Violet Club (d10)

d10 Result


Androgynous and proud, Club Violet is Marion's personal fief. They

know everyone worth knowing, and are deeply connected to Los

Angeles’ various subcultures.


A tall, slender man wearing a neatly-trimmed goatee and dark

hair falling straight down the middle of his back, he is an excellent

dancer. Every hour or so he takes short breaks to vape and drink some

club soda with lime.


Pink top, white skirt, and golden trainers. Monica is definitely in the

wrong club. She is looking around her, bewildered and confused. She

is happy to talk to anyone not dressed in black


"I've got white, brown, and green. Whatever you need."

He talks quickly, thinks quickly, and quickly becomes your best

friend, as long as you want to buy his merchandise.


She moves with the grace of a feather and the strength of a lion. There

is a crowd watching her, entranced.


His university blazer makes him stick out like a sore thumb. The fact

that he's recording everything on his phone makes it worse. It's clear

that nobody likes this guy.


The couch is her throne. The queen of the Violet Club meets with

those willing to pay her respects before taking the dance floor.


His shoes, his watch, and his phone point out how much he doesn't

really belong. While he has some moves, he has to stop to catch his

breath every five minutes.


She's staring at her bourbon, her body shaking. She doesn't belong

here, but she doesn't care. She's clearly in shock.


His eyeliner isn’t right, his clothes don’t quite fit, and his boots look

too new. He moves awkwardly, watching everyone without engaging.
