Guild of Adventurers

This chart uses input variables

The Roll on "Adventurers Guild Name" is a place where adventurers might find quests, perform research, gather equipment, share stories and hire party members and temps.

Prominent groups include...{%for i in range from: 1 to:{1d4}%}
* Roll on "Adventuring Group Names"{%end%}

Available quests include...
{% questNum={{$quests}} %}
{%for i in range from: 1 to:{$questNum}%}
... Roll on "Simple Quest - Using Shared Tables"


Prominent Groups (d6)

d6 Result


Prominent groups include Roll on "Adventuring Group Names" and Roll on "Adventuring Group Names"


Prominent groups include Roll on "Adventuring Group Names" and Roll on "Adventuring Group Names"


Prominent groups include Roll on "Adventuring Group Names" and Roll on "Adventuring Group Names"


Prominent groups include Roll on "Adventuring Group Names", Roll on "Adventuring Group Names" and Roll on "Adventuring Group Names"


Prominent groups include Roll on "Adventuring Group Names", ,Roll on "Adventuring Group Names", Roll on "Adventuring Group Names" and Roll on "Adventuring Group Names"