BirthDefect (d6)

d6 Disability Effect


No Arms

Character cannot cast Component spells, use handed weapons or shields, but can use ranged weapons small enough to be thrown with the feet. Typically, under 1/3 of a hex.


No Legs

Characters move is reduced by 60% and cannot run. In order to ride any animal, they must be tied to it.


Leg length discrepancy

One leg is shorter than the other. Must use a cane to walk, move reduced by 30% and run (more of a lope) by 50%


Cleft Lip/Palate

Reduce Charisma by 40% as well as adjusting all related Sub-Abilities. Must talk with a lisp and may be hard to understand at times.


Spine Curvature

Reduce Carry and Encumbrance by 60%, reduce Agility by 30% as well as adjusting all associated Sub-Abilities.