Travellers in the Woods (d6)

d6 Name Occupation Desire Why they are in the Woods


Yana Arian


To be cured

Traveling to Woodfall to be cured of an unknown illness they have contracted.


Angelo Thompson



Angelo has been hiding in the forest, flipping an enchanted coin endlessly. When it lands on heads, wealth appears, but every time it lands on tails, something terrible happens and the wealth vanishes.


Eshe Okeke

Alchemist / Merchant

To find a rare plant

Eshe travels far and wide looking for rare plants and selling potions to fund her travels. She offers discounted healing potions.


Roger Hawthorn

Ambassador of the Forest

Order in the woods

Roger serves the great tree god and will charge all people traveling through the woods a levy equal to half the wealth they carry or place a magical curse on them. Unknown to Roger, the tree god he has served for years is actually the scathlings playing a trick on him.


Dominika Ivanov

Monster Hunter

To be the best hunter in the land

Dominika tracks and kills monsters in the dark wood and sells their cores to witches in Woodfall. She lives in a giant tree and sets elaborate monster traps. She will become friendly towards players if they prove themselves, skillfull monster hunters.



In their dimensions: Grobler (someone who transport grobles)

To return home

Alex is an autnomous, magical, metal construct wh rides a reindeer and accidentally got transported here from another dimension. To return they have to make something that was never completed whole.