1d12 Magic Mushrooms / Potions (d12)

d12 Result


A mushroom that when eaten makes you grow extra arms for d6 turns (and lets you make use of that sweet "Appendage Alteration" token from Bernpyle #2)


A mushroom that when eaten causes you to shrink to the size of an ant for d6 turns. (HT @isaacYesterday via discord)


The Jeckleshroom: After eating this mushroom, set aside your character sheet and roll up a new character of the same level. For d6 turns, you are now this character. (HT @HatbringerYesterday via discord)


The Chuckshroom: after eating this mushroom, you become Mouse Norris for d4 turns. (HT @rascataplanToday via discord)


The bumbling barbarian shroom. You are stronger but can't control it very well. Advantage on all STR rolls and disadvantage on all DEX rolls. (HT @ellohirToday via discord)


Balloonshroom - puffball mushroom. When eaten it causes your head to inflate to a massive size but become buoyant. Fall from a great height and you drift to the ground, float over traps, walk on water but getting through a door way is a bit of a squeeze. (HT @HipposyncraticToday via discord)


Babelshroom: you can understand all languages for a watch - be it animal speaking, magic runes, and even human writing. You lose the ability after the time expires, but you don't lose the meaning of what you read (HT @lestrigoneToday via discord)


a mushroom that grows 1d4 rations on your body in the form of ... mushrooms. Eating these rations can have the side effect of giving the same disposition or tics as the substrate :mushroom: (HT @Arnaud via discord)


you can talk to plants for the duration of a watch. Others looking at you only see you babbling nonsense, and can't hear the plant answer. Takes some real effort to get a plant to say anything useful. (HT @GioilMagoToday via discord)


Spoungeform Morels - your flesh temporarily becomes soft spoungy fungus. Armour 2 but vulnerable to fire. (HT @HipposyncraticToday via discord)


Enervating hyphoshroom. Fly into a furious blinding rage. You have Advantage on all STR saves, you have Advantage on all saves to be influenced, you deal +1 damage, and you have +1 armour for 2d6 rounds. When the effects end, take the Hungry, Exhausted, and Mad conditions. (HT @Raekai via discord)


Broomshroom (long stalk with broom shaped cap, i.e. flip this emoji to be handle down :broom:). After ingesting this mushroom you become hyper-focused on cleaning. Role-play cleaning the immediate surroundings intensely while ignoring any protests or distractions for d4 turns and take the exhausted condition. (HT @machinic via discord)