d4 is rolled by the GM. On a odd number, the ring is split horizontally. On an even number, it is split vertically. Robots can cross the wall with Flight or Teleport. Ranged attacks cannot go through the wall unless the attacking robot is currently in flight}.

Letter Taboo (d1)


Letter Taboo

Letter Taboo is a game that consists of constructing coherent sentences by using only using the allowed letters of the alphabet. At the start, all letters are available, projected on a wall in front of all competitors. As time goes on, one by one letters are banned from being used, making the construction of sentences more and more difficult. Additionally, the number of words required in the sentence is also increased as time goes on, starting with a minimum of 3.

All competitors partake in the challenge together, taking turns in sharing their sentences. Players must state their sentence the moment they are called upon. As players fail the challenge, they are eliminated from the game, until only 1 participant is left. The only requirement for each sentence is that it meets the minimum word requirement and that it is grammatically correct.

The sole survivor of Letter Taboo is granted the game's reward.

This time around, a total of 1d5+5 other participants have entered the challenge.

Difficulty Pattern

Every time this contest is hosted, the order in which letters are banned changes.

This time around, after every round, the the following consonants are eliminated in the following order: Roll on "Letter Taboo's Eliminated Consonants" 16 times (unique results only).

The minimum word requirement is increased after every 3 rounds.

One vowel is eliminated after every 3 rounds as well, in the following order: Roll on "Letter Taboo's Eliminated Vowels" 4 times (unique results only).

At least 1 vowel and 5 consonants are always left.

Card Booth (d1)


Card Booth

The Card Booth is, in essence, the same concept as the Cash Booth, a prize-game that consists of having each contestant stand inside a phone booth, one in which cash money, or in this case, items represented through cards, are blown through the air at high speeds. The participant has a limited amount of time to grab as many cards as they can, getting winning any items that appear on the cards they catch during their turn.

This time around, the Card Booth is giving a chance to win Resolve: {potions|special ranged weapon ammunition|different types of alcoholic drinks|different types of medicinal plants|various types of crafting materials|minor magical trinkets|specialized tools}, but the participants also have a chance at winning an extremely rare item represented by the Special Card. Exactly one Special Card is thrown into the mix each distinct time the event is hosted; once one of the contestants has managed to acquire the Special Card in any one instance of the event, the other competitors only have a chance at regular prizes.

Players may only participate in the Card Booth exactly once per event, and in this particular case, Resolve: {they must pay a participation fee|participating is absolutely free of charge}.

Participants are only allowed to catch cards with their hands (or their closest equivalent should they not posses any), and they are not allowed to use any special abilities (supernatural, etc.) or gadgets to assist them. Whether the hosts of the Card Booth contest have any way of detecting if any participants are indeed using any tricks in the first place, however, is left up to the Game Master.


The mechanics of the game are simple. Once in the booth, participants get to make a total of 10 consecutive d20 rolls that that determine how many cards the player is able to grab with each attempt. Any appropriate modifiers or natural abilities belonging to the system being played on are adapted and applied at the GM's discretion. Aside from increasing a roll's result, some modifiers, such as those related to speed, may even grant the participant additional roll attempts.

The more cards the participant already holds in their hands, catching additional cards becomes a bit trickier, suffering -2 on any further attempts at catching new cards per each card currently being held on to. To make catching cards easier again, between each attempt, participants may choose to drop any number of cards they currently possess. If content with the cards they currently posses— not wanting to risk losing them to unfortunate rolls— the player may also choose to forfeit any remaining attempts at catching cards.

The Rolls

A natural 1 causes the participant to accidentally drop all the cards they have managed to grab so far.

A 1-5 causes the participant to accidentally drop 1 random card they possess, chosen at random with a dice roll.

A 6-10 simply means the participant does not catch any new cards with their attempt.

A 11-15 nets them exactly 1 card.

A 15-19 nets them a total of 2 cards.

A total of 20 or more nets them a total of 3 cards. (Usually only possible with positive modifiers).

Finally, a Natural 20, and only a Natural 20, nets them the Special Card that was thrown into the mix. If a previous contestant has already claimed the Special Card (or if they have already caught it themselves), the participant manages to catch 5 Cards instead.

The items earned by each successful roll must be randomly generated or chosen by the GM.

Today, the Special Prize granted by the Special Card is Resolve: {a masterwork version of a {weapon|instrument|tool} that one of members of the party uses|a rare {tool|magic item|potion} with a convenient {traversal|survival|language|vocal|strength|fire|water|wind|electric|music|speed|flight|illusory|distance|size|animal}-related effect}, and is advertised to all potential participants prior to being hosted.

Greed (d1)



A number of random cards representing different items, equal to the number of participants, as well as one Special Card linked to a very special prize, are all lined up next to each other on a long table in front of everyone. The contestants are handed a total of 5 Selection Stars and a Selection Clipboard for use during this contest. Contestants can assign any number of these Selection Stars to the cards lined up in front of them by placing them next to each item's name as they appear on the personal clipboard they received. Once all stars are assigned, the hosts of the contest verify everyone's clipboard and the participant that assigns the most stars on any given card gets to keep the item it represents. However, in the case of a tie, no one gets to keep the card! Players must choose between risking a tie for the most sought-after items, or guaranteeing a victory with a modest choice.

This time around, they're giving a chance to win Resolve: {potions|specialized ranged weapon ammunition|different types of alcoholic drinks|different types of medicinal plants|various types of crafting materials|minor magical trinkets|specialized tools}.

Participants are not allowed to confer amongst themselves once the rules are explained and the cards revealed, or in other words, players that belong to a group are not allowed to coordinate their efforts in an attempt to win the most cards.

Likewise, without discussing it amongst each other, players must write down the cards they have applied Selection Stars to on a piece of paper, revealing their choices to the GM at the end of the game.

NPC Participants & Their Choices

This time around, Resolve: {3|4|5} entrants other than the PCs are participating.

Resolve: {At least one of them assigns all 5 of their Selection Stars on the special prize.|The highest number of Stars any of them assign to the Specified Slot Card is 4.}

Resolve: {One player assigns each of their 5 Stars to different cards.|Every participant assigns, at the very least, 2 or more Stars to their choices.}


Today, the Special Prize granted by the Special Card is Resolve: {a masterwork version of a {weapon|instrument|tool} that one of members of the party uses|a rare {tool|magic item|potion} with a convenient {traversal|survival|language|vocal|strength|fire|water|wind|electric|music|speed|flight|illusory|distance|size|animal}-related effect}, and is advertised to all potential participants prior to being hosted.

Creature Colosseum (Balloon Challenge) (d1)


Creature Colloseum! (Balloon Challenge)

A timed survival challenge that has the competitors evading creatures and entities in whichever way they can.

Participants are each given three balloons to keep safe from creatures and entities that will attempt to burst them. As long as one of their balloons survives until the the timer runs out, they win the game.

Participants that have lost any of their balloons are allowed to steal some from other participants, but they may not have more than 3 on them at any time.

This time around, the challenge takes place within a rather large arena that contains Roll on "Arena Physical Features" that can serve as cover, hiding spots, or high ground, Roll on "Arena Special Feature", and Roll on "Arena Hazards".

The competitors must face a total of Roll 1d10 varied, exotic creature(s), Roll 1d3+1 creatures which are particularly suited to take advantage of the peculiarities within the arena, and Resolve: {a set of elite {reptile|robot|avian|tree}-like hunters that are there to hunt both creatures and the competitors|some unusual spheres that follow the competitors around, each one discharging their own unique and unusual effects|and some sort of shape-shifting entity that seems to transform into its current prey's perfect enemy|some sort of intelligent, spirit-like entity that can possess both the creatures as well as all miscellaneous features present in the arena}.

All participants that have at least one balloon by the end of the game are given their own copy of the main price. Participants are also given additional bonus prizes for each additional balloon they have (up to 2). Finally, any participants that manage to hold on to all 3 of their original balloons earn a special price.

Creature Colosseum! (Guardians & Hunters) (d1)


Creature Colosseum! (Guardians & Hunters)

A challenge in which participants are each assigned both a creature they must hunt and one they must protect. Each creature assigned for protection is another participant's assigned prey.

Competitors may attempt to sabotage each other directly, but they are not allowed to do so by explicitly lethal means. Only those who have both managed to keep their assigned creature alive while also having managed to defeat their pray win.

The challenge takes place within a rather large arena that contains Resolve: {some large rock pillars|steel walls|large skeletal remains|large plants|several sets of trenches and bunkers|several large trees|large pieces that were taken from some ruins} that competitors can attempt to use for cover or high ground, Resolve: {a small waterfall in its center|a large glowing {red|blue|green|yellow|orange} crystal that moves around randomly blinding competitors with a bright sort of light-beam|a spring in its center|a crumbling stone tower in its center|some sort of large rampaging mechanical tentacle in its center}, and Resolve: {no particular form of traps or hazards|some small explosive mines that camouflage well with the ground|several spike strips scattered across the ground|several {spike|lava|tar|acid} pits spaced across the ground|several pits of quicksand scattered across the ground|some particularly nasty exotic plants, some which can easily bring harm to both the competitors and the creatures let lose|some spinning blade traps that will surely shred anything that comes close to it|several strips of trip-wire tied to random locations}.

The creatures that will be assigned can be adapted from any resources compatible with the system being played on for the campaign, otherwise they consist of the following randomly chosen creatures:

A large armadillo-like creature with an incredibly thick and sturdy shell that leaves a trail of Resolve: {fire|acid|caltrops|strong adhesive|unusually slippery oil|extremely toxic chemicals|extremely potent, nauseating chemicals} as it rolls around.

A simian-like creature with potent telekinetic powers.

A large, plant-like insect that's phenomenal at camouflaging in any sort of surrounding.





In addition to these creatures, the arena will also contain Resolve: {a set of elite {reptile|robot|avian|tree}-like hunters that are there to hunt both creatures and the competitors. Any takedowns they make do not count towards the competitor that was assigned the defeated creature as their prey|some unusual spheres that follow the competitors around, each one discharging their own unique and unusual effects|some sort of mischievous, spirit-like entity that can possess both creatures as well as all miscellaneous features present in the arena}.

Arena Physical Features (d21)

d21 Result


some large stone pillars


several Resolve: {steel|stone|wooden} walls and structures


large skeletal remains


large plants


several sets of trenches and bunkers


several large trees


several large structures that were taken from some ruins


several moving walls arranged in a maze-like structure


a dense, Resolve: {jungle|forest}-like environment with several features


a maze garden-like environment with several features


a junkyard-like environment with several features


a tropical island-like environment with several features


a dungeon-like environment with several features


a swamp-like environment with several features


a construction-like area with several features


a varied environment with different biomes that have several features


an icy, slippery environment with several features


a snowy environment with several features


a cave-like environment with several features


an abandoned facility-like environment with several features


a power-plant-like environment with several features

Arena Special Feature (d21)

d21 Result


a small waterfall in its center


a large glowing Resolve: {red|blue|green|yellow|orange} crystal Resolve: {that moves around randomly blinding competitors with a bright sort of light-beam|in the center that generates violent weather that changes every 60 seconds}


a spring in its center


a crumbling stone tower in its center


some sort of large rampaging mechanical tentacle in its center


a device in the center that discharges a ring of Resolve: {fire|electricity} every 60 seconds


a huge, powerful, rotating fan in the center


some sort of large, metal rod in the center that constantly calls down lightning strikes on random locations


a few unmanned balistas in key locations


a few portals that link different sections together


an underground device that generates a small earthquake every 30-or-so seconds


a powerful geyser that launches scalding water at random locations


an abandoned building that has 5 floors in its center


an underground device that somehow mutes all sound within the area


some randomly placed boost pads that allow competitors to more easily reach high places


a large section in the middle that opens up, transforming into a sort of pool


a huge rampaging round boulder propelled by a mysterious force


a really large pine-tree in the center


a really large tree in the center from which weapons, tools, and miscellaneous hazards will occasionally rain down from


a large pool of water with a capsized boat in the center


a sort of energy field that prevents competitors from saying anything or even making a sound

Arena Hazards (d18)

d18 Result


some small explosive mines that camouflage well with the ground


several spike strips scattered across the ground


several Resolve: {spike|lava|tar|acid} pits spaced across the ground


several pits of quicksand scattered across the ground


some particularly nasty exotic plants, some which can easily bring harm to both the competitors and the creatures let lose


some spinning blade traps that will surely shred anything that comes close to them


several strips of trip-wire tied to random locations


a dense fog that makes it hard to see anything more than 5ft. away


some thick electric cables scattered all across the floor, capable of dealing a deadly shock


several elemental traps hidden throughout


several strange bubbles that slow down time for those that enter them, moving throughout different sections


several miniature clouds that rain down unusual hazards, including acid rain, caltrops, some sort of unusually sticky substance, and others.


several snare traps


several electric fences that divide it into different areas


several trap vents that launch fire at those that walk within range


several trap vents that launch a freezing wind at those that walk within range


several trap vents that launch a dizzying gas at those that walk within range


several electric panels that will shock those that unknowingly come in contact with them