Crooked Inn - Rumors (d10)

d10 Result


There used to be a lot more necromancers here, but there was a division and one group was banished from the village because their ideals were too extreme. Some say they did not move far and are living in the dark forest (True: Revolutionary Corpse Council)


They say there is a tribe of monsters in the forest that catch people and transform them into monsters (Partial truth: mutant clan)


If you come upon a glowing flower in the woods and pick it, your soul will be trapped forever. (Partial truth: Soul Flower)


Many things that are left in the swamp go missing, even if they are hidden. (True: swamp treasure creature)


A troll lives somewhere in the swamp, and it guards a horde of treasure (Partial truth: The Troll has no treasure)


They say there is a kingdom spy amongst us (True)


A clan of goblins lives in the swamp. When the witches first came to the swamp there were skirmishes with the goblins, but the goblins feared and respected the witches' magic so the fighting stopped. When the soldiers came and evicted us, the goblins helped to drive them away. But lately, the goblins have become hostile again. (True)


They say druids are living deep in the woods who worship a forest god (True: Cult of the Stag)


One of the wells in the town has dried up and nobody knows why. (True: Gert's Well)


There is an old mansion out there on the swamp. Folk used to use it as a retreat, but people who went there started disappearing so nobody goes there anymore. (True: Bog Witches Mansion)