4 Random Abandoned Space: Closed (d100)

d100 Result



Addict Trap- Addicts live here and have built traps to catch unwary explorers so they can be robbed. Typical traps include holes in the floors that people can fall through and holes in the ceiling that rocks can be thrown through. The traps are, by necessity, poorly lit.


Brothel- Looks normal from the outside, but behind reinforced doors and boarded-up windows the place is clean and cozy. There are comfy couches and beds. Pirated electricity (or a small generator) feeds electric lights.
The workers appear to be Resolve: {fine|fine|safe|safe|happy|happy|well-cared for|well-cared for|unconcerned|held against their will}


Burned Out- The building has suffered from a fire. It smells acrid and bitter. Inside, everything is black and brittle and rains blackened pieces down on the slightest touch. People walking here get black smudges on their shoes that leave tracks


Cult- A small cult has taken over this abandoned space. They live and worship here, typically only leaving to recruit new members.


15-17 Drug Manufacturing- A Drug Lord manufacturing team has taken over this space and have set-up complicated contraptions on small folding tables connected by rubber tubing. Buckets full of toxic waste are strewn about and greasy stains cover the walls and ceiling.
It appears as if they Resolve: {moved in recently.|have been here a while.|have been here a while.|moved in recently.|been here a long time.|need to relocate soon, likely due to the pollution.}


Drug Sales - A pusher gang has taken over this space and local addicts know to come here to buy drugs. Addicts also do their drugs here and almost every available space has a homeless addict, high on drugs, curled up in a semi-sleeping state.


Flooded - The interior of this place has several feet of water. It is dark murky, has pieces of trash and human or animal waste floating in it. Basement areas, if there are any, are completely underwater


 Gang Hangout/Lookout - Gang members have taken over this place and use it as a hangout. From windows on the upper floors they may look out over the area. The walls are covered with gang graffiti and messages cut in with knives. Old folding chairs, old drink and food containers and cigarette butts show the human presence.
The area is currently Resolve: {occupied by the Roll on "Random Gang Selector (all)"|empty|empty (If not in gang turf can use Graffiti DCvs25 to reveal the area belongs to the Roll on "Random Gang Selector (all)")}


 Graffiti Mural - Every bit of the interior is covered with one or more writers’ artistic masterpiece.


Mauler Addict Den - Animal-like Mauler addicts sleep here in a huddle among scraps of old paper and cloth that they pull over themselves for warmth. They relieve themselves in the corners of the building and the place reeks terribly.
During the day the pack goes out and prowls, only the wounded and sick stay behind. At night there is Roll 3d4 Mauler Addicts who may attack upon spotting the PCs


Squatters: Resolve: {Roll 2d3|Roll 2d4|Roll 3d4} Addicts - A group of addicts spend their evenings here. Typically they have blockaded almost all the entrances and people must enter by crawling through a small hole. The addicts have done almost nothing to make the place habitable: it is cold, dirty, dark and filled with trash and used drug paraphernalia. If they are lucky, the addicts have old bug-infested mattresses to sleep on.


Squatters: Crazy - A mentally ill homeless person lives here. He or she is probably paranoid and has spent a lot of time securing the area with barricades, traps and hidden sleeping places. There may be bizarre altars or graffiti versions of the crazy’s unintelligible ramblings.


 Squatters: Street Family - Members of a large and successful street family ( Roll on "Unborn Family" ) has taken over and lives in this place. Outside it looks normal, but inside it is more luxurious than many well apartments. The space has well-conceived furniture, heating and lighting systems and decorations. The place either has pirated running water or plastic buckets (some have clean water in them; others are air-tight and are used for waste). A makeshift fireplace provides heat and warmth. Up to Resolve: {Roll 3d4|Roll 4d5|Roll 1d3|Roll 2d6} Members of the homeless family can be found here any hours of the day and will defend the house against robbers. During the evenings people play old-fashioned acoustic instruments to create a pleasant background noise.


Squatters: Street People - A group of Roll on "Unborn Non-Family, Housing chart."  lives here. Typically, these places are nicer than where addicts live but not as nice as where street families live. Some homeless people keep their places clean, others let them fill up with trash until they are forced to move out.


Trash Pile: Fresh - Street People (and a few landlords who don’t want to pay for garbage removal) have been dumping their trash here. The garbage is fresh, it reeks and the pile is infested with rats.


Trash Pile: Old - People used to dump trash here, but have stopped. The place is filled with waist-high (or higher) piles of trash. Organic materials have all been consumed by rats, insects and microorganisms. Anything of value has been removed by scroungers.


 Unused - Nobody has a set use for this place. People might sleep or hang out here occasionally, and there is some graffiti, old beer bottles and cigarette butts lying around.


 Wild Dog Den - A pack of Roll 2d3 dogs sleep here and the place is littered with old feces.